


"Ugh … My head" Head throbbing and eyes closed shut, he tried to drown out all sounds to get more rest. Yet, those damnable screens kept waking him up. Demanding his attention.


'That infernal sound just won't be quiet! Constantly badgering me for the last hour.'

Opening his eyes, he finds those horrible screens that were making all this noise. His head was throbbing from pain he could not fathom why he had. While the constant noise just made everything worse.

It felt like someone was screaming in his ears! Making his skull crack from the pain.

System -

Modification –

The Curse of Ragual – Blessing of Astra

Attributes Gained – Racial Boost

Strength – 35 + 35

Endurance – 30 + 10

Constitution – 20 + 15

Intelligence – 23 + 35

Wisdom – 27 + 25

Charisma – 20 + 5

Finally reading the screen, he exclaims in surprise,

"Woah… I am strong! Now I can start my plan to subjugate the entire world!" Laughing madly, he tries to get up from the floor… only to slip and hit his head on the corner of a drawer.


"Ugh, that hurt!" Looking up at the culprit of his recent pain, which was only visible due to the candles and torches set around his tent, he noticed a black drawer made of wood. It would have been an amazing piece of furniture if the corner was not destroyed where his horns hit as he fell.

Sitting up, he noticed that he was in a rather large and luxurious tent, very unlike what he was in previously,

'What did they call them? Ah! Yes, pavilions.'

Looking around he saw that he actually had a bed made of what seemed to be feathers and covered with thick blankets of red and white to make it feel softer and more comfortable.

'Guess I fell off while sleeping because I did not wake up to the softness of these blankets, rather the hard floor'

He also noticed that there was a set of clothes neatly folded up on the drawer he destroyed. As he looked closer, he noticed that they were actually the clothes the goddess had given him in that potato sack.

'Wasn't I wearing them?'

Looking down he noticed something that was glaringly obvious, he was stark naked. While he was putting on the clothes he opened the top drawer and found his coins and the shiny electrifying rock as well. As he finished dressing and putting everything that was his into the pockets, the screens popped up again. This time it was something that made him in a much happier mood.


System -

Modifications –

The Curse of Ragual – Blessing of Astra -

Affinities – Earth – Great Affinity

You will receive two random affinities – Racial trait -

Random Affinity 1 – Fire – Natural -

Random Affinity 2 – Darkness – Strong -

Eyes sparkling, he laid back down on the floor and spread his hands out as he began imagining all the things he can do with Magic!

After half an hour of daydreaming, he decided that he needed to check out his surroundings. He needed to learn where he was, where the closest city was located, and most importantly … where can he get some Food!


Patting his aching stomach, he tried to stand up again on his wobbly legs. Unaccustomed to walking with such large and powerful legs, he stumbles towards the tent flap. Falling out, he was met with the surprised yells of two guards standing in front of his tent. They both wore a matching set of white armor with an insignia of a lion roaring in a shield on the center of their breastplates, almost completely covering it up. He could only see them due to the many campfires that were placed all around the camp. But, what caught his attention the most about them was the fact that they were pointing at him with what appeared to be extremely 'sharp' and ornate spears. The spears each had a large gem right where the spearhead connected with the shaft, which started to glow when they got into an aggressive stance.

"Hi?" He tried to break the tension, but by the way, the guards started to grip their spears even harder, he utterly failed. Smiling as widely as possible to seem trustworthy, he says, "Umm… Can I get some food? I am quite hungry."

The guards stepped back as they saw a wicked smile spreading across his face instead of the disarming one he attempted.

One of the guards gathered their courage and stuttered,

"Th…The G..General will want to meet y..you."

Looking at them sheepishly he exclaims,

"Well, there is a problem …"

"A problem?" The second guard asked,

Smiling bashfully, he continues,

"Yes, as you can see, I am on the ground … and I don't seem to be able to fully control my body just yet so…"


Harold and his family were sitting together with Ronald at the center of the camp. They were talking as they eagerly waited for the chef to finish cooking. For the past hour, they were teased with a plethora of amazing smells reaching them from a few tents down where the chef was stationed.

The chef was a beastkin slave of a feline variety the general did not recognize. He had been with the Winsten family for over thirty years. Earning a name, something considered an honor for any slave, due to his skills in the kitchen and the General's first daughter's love of food. They called him Aifen.

Serving loyally, Harold decided that he would take him with the other slaves and servants when he left his noble home in the duchies capital due to the constant politicking of his close family. Always striving to strip him of his title as a middle noble due to some perceived insult.

"Finally!" Lana exclaimed as she can be seen drooling at the sight of the multiple platers that Aifen and his apprentices carried towards them. Each one was filled to the brim with a different type of food. One by one they were placed around a large table.

"This course might not be as good as I usually make them because of the lack of a true kitchen to cook with. My sincerest apologies, Lady Lana" Aifen says as he bows down with a straight back, waiting to be allowed to rise.

With an enormous smile, Lana waves his concern away,

"You will never disappoint, Aifen! Your cooking is always the best!"

Harold smiled at the only time his stoic daughter ever truly showed emotion ever since his wife died so many years ago. It reminded her of the times she had with her mother and the food she used to make occasionally. His wife was the one that took Aifen in and taught him how to cook, teaching him everything she knew before leaving all courses of food to him.

Suddenly, a large commotion can be heard farther out in the camp. Turning around in his seat, he finds the one situation he had hoped would not happen. He looks on as two guards were pulling, what seemed to be an unconscious Raug with his head hanging down, towards him. While behind them was the Guard Captain walking with a pale face and his hand gripping the pommel of his sword.

Without warning, the Raug looks up with open eyes.

Red eyes, that seemed to glow, took everything and everyone in with a brief look. Judging them and finding them all inadequate.

The tension made them feel as if they were walking in water until it was all broken when the Raug started to clear his throat, slowly speaking he says,

"Everyone needs to calm down… I am not a demon! I just... look like… one?" Laughing uncertainly, the Raug tried to shrug his shoulders.

Harold looked towards Roland who already had his battle staff with him and ready in a defensive stance. On the other hand, both his daughters were stuck in their spots afraid to move.

"Wait a minute!" The Raug screamed startling everyone around him, "I know you!", he pushed away the two guards as he stood on wobbly legs and pointed at Sarah, "You're the lady that kept throwing those fireballs at me!"

Slowly a wicked smile began to form on his face as he attempted to walk towards Sarah with his wobbly feet, without thinking Harold unsheathed his sword and got into an aggressive stance ready to strike at any moment to defend his daughter.

But, unlike what he thought was going to happen, the Raug suddenly got on one knee and looked hopeful towards Sarah, finally exclaiming "Can…Can you teach me!" His sudden statement made everyone watching absolutely confused.

Sarah looked at him incredulously, not knowing what was going on, as she finally gathers her thoughts, the first thing that comes out of her mouth was …


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Kazi223creators' thoughts