
Awakening the Dragon

Li Wei, a young boy with no apparent martial arts talent, endures constant ridicule and hardship. One night, after being thrown out of his Clan, he stumbles upon a mysterious scroll. The scroll contains a martial arts system that allows him to instantly master any technique he sees. With this newfound power, Li Wei sets out to prove his worth and claim the title of the number one martial arts genius. But his newfound power came with a price, and he would soon discover that the path to becoming a martial arts genius was filled with danger and challenges.

Kelvin_David_7753 · Urban
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10 Chs

The Path of shadows

Chapter 8: The Path of Shadows

The path to the central plains was treacherous and winding, stretching through dense forests, steep mountain passes, and ancient ruins that spoke of a bygone era. Li Wei had never ventured this far from home, but he felt an unexpected thrill coursing through him as he traveled with his new companions, Jian, Lin, Bo, and Mei. Each step they took brought them closer to the artifact that the Ji Sect had lost—an ancient item rumored to contain a fragment of immortal energy.

The journey began with camaraderie and shared stories. Jian was the leader of the group, a calm and composed warrior with a knack for strategic planning. Lin was a skilled archer, her keen eyes able to spot threats from miles away. Bo was the muscle, his brute strength often the deciding factor in battles, and Mei was the healer, her gentle touch capable of mending even the deepest wounds.

Li Wei admired their unity and teamwork, a stark contrast to the isolation he had felt in the Li Clan. Despite his new powers from the Scroll of Nirvanic Rebirth and the Immortal Cultivation System, he still felt like an outsider. He kept his distance, observing how they interacted and shared tasks. It wasn't long before he realized that he needed to prove himself if he was to earn their trust.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the atmosphere grew tense. The trees loomed like ancient sentinels, their branches casting eerie shadows that danced in the moonlight. Strange sounds echoed through the underbrush, hinting at unseen creatures watching them from the darkness.

"We should be careful," Jian warned one night as they set up camp. "These woods are known to harbor bandits and rogue cultivators. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Li Wei nodded, his senses alert. The Scroll of Nirvanic Rebirth had taught him about the different cultivation stages, but he knew there were more mysteries to uncover. The Immortal Cultivation System allowed him to copy skills, but he hadn't yet mastered them. He practiced in secret, hoping to catch up to his companions' level of expertise.

Their journey took them to an ancient temple, rumored to be the last known location of the artifact. The temple was in ruins, its stone walls crumbling, but there was an aura of power that lingered in the air. Jian led the way, his sword drawn, as they entered the temple's main hall. The walls were covered in faded murals depicting battles and scenes of cultivation, hinting at the temple's former glory.

But they were not alone. As they ventured deeper into the temple, they heard voices echoing through the corridors. A group of rogue cultivators had taken up residence, their leader a man named Dong Yan, who is known to be the most loyal follower of Zhang Jianyu, known for his ruthless tactics and desire for power. He was rumored to have ties to the Black Lotus Clan, the same clan that had targeted Li Wei and his companions during their previous journey.

The Black Lotus Clan was a name spoken in hushed tones across the central plains. It was a shadowy organization, known for its ruthless operations and extensive network of spies, mercenaries, and corrupt officials. The clan's influence stretched far and wide, from the smallest villages to the grandest cities, and its roots ran deep into the underbelly of the martial arts world.

Founded decades ago by a disgraced cultivator named Heishan, the Black Lotus Clan grew from a small band of outcasts and exiles into a formidable force. Heishan's philosophy was simple: strength through any means necessary. This ideology attracted those who had been rejected by traditional clans and sects, individuals with talent but no moral compass. They embraced the Black Lotus Clan's code of survival and power at any cost.

The clan's emblem, a black lotus flower, was a symbol of beauty with a dark and deadly core. It adorned the weapons and attire of its members, serving as a warning to those who crossed them. The clan operated from hidden bases throughout the central plains, constantly moving to avoid detection by the major sects and clans. Its secrecy made it nearly impossible for the authorities to shut it down, allowing it to thrive in the shadows.

The Black Lotus Clan specialized in illicit activities, from smuggling and extortion to assassination and blackmail. They were notorious for their connections to corrupt officials, who provided protection in exchange for bribes and favors. This network allowed the clan to manipulate events to its advantage, often influencing the outcome of martial arts tournaments and sect rivalries.

Leadership within the Black Lotus Clan was hierarchical and brutal. At the top was the Grandmaster, a figure shrouded in mystery. Few had seen his face, and those who had rarely lived to tell the tale. Beneath the Grandmaster were the Lotus Commanders, each responsible for a different region of the central plains. These commanders wielded significant power, enforcing the clan's will with an iron fist.

One of the most feared Lotus Commanders was Zhang Jianyu, a man known for his mastery of dark cultivation techniques. His rise to power was marked by a trail of bodies and shattered clans. Zhang Jianyu had a reputation for being cold and calculating, his ambition driven by a desire to become the next Grandmaster. He was ruthless in his pursuit of power, willing to eliminate anyone who stood in his way.

The Black Lotus Clan's interest in the artifact sought by Li Wei and his companions was a sign of its broader ambitions. The artifact was said to contain a map leading to an ancient cultivation ground, a place where legends trained to achieve immortality. If the Black Lotus Clan gained access to this knowledge, it could tip the balance of power in their favor, giving them an unprecedented advantage over the major sects and clans.

Zhang Jianyu's involvement in the search for the artifact was no coincidence. He saw it as a means to solidify his position within the Black Lotus Clan and, perhaps, challenge the Grandmaster's authority. His ruthless tactics and dark cultivation methods made him a formidable adversary, one who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

The Black Lotus Clan's reach extended far beyond its hidden bases. Its spies were everywhere, listening to conversations in crowded markets, infiltrating sect meetings, and gathering intelligence on potential threats. The clan's network allowed it to strike with precision and disappear without a trace, leaving its enemies bewildered and terrified.

For Li Wei and his companions, encountering the Black Lotus Clan was a stark reminder of the dangers that lay ahead. The clan's presence cast a shadow over their journey, a constant threat that forced them to stay vigilant. The battle with Zhang Jianyu trusted follower, Dong Yan, in the ancient temple was just the beginning, and Li Wei knew that the clan would not rest until they had the artifact in their hands.

The Black Lotus Clan's influence over the central plains was a source of fear and uncertainty. The major sects and clans often hesitated to confront them directly, fearing the clan's retribution. This reluctance allowed the Black Lotus Clan to operate with impunity, further entrenching its power.

As Li Wei's journey continued, he understood that facing the Black Lotus Clan would require more than just martial arts skills. It would demand cunning, strategy, and alliances with those who shared his goal of stopping the clan's rise to power. The quest for the artifact had become more than just a search for an ancient relic—it was now a battle for the soul of the central plains and the legacy of martial arts itself.

The encounter was swift and violent. Zhang Jianyu's followers attacked without warning, their weapons flashing in the dim light. Jian and Bo fought bravely, holding off the initial assault while Lin provided cover with her arrows. Mei focused on protecting Li Wei, urging him to stay back and avoid the fray.

But Li Wei couldn't stand idly by. He remembered Ying Yue's words: "You are not trash. You are your father's son." He felt the surge of energy from the Immortal Cultivation System, the power to copy and master any skill. He focused on the movements of Jian and Bo, memorizing their techniques, and then he leaped into the battle.

His attacks were swift and precise, mirroring the Wind Dragon style of his clan. He moved with a grace he had never known, his strikes landing with devastating force. The rogue cultivators were taken aback by his sudden prowess, giving Jian and the others the opening they needed to push forward.

As they fought their way through the temple, they discovered signs of a greater conspiracy. Zhang Jianyu had been searching for the artifact not just for its power, but to unlock a hidden secret within the Ji Sect—something that could grant him unimaginable strength. The artifact was said to contain a map leading to an ancient cultivation ground, a place where the most skilled warriors trained to reach the Ascension stage.

The realization sent a chill down Li Wei's spine. If Zhang Jianyu and his allies found the artifact and deciphered the map, it could spell disaster for the central plains and beyond. The rogue cultivators were relentless, but Li Wei and his companions fought with a renewed sense of urgency, determined to recover the artifact before it fell into the wrong hands.

They reached the inner sanctum, a grand hall with towering columns and a massive stone door at its center. The artifact was sealed behind the door, protected by a series of intricate traps. Jian used his expertise to disable the traps, while Li Wei and the others held off Zhang Jianyu's forces.

The final confrontation was intense. Dong Yan himself entered the sanctum, his aura radiating malice and power. He wielded a massive sword, his strikes sending shockwaves through the air. 

But it was Li Wei who found the key to unlocking the stone door. Using the Immortal Cultivation System, he deciphered the hidden pattern on the walls, tracing the symbols to reveal the correct sequence. As the door creaked open, a burst of energy flowed from the artifact, filling the room with blinding light.

Dong Yan was thrown back, his plans thwarted, but his eyes burned with vengeance. He retreated, vowing to return with greater force, while Jian and the others retrieved the artifact—a beautifully crafted amulet that pulsed with an inner glow.

Li Wei had proven himself to his companions, but he knew that the journey was far from over. The threats of betrayal and the secrets of the Ji Sect loomed large, and Dong Yan's shadow still lingered. The path ahead would be filled with dangers, mysteries, and the constant need to stay one step ahead of those who would use the artifact for their own dark purposes.