
Awakening the Dragon

Li Wei, a young boy with no apparent martial arts talent, endures constant ridicule and hardship. One night, after being thrown out of his Clan, he stumbles upon a mysterious scroll. The scroll contains a martial arts system that allows him to instantly master any technique he sees. With this newfound power, Li Wei sets out to prove his worth and claim the title of the number one martial arts genius. But his newfound power came with a price, and he would soon discover that the path to becoming a martial arts genius was filled with danger and challenges.

Kelvin_David_7753 · Urban
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10 Chs

Lost Artifact

Chapter 10: Lost Artifact

The sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the landscape. Li Wei and his companions set out from the ancient temple, artifact in hand, following the path toward the central plains. Jian led the group, his eyes scanning the terrain for signs of danger, while Lin kept her bow ready, her keen sight searching for any movement in the trees. Bo walked beside Li Wei, carrying a large pack filled with provisions, and Mei walked at the rear, her medicinal pouch slung over her shoulder.

The central plains were a vast expanse, known for its bustling cities, grand sects, and complex politics. It was a far cry from the remote mountains where Li Wei had grown up, and he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about what lay ahead. The Ji Sect had a strong presence in the central plains, and joining them could offer him protection and resources. But he also knew that the plains were home to many powerful factions, each with its own ambitions and agendas.

As they traveled, Li Wei couldn't help but notice the camaraderie among his companions. They joked and shared stories, their voices filling the quiet morning air. It was a stark contrast to the loneliness he had felt in the Li Clan, where every interaction was tinged with contempt and hostility. Here, among the members of the Ji Sect, he found a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before.

However, the road to the central plains was not without its dangers. The group encountered a band of rogue cultivators, led by a man named Zhao Feng, who demanded tribute to allow them safe passage. Jian refused, and a fierce battle broke out. The rogue cultivators were skilled, their techniques rough but effective. But Li Wei used the Immortal Cultivation System to copy Jian's swordsmanship, his movements becoming more fluid and precise with each strike.

The battle ended quickly, with the rogue cultivators retreating into the forest. Li Wei's performance in the fight surprised even him—his newfound skills felt natural, as if he had been training for years. Jian gave him a nod of approval, a subtle but significant acknowledgment of his progress.

"You're learning quickly," Jian said as they resumed their journey. 

Li Wei nodded, taking Jian's words to heart. The Scroll of Nirvanic Rebirth and the Immortal Cultivation System were powerful tools, but they were just that—tools. It was up to him to master them and use them wisely.

As they continued, Mei noticed that they were being followed. She had a keen sense of awareness, and her intuition was rarely wrong. "We're not alone," she whispered to Jian. "Someone's watching us."

Jian tightened his grip on his sword and signaled the group to stay alert. They traveled for another hour before the watchers made their move. A group of masked figures emerged from the trees, blocking their path. Their leader, a woman with long, flowing hair and a voice like silk, stepped forward.

"You have something that belongs to us," she said, her eyes fixed on the artifact in Jian's pack. "Hand it over, and we might let you live."

Jian didn't hesitate. "If you want it, come and take it."

The masked figures attacked with swift, coordinated strikes. They were highly trained, their movements synchronized as they closed in on the group. Lin loosed arrows with deadly accuracy, each shot finding its mark. Bo used his brute strength to hold back multiple attackers at once, while Mei provided support with her healing abilities.

Li Wei found himself facing off against the leader. Her speed was incredible, her strikes precise and relentless. He struggled to keep up, his copied skills barely enough to defend against her onslaught. But then he remembered the system's advice—to understand the skills, not just copy them. He shifted his focus, adapting his movements, and gradually began to match her pace.

The battle raged on, with the group slowly gaining the upper hand. Just as it seemed they might prevail, the leader of the masked figures unleashed a powerful attack, a wave of energy that knocked them all off their feet. She grabbed the artifact and fled into the forest, her followers covering her escape.

Li Wei and his companions were left to regroup and recover from the sudden attack. The loss of the artifact was a blow, but it revealed a deeper mystery—who were these masked figures, and why did they want the artifact so badly?

"We can't let them get away," Jian said, his voice filled with determination. "They know something we don't, and we need to find out what it is."

Li Wei agreed. This journey had become more dangerous than he had anticipated, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With the central plains on the horizon, the stakes were higher than ever, and the secrets surrounding the artifact were only just beginning to unfold.

The journey through the central plains was fraught with unseen dangers. Li Wei and his companions had lost the artifact to the leader of the masked figures, and they were determined to track her down. As they traveled, the landscape transformed from dense forests to rolling hills, dotted with small villages and bustling towns. It was a stark contrast to the solitude of the Li Clan's mountain compound, and Li Wei marveled at the vibrant life of the central plains.

Jian, the leader of the group, was a silent but vigilant presence, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings. Lin, the archer, moved with cat-like grace, her bow always within reach. Bo, the muscle of the group, walked with a confident swagger, ready to face any threat, while Mei, the healer, kept a watchful eye on Li Wei, ensuring he was adjusting well to the group's pace.

The loss of the artifact had hit them hard, but they couldn't afford to dwell on it. The masked figures were skilled and dangerous, suggesting a larger network at play. Jian's instincts told him they were dealing with a sophisticated organization, perhaps even the Black Lotus Clan. This thought filled him with a sense of urgency—if the artifact's secrets fell into the wrong hands, the consequences could be catastrophic.

As they made their way through a small town, they overheard rumors of strange happenings in the area. People spoke of a hidden gathering place where rogue cultivators and mercenaries met to trade goods and information. Jian believed this was where the masked figures might have taken the artifact, so he led the group toward the outskirts of town, where a dense thicket provided cover.

As they approached, Li Wei felt the familiar surge of energy from the Immortal Cultivation System. It allowed him to sense subtle shifts in the environment, and he knew they were being watched. He signaled to Jian, who nodded, indicating that he, too, had noticed the presence of unseen observers.

The group moved with caution, keeping to the shadows. They reached a secluded clearing where a makeshift camp had been set up. Dozens of rogue cultivators and mercenaries gathered around a central fire, talking in low voices and exchanging goods. Li Wei scanned the crowd, searching for the leader of the masked figures. It didn't take long to find her—she stood near the fire, her long hair cascading down her back, her movements exuding a deadly confidence.

Jian devised a plan to retrieve the artifact. Lin would create a diversion, drawing attention away from the leader, while Bo and Mei provided backup. Li Wei, using his newfound skills, would sneak into the camp and retrieve the artifact. It was a risky plan, but they had little choice.

The diversion worked as planned. Lin's well-placed arrows caused chaos among the mercenaries, and Bo's sheer strength allowed him to hold off any attackers. Mei used her healing abilities to keep everyone in fighting shape, while Li Wei slipped through the camp, his movements fluid and silent.

He reached the leader's tent, where the artifact was kept in a locked chest. Using a technique he had copied from Jian, he picked the lock and retrieved the artifact. As he did, he noticed a map inside the chest, detailing a network of secret locations throughout the central plains. It was clear that the masked figures were part of a larger conspiracy, one that extended far beyond what they had imagined.

Li Wei took the artifact and the map, but as he turned to leave, he was confronted by the leader of the masked figures. She moved with incredible speed, her strikes aimed at his vital points. Li Wei used the Immortal Cultivation System to anticipate her moves, countering with his own techniques. The fight was intense, each blow echoing through the camp.

Just as it seemed the leader would gain the upper hand, Jian and the others arrived, driving her back. She retreated into the darkness, her eyes filled with rage, vowing to reclaim the artifact and destroy anyone who stood in her way.

With the artifact and the map in hand, Li Wei and his companions regrouped. The battle had revealed the extent of the conspiracy—they were dealing with a network of rogue cultivators, possibly connected to the Black Lotus Clan. The map hinted at hidden bases and secret meetings, indicating that their journey was far from over.

As they made their way back to the town, Li Wei felt a mix of relief and apprehension, He needed to get stronger, as the challenges they face keeps increasing, more strength is needed to face them. They had succeeded in retrieving the artifact, but the threats they faced were growing more dangerous. The Black Lotus Clan and their allies would stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and the central plains were filled with uncertainty.

Jian gathered the group in a quiet corner of the town's market. "We need to move quickly," he said, his voice low but firm. "The artifact is safe for now, but we must stay ahead of our enemies. The map suggests there are other pieces to this puzzle, and we can't afford to fall behind."

Li Wei nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility. The journey ahead would test him in ways he couldn't yet imagine, but he was determined to uncover the truth about his father and protect the legacy of the Li Clan. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew one thing for sure—he would face it with courage and the strength he was beginning to discover within himself.

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