
Awakening Of The Werewolves

Ifrah_Zahid · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Turning into Werewolves

Witches were nervy and concerned about the stealing of heart. The royal cemetery was sealed by a powerful spell. For the cemetery to be opened, it required a more powerful spell or some disturbances in it. In order to create disturbance, blood of a clone or hair of the original witch were needed.

As the witches couldnt get either blood or hair, they were to cast a powerful spell. It was a dark winter night before full moon, the snow was falling. Everyone was in their homes, wearing warm clothes. At midnight when everyone else was asleep, the witches were ready to cast the spell, unbolting the cemeterys seal. The eight witches of amini coven, with their hand on the door of cemetery - they started murmuring in ancient language.

Abierta proche tinakatan pintuan khabarasthana,

Abierta kapi herr sey

aprire doa versiegelt, offnen o haka una vez

And boom, the door opened. The witches entered the cemetery, marching towards kings father tomb. They opened the tomb and ripped the heart out of his chest. They sealed the cemetery again so that no one gets suspicious. They were felicitous as they had all the stuff for the spell to be proceeded.

They were very anxious for the spell. In the fear of solecism, they were all practicing the spell, over and over again. In the morning of full moon, the witches started to set up the spell. When everything was ready, they were waiting for the night.

Finally, it was the night of full moon. The men who were to be sacrificed also came. In the light of full moon the spell began. First the witches linked all the men with heart of the roman bloodline. Then, they burnt the heart by saying a spell;

feuer inci tantanum

And the heart burnt along with all mens heart as they were linked. Allowing the sacrifice to be accepted. And at last they started casting the spell. They were muttering in a foreign language.

jinero fosmato baawnere;

jinero fosmato erstellen;

jinero fosmato erstellen;

jinero motatam;

partum nekre baghe parinata manusa;

fosmato jinero dimiourgo

And a vast amount of fire blew up the heart.

In the meanwhile, there was a winter night ball going on at the castle. All the villagers were invited to the ball. As they were enjoying dance, all of a sudden, a man started screaming. He was turning into a werewolf. His eyes turned black and his teeth seemed like fangs of a werewolf. He was all heated up and turned into a werewolf. His loud howl could be heard in every corner of the village. And likewise, all the men and women started to turn into werewolves.

The farmer boy Henry, while dancing with the princess, suddenly pushed her away and started heating up. And turned into a werewolf. The queen suspected that he is in transition and asked the princess to hide in the basement.

The king and his son Aaron were also in transition when the queen casted a spell which prevented them to become a werewolf and as a result they were converted into hybrids, owning power of both werewolf and a wizard. Since they were from a roman bloodline, they could control their transition through their magic. They were the firsts of their species.

On the other hand, the farmer boy Henry, was chasing the princess as the werewolves feed on ancestral clones once turned. The queen gathered all the villagers and hid in the basement, where princess Gracelynn was hiding. She secured the basement so no one could get in.

The men and women from a special bloodline were bound to the full moon. Every full moon from now on they were to be converted into werewolves preying the ancestral clones and were controlled by the witches of amini coven. However, the witches of amini coven still needed a spell to rule the hybrids.