
Awakening Of The Werewolves

Ifrah_Zahid · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The princess Gracelynn Blair Santiago was young and beautiful. She was in love with a farmer boy named Henry Carter. They adored each other so much and used to spend a lot of time together. They talked to the king for their wedding, and the king discerning their involvement and affection for each other, agreed. An engagement ceremony was decided to be held on Christmas eve.

On Christmas eve, which was four months before the full moon night, they got engaged. The princess wearing a royal blue gown, was coming down the stairs in the big hall of the castle. The farmer boy Henry was wearing a black suit, waiting for the princess in the hall. As the princess was on the last step of the stairs, Henry gave her a hand, and they went through the hall towards the royal stage. There they exchanged rings and got engaged. The farmer boy Henry was also from a werewolf bloodline though he never knew that.

Meanwhile, the witches of Amini coven did not stop trying, and they decided to steal the queens grimoire as they had no other choice. On Christmas eve, when everyone was busy making arrangements for the princesss engagement, one of the witches disguised as a maidservant entered the kings castle, where the grimoire was present. She quietly entered the queens room and started finding grimoire. After looking everywhere in the room, all of a sudden, she caught a glimpse of a painting hanging on the wall. Her alert eyes flickered with the thought of grimoire being hidden behind the painting. She, then, slowing moved towards the painting and slightly elevated a corner of the painting and found the grimoire behind it. She brought the grimoire to the witch hut. The witches became happy as they found the spell.

The witches of Amini coven read the spell along with all the requirements to perform the spell. They wanted to keep this spell a secret, but the requirement of sacrificial power and heart of a roman bloodline scared them.

It took a month for them to learn how to cast the spell. At that time, they were capable enough to cast the spell; still, they were anxious about the heart and sacrificial power. As the witches were extremely wicked and demoniacal, they found a way to cast the spell.

They thought that they should sacrifice unknown men with no families so that no one gets conscious about the disappearing of people, and as for the heart from the roman bloodline, they were planning to steal the heart of kings father, who was buried in a tomb in a royal cemetery.

They convinced the men in the delusion of being selected for the royal army to cast a spell that will give them strength and asked them to come to the witchs hut on the night of a full moon. The men agreed.