
Chapter 4

I never knew i would be scared of anything after what happened to me nine years ago but right now i realized that it was a lie because i was scared of one thing, the thought of losing my only son and child. As i watched him struggle for his life with the arrow in his down part of his chest, all i could think about was death. Not my son death, not my own but the one who did this to him. Immediately Caleb told me what happened, i ran to meet my son and i found him in the hands of one of the guards with the arrow on his chest. I pushed the guard and took my son from his hand and stared at his eyes looking lifeless and pale and my hands were covered in my sons blood. Caleb called the physician and he came immediately and attended to him and my mind wandered to the worst case scenario. All the palace maids and guards with the ministers with other high people heard about the news, so they came to show their support. Harry was in the room with the physician and we were outside waiting for him to come out. All of i could think was finding who did this and kill them. I was pacing outside my son chamber and Marie was by my side with some few maids and guards. All other people were in the meeting room waiting for the information about my son. As i was pacing the room, the physician came out of the room and came to meet me.

" Your majesty, your son is very lucky" he said smiling and i heaved my breath out of calmness." How is he?" i asked the doctor.

" Your majesty, the arrow hit is lower part of the chest, so it didn't hit the heart but i was able to stop the bleeding and heal the hole and your son is a also a survivor. So he his absolutely fine" the doctor said

" Can i see him?" i asked the physician

" Yes of course, just rub the medicinal herb i put beside him everyday and he will be alright" i nodded and the physician bowed

and left. I went inside the room with Marie and saw my son lying on his mattress looking nothing like my son who peaked my cheek yesterday morning. I sprawled on the bed next to him and took his hand in my hold and sobbed softly.

" Madison, harry will be alright, i promise" marie came to hold me to comfort me and we just stayed like that for quite sometime then i heard a whimper and shot my eyes towards my son who trying to open his eyes and moving. i sat up immediately and tried to stop him.

" Harry, please calm down, you will hurt yourself" Marie told him but he didn't listen. He still tried to talk and i held his hands.

" M...u..mmy p..le..ase can i ask y..ou som..ethi..ing" harry asked him.

" Anything you want" i told him

" I wa..nt you to find the person who did this to me" he said and Marie gasped and i was shocked at his words. Harry face looked worried and he said " You will do that for me, right?" I held his hands tight and said " I will find whoever did this to you and make them knell before you" he smiled at me and slowly went back to sleep.

" Wow, i thought harry is the gentle type but i guess he took after his mother" marie said with an amused voice and i just stared at my sons face.

" What are you going to do now" Marie asked me. I turned to look at her and said " My son asked me for a request so am going to fulfill it"

** *******

I left Marie in harry chamber to look after and i headed to the court room to meet the other people who came. As i entered the

room ministers and the guards with other people who came to rise and bowed to me with greetings and i headed to my sit. Caleb came to stay by my side and said " How is prince harry" and I gave him the reassuring smile and he understood.

"Your majesty, how is the prince?" lord Samuel asked me.

" The prince is fine" I said and the all heaved sigh of relief.

" So your majesty, what are you going to do about the situation?" another minister asked me

" When the incident happened, who was around that area" I asked them. Everyone was murmuring and didn't want to say who was there. As i was about to talk Caleb said

" So you want to tell your majesty nobody was there when it happened?" he said

" What are you trying to say, where were you when it happened" lord john said.

I stood up and everyone kept quiet and i went to meet lord john staring at him face to face " My second in command his asking all of you a question and you dare question him back" i said with a calm voice.

" I didn't mean that way, your majesty" he said with a nervous voice.

" He was with me when it happened, he just let then came back and told me. Does that answer your question?" i asked him and he nodded and i stepped back from him then stood at the middle of the court

" This palace is filled with guards and maids with respectable people in it and this incidents took place near my private garden. And that part of the palace is filled with guards who are meant to protect the royal family, so you cannot tell me that nobody was

there when it happened. So if you love yourselves and all your family, the guards, maids or people present should submit themselves now" I Said and they all stared at me then Simon stepped forward.

" Your majesty, these are the guards positioned in that area with some maids" he motioned for them to step forward and they did. There were 8 guards with 3 maids were at that area of the palace. I noticed that they were panicking so i stepped forward to meet them.

" Why did you people not notice anything unusual before that incident took place?" i asked them

" Your majesty, please forgive us we didn't even know someone was aiming for his prince. The prince was heading towards your private area when it happened and we immediately search out for who shot the arrow but he/she were gone already" one of the guards.I pointed to one of the maids " Were you not supposed to be with prince harry when he was with his teacher?" I asked her.

" Yes your majesty, but the prince teacher excused herself and went outside so the prince was whining that he wants to see you, so we were bringing him to you when it happened" she said bowing her head.

" What did you just say? Harry's teacher excused herself?" i asked in disbelief

" Yes your majesty" she said. So harry teacher suddenly left the prince and all of a sudden she disappeared.

" Did any of you see the prince's teacher after the incident" i asked everybody and they all disagreed. I don't want to believe what am thinking because Harry's teacher is a trusted friend of

mine and the royal family. i can't believe she will do such a thing so i decided not to dwell on it.

" Did anybody notice anything different after the call?" i asked them and they all seemed faced by my question. A guard stepped forward and bowed his head.

" Your majesty, i spotted her near one of the secret entrance to outside the palace after a note was delivered to her" he said not looking directly at me.

" Simon, i need you to go look for lady Samantha right now and i need her to be brought to me immediately" i said and he bowed and left with some of the guards

I straightened my body and turned to look at the guard liked he just gave me something special. i have never been the one to act without evidence and am feeling, right now that am going to find out something shocking

" Which note was that?" i asked

" While she was teaching prince harry, a note was delivered to her and i was directed to give it to her. So while i was scanning the palace area, i spotted her at the secret entrance. I wanted to confront her but i was told everyone should gather at the court room. I didn't even know about what happened until i got here" he knelt down and raised his head towards me "am so sorry your majesty, i acted without reasoning i should have told you about it as soon i knew it" he said with sadness in his eyes

My blood was burning with fury that am sure Caleb could literaly smell it. I didn't know what to say because everything looks so suspicious. So i turned to the guard and ordered him stand up. He stood up immediately looking at me with a stern face and rigid line across them. He is not bad looking but i dont dwell on beauty for a good job to be done but on the ability of the person.

" Instead on feeling sorry you should do everything in your power to get to the bottom of it" i told him and he nodded at me and stepped back.

" Your majesty, i know you are good friends with prince harry teacher is a good friend of yours and there are so many things you feel now but we don't have concrete evidence to prove her guilty" lord Samuel told me and honestly i agree with that.

I pointed to the guard who told me what he saw and i asked him to come forward and he did as i said.

" What is your name?" i asked him

" My name is Nathan, your majesty" he said

" So Nathan, do you have the letter that was delivered to miss Samantha?" i cocked my head as i asked him

" No your majesty, i couldn't find the letter but we came up with something in case of situation like this" he told me

" And what will that be?" i asked him

" We make duplicates of every letter that enters the palace to be kept in one of the storage rooms but we don't read any of the letter due to privacy" Nathan told me

" I really appreciate that Nathan. Do you have the duplicate of the letter?" i asked him

He looked at me like i just gave him the best thing ever and he gave me a smirk and said " yes i will do that immediately" he bowed and left with some few guards. I really appreciated that thoughtful act and he deserved my appreciation. Caleb tapped me and i turned to face him. He had a questionable look on his face and God i couldn't take my eyes off him. I didn't really take in his features until now. He has hazel eyes that could make you stare at for eternity and get lost in it.He has a rigid and define face shape with

a beautiful lips and honestly my mind went back to that day when he was shirtless and sweaty. I shooed my head at the imagination and belittled myself for thinking about a man when my son is on his sick bed

" Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" i asked him and he straightened his face

" Your majesty, have dealt with a situation like this and i know what to do to settle the situation. I know you are the queen but sometimes you need help and am here to help you with that. I promised to be by your side for a long time i promise to keep that until am let go. So please can i help you?" he asked me with a calm and soothing expression on his face and who wouldn't fall for that

" So you remember my rule? I like that and yes you can help me" i said with a small smile and he smile back. Lord Micheal drew my attention from his face when he called me

" Your majesty, do you really think lady Samantha really did that?" lord Micheal asked me

" What i think is not important because whoever had the audacity to murder my son will die a painful and miserable death and even if is someone i trust, I WILL DESTROY THAT PERSON" I told him and he kept quiet. The court room is filled with so many people that i don't really recognize but all i know is that they are my people. The court was totally silent and my patience was growing slim.

Simon entered the palace with Samantha being held hostage with the other guard. Simon brought her forward and put her on her kneels. Samantha is a very beautiful girl and my son loves her so much. She has the most pretty almond eyes have seen, with silky black hair and perfectly shaped features. She was wearing a red silk gown with a gold satin garment. She looked so confused, looking at me with a confused expression.

" Your majesty, we found her boarding a boat to some village" Simon told me. I can't believe what am hearing.

"SAMANTHA!" i shouted at her

" Your majesty, please what is going on?" she asked me. I stared at her long and hard wondering if she could really do that to my son.

" My son was shot with a arrow in this palace, were you aware of that?" i asked her. She looked up at me with a shocked face and opened her mouth.

" I was definitely not aware of this. Oh my God, prince harry was shot" she straightened herself and said " please how is he"

" And why will i answer that question? Aren't you wondering what made me arrest you?" i asked her

" Your majesty, are you suspecting me of trying to murder your son?" she asked looking hurt. I couldn't answer that because i know she was hurt by my question but i need to know. Before i could continue, Caleb stepped forward to talk and i nodded my head in permission.

" Lady Samantha, before that incident happened, a message was delivered to you and you left immediately using the secret entrance and before you left, prince harry was shot and when it happened you immediately passed the secret entrance. Do you have anything to say about it?" Caleb questioned her. she gasped and she shaked her head in denial.

" I received a message from my aunt saying she was not feeling too well that i should immediately come over. I didn't pass the main entrance because i felt the secret entrance was faster, so i had to pass there. I swear your majesty, am not involved in your son accident" she said looking innocent. God i was so confused, i didn't

know what to do. I promised my son to catch the bastards who did that to him and i cannot fulfill that as his mother and his queen.

" Your majesty, she is lying and i can see it clearly" Caleb told me.

" Your majesty, lady Samantha has been your very good friend since even before you came into the palace. She explained everything that happened to you and yet you want to listen to someone who just came into the palace, isn't that unfair?"lord Solomon asked me.

" Lord Solomon is right your majesty. I know Caleb may be your second in command but he just came to the palace and doesn't know anything while lady Samantha has been with you for so long she will never do that to your son" lord Micheal told. Everyone in the court room started arguing in agreement. I would have used mind control on her but as i said i can on only weak mind and lady Samantha is not that so i can't. I feel so thirsty right now and i really need to bite someone because am so confused. The court became noisy to the point i could no longer stand it. I stood up from the throne and shouted,

" EVERYONE QUIET, don't you all have respect for the queen?" everybody immediately kept quiet and Caleb called me

" Your majesty, believe me on this. lord Paul will never appoint me as your second if i wasn't good enough" he told me. He looked so sincere that i almost succumb to his will.

" Nathan, step forward" and he stepped forward.

" Go and and bring the letter you talked about" i told him and he left immediately. I turned to look at lady Samantha and she stared at me with hurtful eyes so i looked away. I couldn't stand the look in her eyes.

Nathan entered the court room with the scroll in his hands and looked so nervous right but Caleb gave me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder.

" Your majesty, this is the scroll that was given to lady Samantha" he said and i nodded.

" Nathan please hand over the scroll to Caleb let him do the reading" i said and all the ministers turned to look at me with surprised faces and i gave them a look to question me and they all turned away. Nathan gave the letter to Caleb and he stepped back. Caleb came forward and opened the scroll

" Dear Samantha,

I know i shouldn't always ask for your help but i really need to see you urgently. Everything was okay with me and i was doing well but things turned out to be worst with my situation and i can't control it anymore so i decided to write to you. Please Samantha i need you. Can you come immediately?

Your aunt.

Caleb folded the scroll and handed it over to me. I can't believe what i read so Samantha was telling the truth.

" You see your majesty, i was telling you the truth. I love your son and i will never hurt him. I can't believe you believed him over me" she told me and i felt so sorry immediately. I have tried so hard thinking am heartless but i still have some feelings in me.

" Your majesty, lady Samantha is innocent" lord Gabriel told me. i turned to Caleb and i saw him shaking his head in denial.

" Your majesty she is lying. Everything is fake, she is lying i can see in her eyes you have to believe" he told me with so much desperation in his eyes.

" Enough Caleb, who do you think you are saying am lying? I am her majesty friend and it has already been proven that i am innocent, i have not done anything to you do you hate me so much like that?" she asked Caleb. Everybody murmured in agreement.

" Caleb, what are you trying to do? Are you making regret agreeing to you being my second?" i asked him and he turned his head so fast at me that i was shocked.

" What? You really think that or feel that?" he asked me in disbelief.

" Fine then, i will prove to you that she is lying" he told me and stepped forward to meet Simon.

" Simon, can i ask you for a favour?" he asked

" Anything you need lord Caleb" Simon said

" I need you to carry some of the guards to lady Samantha village and summon her aunt to the court room to be questioned but make sure you check whether she is sick or not" Caleb said and unknowingly i smiled.

"WHAT!" Samantha shouted.

" Your majesty, i hope you won't give permission to this?" one of the ministers asked me. I know i should feel anxious because of what i might find out but i seemed relaxed.

" And why won't i give my permission?" i asked. Samantha shot her head to look at me

" b..but your majesty...." i interrupted her by raising my hand.

" Caleb, you have my permission. Simon should leave immediately so that he can return on time. While we wait for him, Samantha should be locked up" i said. Simon nodded and left with some guards while Samantha was dragged away, her pleads rolling away with her.

" Until Simon returns nobody will leave the palace. And don't worry i will provide what you need until everything is over" i told all of them and they relaxed.

" Marie will arrange everything" as i was talking marie came into the court and bowed at me with some maids. She looked at me with a reassuring face and i smiled.

" Marie, please arrange everything for them to be comfortable for the meantime, okay?" i asked her.

" Yes, your majesty. All the ministers please follow me while the remaining guests will follow my assistant court lady" they all left with marie and the court room became silent again.

" Thank you, your majesty for allowing me" Caleb said.

" You are welcome" i stood up and left but i stopped and turned to him" i hope i don't regret it" i told him.

" You won't, you won't" he told him and i hope so.

19TH August 1831

" Your mother abandoned you" i kept replaying that statement in my head. I always thought of that possibility but i never thought it will be true. As my aunt told me about it confirmed my suspicion. I fell down on my knees and she just stared at my aunt with watery eyes. I refused to let the tears fall out. Spending your whole life with

people that don't care about you or spending it on the streets as a poor person can really be frustrating. But the one thing that kept me going was the hope that my mother did not abandon me, maybe something happened.

" I did some findings around and realized that your mother left after she gave birth to you. My parents could not handle the fact that she got pregnant like that, so they sent their precious daughter out of the house. I don't know what happened after that or about your father, the man she was seeing. But after she gave birth to you, she left you at the side of the river probably knowing people will see you" my aunt told me. After everything i have been through, this what really happened to me. I was abandoned by my parents, like i was a forbidden thing that happened to them. I looked around my surrounding to keep the tears from coming out. If i allow it to come out, i don't know what will happen. I turned to my her and i found her staring at me with a concerned look on her face. That look would have given most people comfort but to me i felt nothing more than to wipe that disgusting look from her face.

" How do you know all this?" i asked her.

" Someone saw your mother dropping you off at the river site.The village is a vast village with so many district. That it is referred to as a kingdom. Our hometown village, was in the main district of this kingdom. The home of the palace, so obviously someone could have seen her" she told me.

" How did you find the person? And who is the person?" i asked her. She stood up from the bed and went to the window on the side of the room.

" I can't tell you about the person Madison, we made a deal before she told me about it, that i will not reveal her to you or anybody else" she said. I was shocked by what she said. She can help an outsider but cannot help her own family.dddd

" I knew that happened to you and yet i still betrayed you by using you like this" she said. Like i was supposed to be proud of her betraying my trust. I decided to try and forget everything she told me about my parents that is the only way or me to move on so that i could go back to my precious son. I stood up from my knees and sucked in a deep breath. All my life i wanted one thing to find out what happened to my parents. I went to through hell but that kept me going, but now that i found out the truth i would have given up but i have a child at home who needs his mother. My aunt walked towards me with caution. Am sure she felt the dark energy surrounding me right now. I didn't want her anywhere near me or else i would have done something we will both regret.

" Stop right there, don't come closer. I have heard enough answers and am not interested in asking more questions. All i want right now is to leave this cabin and away from you and whatever vampire nonsense. So you are going to tell me how to walk in the sun and finish my training" i told her. I didn't even recognized the tone of voice i used on her. I sounded dark.

" Madison, you need to ask me about other questions about this new life of yours and what you are right now" she told her. Her voice irritated me so deeply that i pinned her against the wall, my hand squeezing her throat so tightly.

" Don't tell me what i need to do ever again. I don't need to ask any questions because i despise you with everyone ounce of my being and all i can think about is to rip your head off and how am hungry. So you are going to help, you will do that, right?" i asked her. I released her and she breathe out heavily.

" I will teach you how to control it and how to walk in the sun" she said.