
Chapter 3

What just happened? Caleb came into my view and said " your majesty, i believe everybody gets a fair judgement in this" I couldn't say or do anything as Caleb took the sword from my hand and dropped it, all i could was stare at his gorgeous face. This man has guts and courage to dare stop my decision. Nobody can try to stop me when have made a verdict, if they do i will kill them instead but i couldn't do anything and i didn't want to kill him and i hated myself for such a feeling.

" How dare you try to stop me from killing him?" i said

" Your highness, you didn't ask for my opinion on this topic and am supposed to be your second in command. I didn't mean to disrespect you but i think killing is not a good punishment for him" Caleb said while staring at lord Paul.

" You are aware of the rules that betrayal means death and you are saying this nonsense" i said.

" I know your majesty but isn't killing him a too good punishment, an easy punishment for what he did to our people?" he asked me while raising his eyebrows.

" What are you trying to say?" i said with an irritated voice

" You are the queen, you are young and have so many years ahead of you so death will be a punishment but he his older and supposed to be wiser but he his just a foolish old man who doesn't know where is loyalty lies" Lord peter shriek and the other ministers gasped.

" Caleb, do you know what you just said? You insulted a minister" lord Samuel said.

" I insulted a minister? A minister who betrayed her majesty and the people for revenge? Well your majesty, i think the befitting

punishment is for him to be locked up with those criminals and have him apologized on his knees to every people he deprived of food until they accept it" he said and lord Paul stood up

" Your majesty, he his saying nonsense, betrayal means death right? So just end my life" lord peter begged and i looked over to caleb and smiled. Now i know why lord Paul said i needed a second in command because this guy is smart.

" You are right Caleb, lord peter deprived the people of their food so he cant just die like that. So i have made my verdict, lord peter will be sentenced with the other criminals and at noon tomorrow, lord peter will be carried to the eastern region and will kneel and beg the people and if he doesn't comply" i looked over him and said " i will cut of is right leg and right hand" i said. All the ministers looked at me with shocked faces and i smiled at them.

" But your majesty, you cant do that it is not what the punishment says. Are you going to listen to a man who just came into the palace" lord Solomon who hasn't said anything spoke up. I don't like him and the feeling is mutual.

I took my veil and went to sit on the throne " I am the queen of his kingdom, the mother to the heir to the throne and i can make new rules anytime i like and this man you are talking about is my second in command if i approve of his suggestion then it is final, do you understand me?" i asked and he nodded.

" Your highness you may be the queen but we are older and wiser than you. You are just 29 years old and you think you can order us around. You cant change the rules" lord Paul said.

" You know for a person who is about to be embarrassed you sure do have a wide mouth. If you say one more word i will cut of your tongue" i said and he kept quiet.

" Whoever approves of my decision should raise their hands up" i said. All the ministers apart from lord Solomon did.

" So it is final. Simon, take him to the same prison as the other ones" he nodded and went to carry lord Paul.

" Don't touch me am a minister i will not allow this" he kept on blabbering has Simon and the other guards took him away. I stood and they stood up " Meeting adjourned" i said and they all bowed and left apart from Caleb.

" Didn't you hear what i said" i asked him.

" Your majesty, i don't know my way around the palace and i don't know where my chamber is" he said innocently.

" Oh, okay" i pointed to one of my maids " can you show him around the palace?" i asked her. Before she could reply Marie interrupted

" I will like to show him around the palace and prepare a chamber for him" she said and i smiled at her.

" Okay, thank you" i said.

" Goodnight your majesty, it is a pleasure meeting and being your second in command" he said and left. Whoosh what a night!


I headed to my chamber after the court meeting and relaxed on the bed. For some sort of reasons i couldn't get Caleb obnoxious smile out of my head and it was so annoying. I relaxed on the bed and someone entered my chamber.

" Your majesty, are you going to have a bathe?" Marie asked me.

" Have you sorted out Caleb?" i asked her.

" Yes your majesty, i did"? she said.

I sighed and sat up " fine i will have a bathe before i go to bed but it is pretty late"said.

" Madison you cant sleep in those clothes" she said. She only calls me by name when she is annoyed or worried about me but with her expression right now, she is annoyed at me.

" What did i do" i asked. She came and sat besides me on the bed and put her hands in my kneels.

" My dear why did you pass such a judgement on the minister?" she asked me.

I remove her hands from my kneel and stood up " What sort of question is that? He manipulated the people, deprive them and most of all he committed treachery. I wanted to kill him but Caleb made me realized death was an escape away from punishment so i gave him that punishment" i said

" Your majesty..." i interrupted what she had to say to me.

" I don't want to talk about this topic again. So please prepare the bath for me" i told and she nodded and went to prepare it. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings but Marie is a kind hearted person and she easily forgives people so she had a problem with my punishment. I used to be like that but that part of me died the day i died. I went to bed and i didn't realized when i dozed of until Marie woke me up.

" Your majesty, wake up your bathe is ready" Marie told me and i stood up. She called in some maids are they help me strip off my clothes and i went to the bathroom. My bathroom is filled with candles and in the middle is a huge bath pond or tub filled with roses and essential oils. I pulled of my wrapper and entered the tub

and i relaxed inside. The maids surrounded in helping wash my body but i wanted to be alone so i asked them to leave. After i was done with my bathe, i pulled on my nightwear and went to sleep.


Morning has come, another day of ruling this kingdom. I went to have my bathe and the maids help me dressed up into fine silk wrapper and satin upper wear and jewelries with the most important thing my crown with a veil. I took my necklace from the table and put it on. It was given to me from my aunt so that i can move in the sun. I asked her she did that but i guess she couldn't answer all my questions other that it was done by magic, by a powerful witch. I knew witches existed but i didn't put too much reading into that. As i was preparing to leave my chamber my son came to meet me.

" Mother, good morning, how was your night?" he asked me with a bright smile.

" My night was fine baby, how was yours?" i asked him

He put his hand on my cheek and said " It was fine. Your majesty you look beautiful today"

" Since when do you call me your majesty" i asked him.

" I just love it. Mother, who is that handsome man exercising in the garden?" he asked me.

" What handsome man?" i asked with a confused face.

" Come on mother let me show you" he grabbed my arm and started dragging to the garden. As we got to the garden i saw Caleb doing push up with a naked chest. His skin looked like gold missed

with oil. It was the most exotic thing I have seen. His is well muscled and he had the most amazing chest structure that most men will be dying for. I needed to start drooling over this but he looked like a site worth seeing and i couldn't unseen this.

" Mother, this is the handsome man" he said. " Mother, who is he?" he asked me.

" My second in command" i said. I couldn't believe this doesn't he knows that this is not permitted in the palace.

My son ran to meet him before i could stop him and i went to meet them. " Sir, i have not seen you before but am harry, prince harry.

The little son to this beautiful queen here" he said with a bright smile. My chest fluttered at his words and i couldn't help but smiling.

" I know, am Caleb, the queen second in command" he said.

My son turned to looked at me and said "Mother, i thought i was your second in command? How come you have a new second in command" he asked me.

" Harry, you are still 9 but you are my number one second in command. He his just here temporarily and he will teach you the ways. You know you will inherit the throne right?" i asked him

" Yes mother, i thought you replaced me" he said.

" How could i? Harry, am sure is almost time for your class. Your teacher will be here soon, why don't you go to your chamber and prepare for her?" i said and he motioned for me to bend so i did.

" I love you mother" he said then kissed my cheek and ran away before i could even reply. After he was gone i turned to Caleb.

" Do you know this is not permitted in my castle? If you want to exercise do it in your chamber" i told him

" Am sorry your majesty, i wasn't aware of this. It will not happen again" he said and took his robe covering his perfectly muscled chest. God, why was that disappointing?

Because you are liking what you see.

" I think lord Samuel has put you through on your duty in this palace?" i asked him.

" Yes, he explained my duties to me this morning" he said

" Okay, so aren't you meant to follow me about or something?" i asked him.

He laughed, i thought is smile was to die for but his laugh is on another level. I shook away the thought and said " Why are you laughing?"

" Forgive me my majesty but am not meant to be following you around. I meant to be by your side and help with your responsibilities" he told him. He just made me look like a fool.

" Go back to your chamber and freshen up. You will be the one to escort the guards with lord peter to the eastern region" i told him

" But i thought you will be the one to lead it" he said. I walked towards him and he shook a little and i made sure i was staring directly at his face " Caleb, i think you don't know my rules. When i say something you don't question it unless i ask you too. And i don't have time for that petty loyal dog" I said. Caleb gulped and i could see his Adam apple rise and fall

" But your majesty, am your second in command, don't i have the right to speak?" he asked staring directly in my eyes.

" As i said you speak when i ask you to. You are my second doesn't mean you have the right to question me. There are people i allow to do that and you are not yet on that list. So until you are don't question me unless i ask your opinion, do you understand" i asked him. He nodded and i stepped back and i wish i didn't.

" Now go and do what i asked you to do" he bowed and left. I laughed, almighty Caleb lord Paul told me about is scared of me. That thought sounded interesting


Caleb and the head guard with some other guard carried lord peter to the eastern region around noon. It has been long they left so i haven't gotten news from there yet.

" Your majesty, shouldn't at least one minister escorted them? It will seem more right" lord john said. We were in the court of appeal where the ministers and i gathered for a meeting.

" Why, because you don't trust him?" i asked him

" Its not that. We are dealing with the punishment of a minister, so it will only seem fair for one of us to go" he said

" Look lord john, peter is not a minister anymore so we are dealing with the punishment of a citizen not a minister and i don't need any of you there. That is why i have a second in command" I said. I ended the topic and looked over to lord Samuel.

" Have you sent the news to his family?" i asked him

" Yes your majesty, am sure they have gotten the letter already" he said.

" Am sure this will take a toll on them" another minister said." And why do you care?" i asked the minister.

" Lord peter was a good friend of mine so am worried about his family" he said.

" Would you like to go and support his family by being their new head" i asked him sarcastically and he shut his mouth.

" Your majesty, Caleb was meant to tell you need to sign on the permission slip for a well to be built in the middle of chattel village. Am supposed he told you" lord Samuel told me. He knew what he was trying to do because apparently they don't trust Caleb since he his from another district but i wont allow that.

" He wanted to tell me but i sent him to prepare for lord peter punishment. So where is the permission slip?" i asked. He looked like he wanted to say something but he shut it and ordered his personal guard to bring it for me. The guard came and handed the slip to me and i signed it and returned it.

" Thank you your majesty, the people needed the well" he said and i nodded.

" That reminds me, when is James coming back? It has been 6 months since he left." i said.

" We got word from him that he will be back the next marketing so is not far from now" lord john said. James was close to me and he was like my advisor and i really respect him. He left on a mission i appointed him and i cant wait till he gets back apart from Marie James is someone i trust.

" Thats nice" i said. As we were discussing we heard horses arriving at the palace. I came down from my throne and went out with the other ministers at my back. As i got outside i saw Caleb and Simon with the guards that follow them and Simon holding lord peter, so i went to meet them.

" How did it go?" i asked them.

" Your majesty, we took him to the people and explained everything to them. They were adamant at first then we told them that the person responsible will ask for forgiveness so we brought lord peter. He didn't want to apologize to them after some time he obliged and apologize to them and the people agreed to it" Caleb said

" Your majesty, lord peter did not only frame you for the food problem but has been using those guards to slander your name. They told us everything he did and asked us to tell you they are really sorry for believing the things he were saying" he said and bowed.

" Let him go" i told Simon and he released him then he lost his balanced and fell.

" Your majesty, have accepted my punishment so i don't know what your guard is talking about" he said

" Well i guess your innocent of the accusation Simon just told me and everything you did" i said

" What are doesn't matter if you say you are innocent, my decision hasn't changed and it will not change no matter what" i told him. Then someone came through the palace and i recognized that is lord peter wife and children, a boy and girl. They bowed at my feet.

" Your highness, please spare my husband nonchalant attitude and treachery.Without him we wouldn't survive" she begged

I ignored her pleading and said " Did you know your husband was stealing for me because from what he said he was giving you the food" i asked.

" No your majesty, my father told us whenever we asked him where he saw such many supplies and he sometimes tells us that

the queen was generous and she gave all the ministers those things" the boy said. He should be around 19 or 20.

" My son is right, he always tell us to shut up when we ask him" she told me.

" What are you saying woman? You are not helping the situation" lord peter said.

" Your majesty, please don't punish him" she begged again.

" Are you begging me to pardon him because you love him or because you wont have money?" i asked her. She hesitated a bit probably not to sure what to say

" Are you deaf or something?" i asked her.

" Your majesty, my mum is afraid of my dad because he hits her whenever he his angry" their daughter said. I knew he hits his wife but i had no evidence to support him.

" Hey, what is wrong with you girl? You are talking nonsense about me" lord peter said with an angry voice

" Father, dont shout at my sister" their son said.

" Enough of this talking and make your decision" i said " What decision?" Lord peter wife asked.

" Your husband beats you and now that is another crime but if you want me to release him because you will suffer then i will or i could offer thrice of what he use to give you and he will serve his punishment. So what is your decision?" i said. They didnt say anything then lord peter spoke.

" I hope you people are not thinking of betraying me?" he asked them. His wife expression changed and she stood up with her children and turned to her husband

" Betray who? You use me as rag and you warn me and my children not to report to her majesty and made suffer. You think i was begging because i care? I was begging because i don't want my children to suffer but since her majesty is offering of this much, who am i to deny it" she said and lord peter was left speechless" Ok, but does your children support your decision?" i asked her. She turned to her children and they nodded their head.

" Your majesty, we accept your second decision but can i ask one favour" their daughter asked and i nodded.

" Can we be able to visit our father in jail at least one every marketing distribution?" she asked me. I thought about it and i saw the pleading the look the family gave me.

" Why would i want you people to visit me? You betrayed me for money and you want to still visit me. I don't want to see you ever again, do..." i slapped him crossed the face to shut him up

" I dont have time for your nonsense peter. You maltreat your family and beat up your wife and you want them to give up my offer so you can make them go through it again. You are not even remorseful of the way you acted at all and you still have the audacity to still threaten them? " they all stared at me without saying anything " I have made my decision. Lord peter will be taken to the highest court of appeal and he will be disciplined there for the next 7 years and he will not be allowed any visitor and if anybody dare visit him, i will make sure to behead that person. And every marketing distribution, thrice of the goods will be delivered to his family" i said.

" Do you all agree to my decision?" i asked them all and they all nodded.

" But your majesty, you didn't permit my request" their daughter asked.

" You are his daughter and he doesn't want to see you and until he request to beg you and see you nobody will visit him" i said.

" Thank you majesty" she said. So i ordered Caleb to escort them to their home and Simon should carry lord peter away but before he left he said something that caught my attention.

" You think this has ended, i haven't started anything.I know your secret and i will get out of jail and make you pay" he said has they dragged him away. I almost fell and lord Samuel held me and i removed myself from his hold. He knows my secret, that is what i thought as i left to my chamber and i threw away everything on my table out of anger. How the hell did he find out my secret? I haven't told anyone about it apart from Marie and the queen mother but they wouldn't tell lord peter of all people. So how did he find out? I couldn't think, i couldn't breathe, i needed food. I needed blood and Marie rushed into the room to control me

" Marie, i need blood" i told her anxiously.

" But your majesty, it is not night" she said and pushed her away from me.

" I dont care about that i need it now bring someone to me now" i told her and she left immediately. Marie knew once i entered this state there is nothing she can do because i could even kill anybody close to me. As i was holding my throat she barged inside the room with a girl and locked the door then gave me the girl. She was shouting and i quickly used mind control to shut her up and she obliged and i became my other self, i Bared my fangs out and dug me teeth to the nape of her neck and sucked her. She felt so delicious that i couldn't let her go then Marie pushed me away from her and said " You want to kill her?"she asked me and realized myself. If i gotten any further i could have killed her so went towards her and healed her neck to cover the bite mark and i

compled her to say i told her to come because i had work for her and she did it and left. So she left my compulsion and bowed to me thinking she just finished a job for me and she left. I don't use my power often because i don't want anyone getting suspicious of me so i just behave like a normal human being unless it is important or when am alone. I fell to the floor and started crying and Marie rushed to me

" Am a monster, i almost killed her" i choked as i cried

" Maddy, you are not a monster" she consoled me

" This happens when i cant control my emotions and am sick of it" I said

" Stop saying this, it is not my fault" she said holding tight to me.

" The people and my own son will soon find out. I might be growing older but i still look 19 years. Am just applying make up to look a bit older but for how long?" i said

" You said when harry is 18 you will leave the throne and disappear, right?" she asked me

" Yes, but it is still far" i released myself from her hold and stood up " I am going to find my aunt and kill her. Why the hell am i crying? I am the queen, am powerful, beautiful and so gorgeous, am feared and respected. I love my new self" i said laughing loud.

" Madison, what has gotten into you? You love drinking people blood?" She asked with an irritated voice

" Am a vampire, when i am drinking their blood it taste so delicious and i feel like i can rule the world so there is nothing i can do about it but to enjoy the benefits that come with it"i said.

" Are you sure there are no other vampires around?" Marie asked me.

" I dont know, my aunt Lilian expected me to ask about them but i avoided the question because i didn't want to have anything to do with them or know i there well more but am sure there are more vampires. When my aunt took me she just taught me how to control myself and how to handle myself. She gave me this necklace so that i would be able to walk in the sun.She told me some things that i asked her about i avoided the question. I don't know if there are more. I control myself everyday so that i won't be able to use my power only when am only because i cannot risk it." i said.

" Ok, your majesty please be patient everything will be fine" she said and i nodded and she told me to clean up so that she clean my room. So i went to clean my body in the bathroom. As i was through and i went to my room in my robe and i saw Caleb standing in my room staring at me.

" I am so sorry your majesty" he said and he immediately turned away. I got so furious at why he was in my room, almost caught me naked cause i was about to remove my robe.

" Who the hell let you in my room?" i asked with so much anger.

" Hem, i asked Marie if you were in she said you were in the room so i could enter" he said. Marie planned this, that woman will be the death of me. I think she needs a piece of my mind.

" Who asked you to turn around?" i teased him and noticed he was anxious.

" Yo.. u..r ma..jesty, i thought you were not dressed" he stammered and i smirked and i walked towards him and i stopped at his back. He smelled so delicious that i felt the urge to devour him but i had to control myself from doing.

" You know, it is rude to turn your back on your majesty" i teased him.

" What, i mean your majesty i mean" he sighed and i laughed.

" Do i make almighty fearless Caleb nervous? Should i come to your front?" I asked him and i heard him gulp. So i left his back and he thought i wanted to go to his front and he said " YOUR MAJESTY, i think i will come back later" he ran out of my room and i burst into laughter then Marie came into the room and smiled and i shot her a death glare.

" What kind of sick game are you playing Marie?" i asked as i took of my robe and started wearing my clothes and she came to help me.

" I dont know what you are talking about, your majesty" she said with a smile

" You sent Caleb into my room knowing i might be out of the bathroom" i said

" It was a mistake, i forgot you were in the bathroom and he really wanted to talk to you" she said

" If that mistake happens again, it will not forgiven" i said even though i want that mistake to happen again. Marie nodded and helped me finished dressing and i left my chamber to the garden and i told Marie to call Caleb to meet me there. I went to the garden and and sat in my private area. It didn't take long and Caleb came.

" Your majesty, i apologize for earlier" he said.

" Accepted. So what do you want to talk to me about?" i asked him and he sat down.

" Lord peter problem has been solved but the people still need resources and equipment" he said

" What do you mean by that? Wasn't it only the eastern region we had problem with" i asked him

" Yes, but with the reviews Simon gave me, it seems lord peter also disturbed the distribution of other things" He said.

Damn! Lord peter had the audacity to this to my people. Am going to make sure he doesn't die even though he wants to.

So, the next marketing distribution is around the corner and all the things the people want will be distributed to them" i said

" Ok your majesty but i think the best thing is to accompany us when we go for the next distribution" he said and i was shocked at his statement. I have never escorted them on such occasion. I mean i barely leave the palace unless it is necessary, so why his he asking me this?

He noticed the look on my face and said " I didn't mean it in an offensive way. I just mean you should escort us so that the people will relax and be happy you care for them. And i also heard since the king died you have never done such a thing" he said. What he said is true, ever since the king died i barely even see the need to associate with the people because a lot of me died that night and am still so furious, the king died in a weird way because i wanted to kill him with my own hands. I asked my aunt but she didn't know how he died, nobody knew but i am going to find out very soon

" I am not escorting you and that is my decision" i said with a stern voice.

" But your majesty, the people would be so happy that you love and care for them" he said and something in my head twitched. Every time i hear that statement i feel my body reacting in a way i don't like.

"stop questioning my decision. I am not involving myself in this. I lead and protect the people doesn't mean i love them in anyway, they don't need my presence to get what they want. I provide the basic necessities for them to survive, i do everything

they ask. So why should i escort you? Listen, i don't want to hear you say that statement again" i said with my eyes burning with anger but he didn't seem to affect him as he stood up and said " You love your son, right?" he asked

"What kind of question is that? Of course i love him" i said

" So why is your heart filled with bitterness towards your own people? I know you provide for them and protect them but they still feel you don't care for them the way they want you too. I know this kingdom is the largest among other districts and you are the major head of the other district but word spread like wildfire. Your people need you just as you need them" he said and i slapped my hands on the table and walk towards him

" You don't know shit about me neither do the people in this palace. So don't ask me such silly question" I said.

He looked directly in my eyes and said " Your majesty, as your new second in command, your interest is my interest, your need is my need and your desire is what am meant to fulfill and am meant to be by your side, to help you out so please think about my offer to you" he said and stepped back and he wanted to leave but i held him back.

" Where do you think you are going? You cant say shit like that and expect to go escort free" i said. He looked at my face and released his hand from my hold.

" Please listen to me at least once" he said and left me in the garden. I was still shaken by what he said and i saw him running down to me

" Oh you came back" i said sarcastically and i noticed the look in his eyes. FEAR" What happened?" i asked him.

" Your majesty, your son...." he said in between breath and i stiffened and said

" What about my son" i asked him" He was shot with an arrow on his chest" he said and everything in me was set on fire and ran to meet my son.

19th of August 1831

" I was a lively and fun person so i was always going out with my friends to have fun at the village square. I was the wayward and not to good sister while your mother was the loveliest and most diligent person i have ever seen, at least that is what we thought. My parents loved her so much more than me and everyone knew it. But i didn't care about that but she let it get to her. After sometime your mother started seeing someone but i couldn't stay with them anymore because i was tired of all of them so i left. I had fun, i enjoyed myself but then i met someone and i loved the person but i realized what he was.His name was John porter. He was everything i dreamed of in a man. I begged him to turn him but he didn't want that life for me. He told me everything about it, so i knew how i could turn. So i tried to kill myself and told him to turn unless he wants to lose me forever and it worked. I became a vampire. I felt awesome to be one, i felt different but with more power. I ran away and killed people to take their blood. He found me off course and he warned me to try and control myself about it. I let him teach me and after sometime i could control myself. I was good but he was tiring to teach me how to be good, not to kill people even though i wanted to eat but i just enjoyed doing that. I was tired of him always stopping me so i killed him when he was unaware" my aunt told me. I can't believe she that to the person that loved and adored her. She killed him just because he was teaching her to be a good vampire.

" How could you do that to him? He loved you and you stabbed him?" i asked her.

" He loved me and i loved him but he wanted to control me, tell me what and what i cannot do and i hated that so i had to kill him so that i could be free of him. But you don't have to live like that at all, maddi" she said to me. Wow, i never thought she could be this shameless at all.

" I thought i knew you as a loving and and amazing person, but i guess i was wrong. You betrayed someone that loved you dearly, so of course you could do that to me" i told her.

" I was having the time of my life and he wanted to ruin that for me. I did all that I could to convince him but he wanted to change me no matter what, so i had to do what i could" she said. I cannot believe what she is saying to me. I stood up from the bed and walked away from her. I didn't want to hear any more from her about it.

" I know i have asked you this question like a thousand times, but do you really not know what happened to my mother and the person she was seeing?" i asked her. When i saw my aunt for the first time, i didn't know who she was not until i married the king. She showed up and told me about herself, i was so happy she came into my life. I asked her anything about my mother but she refused to tell me about her, saying she didn't really know anything after she let home and she just came back and she tried to find her family but realized she couldn't find any one of them. She found me of course after asking around.

" When i first came into your life, i didn't want to have anything to do with you. I really came to look for my family and realized my parents were dead and my sister was nowhere to be found. In honesty, i didn't really care about it but then i found out she had a daughter and i heard she was married to the king. So i came into your life to get closer to the king. I would have manipulated him but i couldn't i wanted to do it without compulsion, probably to prove something to myself. So yes, i know something about your parents" she told me. I felt all the air in lungs seized like i couldn't breathe at

all. I begged her, i cried and wept asking her if she knew anything about my mother but she practically lied to face. How could this woman do this to me? I thought she loved me.

" Tell me about what happened" i said.

" I found out something when i came back and Madison, you wouldn't like what am about to say" she said. I nodded my head.

" Your mother abandoned you" she told me. It felt like i died all over again.