

******* paused *******  Have you all heard the classic Cinderella story?  Ivy is a perfect example of a real-life Cinderella story. She lives with her evil adoptive family. An evil father and two evil siblings, a brother and sister. Her adoptive mother is the kindness and actually treats Annabel as her daughter. She was actually the one to pick her.  Her adoptive siblings always make her do stuff for them, they always use the excuse 'well, we are older.' She was too naïve.  Ivy is 20 and a fashion designer. She started when she was 18 and then it was going well. She earned enough money to move away from her home and buy a small apartment for herself.  But now, her business is decreasing, and she is earning less money and is in debt. She is only two steps shy of getting kicked out of her apartment and she would have only two choices left to live:  1) Back with her adoptive family. 2) On the streets.  What will happen when the CEO of Allenson Corporations offers her a helping hand, willing to give her everything she wants,  -A roof over her head -A warm bed to sleep on -Food -Clean water -Her business  All of that and so much more, but of course nothing in life is free. He just wants one thing in exchange...  Her...  Selling herself to the CEO just to save her fashion business. What a risking thing to do.  *****  [January 18th, 2017] [12:30 A. M] Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! A tall man walked up to the young pale female who was wrapped up in her blankets covered in snow. He slowly crouched in front of the girl and placed a warm hand gently on her forehead. Feeling the warm hand, Ivy came from her slumber and her emerald green eyes started into his warm brown eyes.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

She's Mine

[January 18th, 2017]

[8:01 P. M]

Feeling the ground disappear from beneath her, she felt like she was flying.

The hands that lifted her in the air tightened and secured her close to a big muscular chest. She closed her eyes, embracing the warmth that she was given before looking up and a pair of warm brown eyes that were staring straight in her soul.

"Are you okay Ivy, you almost fell again." Sebastian asked, worry coloring his voice.

She nodded once and reached her hand up to touch his face with a smile to prove that she was okay.

He smiled back, and Mr Alexander cleared his throat. "Sir Allenson, I am so sorry for my daughter's misbehavior, please forgive her and any trouble that she caused you-"

Before he could finish, he raised an arm to signal him to stop talking.

"No need to apologize, she caused me no trouble at all." Sebastian turned to face the old man, still holding Ivy close to his chest bridal style.

Sebastian didn't like this man. After the bit that he heard from Ivy about him, Sebastian despised the man.

He didn't want Ivy to suffer all that she did when she was with him. Sebastian swore in his mind that he would protect her from anything, including her family.

And now that he has her con

Ivy was too sweet and naïve for what the world offers.

"Now if you don't mind, I will take her home so she wouldn't cause a problem for Mr. Suave." Mr Alexander said, stepping down the stairs and holding his arms out for Ivy.

"I do mind, she is going nowhere with you Mr…" Sebastian didn't know his name because he didn't ask.

"Alexander." Whispered Ivy.

"Mr Alexander. Now, if you don't mind, please leave." Sebastian didn't leave any room to argue.

Mr Alexander was taken aback by Sebastian's response. That came unexpectedly.

He could only bow his head and agree with Sebastian because Sebastian had more power and could easily murder him and get off free of cost.

"Of course Sir Allenson."

With that, Mr Alexander climbed back up the stairs and walked off with Mr Suave.

Mr Alexander didn't know how Ivy convinced Sir Allenson to let her sleep in his home, but he did know that he is going to give Ivy the worst punishment of her life. Ivy would not get away from this.

It should be his blood daughter who should be by his side, living in the same house, and sleeping in his bed with him.

Ivy was just a waste of space and was born in the lowest class possible. If it wasn't for his wife, Ivy will currently sleep on the streets. That was his thought on the matter.

[January 18th, 2017]

[8:15 P. M]

Ivy was laying in the backseat of Sebastian's Black 2017Chevrolet Corvette with her eyes closed, humming Circus by Britney Spears while Sebastian was saying his goodbyes to Mrs and Mr Clair.

"How's your leg?" Asked Sebastian as he slid into the backseat, lifting her legs and putting them on his lap.

He closed the door to the car, and the driver drove off.

"They are f-fine." Ivy responded.

"Are you lying?"

She shook her head, "I'm used to the pain, it's nothing." She responded honestly.

"But inside, you could hardly walk." He pointed out.

"That's because it was a while since I walked on a broken ankle."

"How many times did you have to walk on a broken ankle?"

"A few times a year." She answered casually, like it was no big deal.

"Do you ever go get it checked out? It is very important to do that."

She shook her head.


She stopped to think of a valid reason. "Don't have the money." She lied.

"Don't lie to me Ivy, I hate liars."

"But I'm not."

"Do you take me as a fool?"


"Then why are you lying?"

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are Ivy. You don't need pay to go get your ankle checked, we live in Canada where healthcare is free."

Ivy gulped, she just got caught red-handed in her lie.

She tried to sit up and move her legs off of him but he stopped her.

"Don't sit Ivy, you will just hurt yourself."

With a nod, Ivy laid back down. She didn't want to be in more trouble than she already was.

She closed her eyes and thought about what happened in the building. Sebastian protecting her came flooding back in her mind. Why would he save her like that?

"Are you okay?" He raised an eyebrow towards her.

She quickly opened her eyes to look at him. She nodded.

"Yea, I was just thinking… "

"About?" He prompted.

"Why did you help me in the building and didn't let my father come near me?"

His lips curled into a smile. He knew that that question was going to come up. Sometimes Ivy can be quite predictable.

"Because Ivy, you are mine."

Those three words made Ivy's heart stop. 'You are mine…' she repeated them in her mind. What did he mean? Yea, she knew what the contract entitled, he told her… at least most of it. She didn't recall him telling her she was now his tho…

Sebastian smiled in content seeing Ivy's expression when he said his words. He could see that she was taken aback by that, that she didn't expect those words.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean what I said, Ivy, did you not read the contract before signing it?" He asked, even if he knew the answer.

Ivy was the type that would listen to whatever someone says and not worry about any conquests. She remembered him mentioning that he wanted her in return, but she didn't expect that he would have wanted all of her. She did also continue to wonder why he wanted her in the first place. He hadn't mentioned that he wanted her for a maid or slave or anything like that. He also didn't treat her like he wanted her as any of that. She also wasn't beautiful. She was told all her life that she was beautiful.

Maybe, just maybe, he wanted her for something terrible, worse than she could even imagine. The thought sent shivers down her spine. What could be worse than being a slave?.

Taking in her silence, Sebastian guessed Ivy was in deep of her thought, taking in what he just said. He meant what he said; he was the type that doesn't joke. Once he said something, he meant it.