

******* paused *******  Have you all heard the classic Cinderella story?  Ivy is a perfect example of a real-life Cinderella story. She lives with her evil adoptive family. An evil father and two evil siblings, a brother and sister. Her adoptive mother is the kindness and actually treats Annabel as her daughter. She was actually the one to pick her.  Her adoptive siblings always make her do stuff for them, they always use the excuse 'well, we are older.' She was too naïve.  Ivy is 20 and a fashion designer. She started when she was 18 and then it was going well. She earned enough money to move away from her home and buy a small apartment for herself.  But now, her business is decreasing, and she is earning less money and is in debt. She is only two steps shy of getting kicked out of her apartment and she would have only two choices left to live:  1) Back with her adoptive family. 2) On the streets.  What will happen when the CEO of Allenson Corporations offers her a helping hand, willing to give her everything she wants,  -A roof over her head -A warm bed to sleep on -Food -Clean water -Her business  All of that and so much more, but of course nothing in life is free. He just wants one thing in exchange...  Her...  Selling herself to the CEO just to save her fashion business. What a risking thing to do.  *****  [January 18th, 2017] [12:30 A. M] Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! A tall man walked up to the young pale female who was wrapped up in her blankets covered in snow. He slowly crouched in front of the girl and placed a warm hand gently on her forehead. Feeling the warm hand, Ivy came from her slumber and her emerald green eyes started into his warm brown eyes.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Meet The Gang

[January 18th, 2017]

[8:15 P. M]

Ivy yawned, rubbing her eyes. He noticed her small actions.

"You should sleep Ivy." Sebastian suggested.

Ivy was uncertain about sleeping. She was used to not sleeping because of her paranoia. After what her adoptive family did to her, you can't blame her. On top of working 24 hours straight on an hour's sleep.

He noticed the uncertainty in her eyes and sighed.

"Ivy, I won't do anything." He promised. He took and turned her around and rested her head in his lap.

Gentle stroking her hair, she felt comfortable. She felt her eyelids getting heavy. Darkness took over.

He smiled as she slept comfortably in his lap.

She was adorable. His flower. And only his.

Ivy would never belong to anyone else. She would always be his, no matter if he got gifted the entire world.

[January 18th, 2017]

[11:55 P. M]

She yawned and opened her eyes, rubbing them. She sat up in a warm bed and looked around. She was in an unfamiliar room.

The room wasn't the one that she first woke up here, this room was nicer and it had all of her stuff from the Clair's, still in the boxes.

She looked over at the wall clock, and her eyes widened. Looking down at what she was wearing, it was a cotton white nightgown. Definitely not what she should wear to where she needs to go.

She kicked the blanket off and swung her legs over onto the side of the bed. When her feet hit the ground, she felt some kind of cloth and a fluffy rug on her feet. She looked down. There was an elastic bandage, perfectly wrapped around her sprained ankle.

'Did Sebastian do this?' She asked herself.

She stood up from her bed and limped to one box that said:

[Ivy Alexander

Clothes for Black and White]

Opening it, there were black clothes that Ivy would normally not wear.

There was a Black leather jacket with some holes in the bottom and a white tank top. Ripped black jeans with some chains on the belt holes. And black heels with black tights that go under the jeans and up to her knees.

'I am going to freeze.' She thought once she was done getting dressed

She limped towards the balcony doors and unlocked them, opening them up.

She looked down, Ivy was on the second floor.

Ivy sighed and looked around. Smiling when she noticed the tree.

She carefully limped over to it and carefully climbed down from it.

Ivy knew how to climb up and down trees. She always did that when she was young. Climbing trees is fun.

When she got near the end of the tree, she fell into the soft, cold snow.

Getting up, she tried her best to run as fast as she could, ignoring her ankle pain. She didn't feel the pain because she was used to sprained stuff.

[January 18th, 2017]

[12:57 A. M]

"I give you a month's break like you asked, and on your first day back you are late." Said an average-looking man dressed in all black.

Ivy was in The Black and White gang's territory.

"S-sorry." She apologized, bowing her head.

"Sorry? That's all you have to say, Ivy." He chuckled and rolled his eyes, standing up and walked behind Ivy. He whispered in her ear.

"You remember that tardiness means punishment, right?"

Ivy nodded.

"What should your punishment be this time?" He smirked.

"Actually, I-I am leaving… the g-gang."

His smile dropped.

Ivy was only there for his entertainment. She didn't fight; she didn't clean; she didn't do anything but keep him entertained. It was how she earned most of her money, but that alone was too little for a living. Now that Ivy lived with Sebastian, she didn't need or want him to find out about what she did.

She bit her bottom lip and placed her card on the table.

He just sighed and went back to his chair, "very well then Miss Alexander." He said nonchalantly.

She was shocked that that was all he said; he didn't try to convince or force her to continue in the gang. Knowing her boss, she knew he wouldn't let her go this easily. He was a sneaky bastard and will wait for a time that Ivy wasn't paying attention to strike.

Ivy nodded and quickly left as fast as she came. But she was stopped right outside the door of the base.

"Looks like the boss's pet found someone new." A red hair lady hissed with a chuckle. She had a sadistic smile on her face.

Ivy looked at her and glared, "Veronika! Get out of my way." Ivy demanded while she stomped on the ground.

The girl called Veronika rolled her eyes, "shut your trap, Ivy. You can't tell me what to do now." He chuckled.

Ivy sighed and looked down.

Veronika walked up to Ivy and pulled her hair, causing Ivy to fall into the cold snow. "Still weak, little Ivy."

"You are breaking the contract you signed, Veronika," Ivy rolled over and smirked at her, "you are attacking someone who is not in the gang, nor any other gang."