
Avengers Ultimate Weapon

Being molded and trained since he was a young child, to be Hydra's perfect weapon. Only for a secret experiment to shatter his worldview, to show him what was stripped from him for so long. They couldn't hope to contain his rage. His will. HIS freedom to chose his own path. If it just so happens his path crosses theirs, well, at least no one will have to clean up the mess. This is my second try at a Fan-Fiction and I'm still learning. Constructive criticisms are welcomed. I do not own anything. All rights belong to Disney/Marvel. Cover art by saralgam1980 on Deviantart I'm cross posting under the username Dante1hits on other sites.

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Chapter 6

A.N. So, Widow's bio says a few things depending on which universe. E-616 has her immune system being jacked up on SSS and kills zygotes like an infection. E-199999(MCU) is a total/partial hysterectomy, so that's what I'm going with.


Fury's idea to fake Coulson's death as an event to unite everyone wasn't what I expected. Apparently, I had missed a massive argument between everyone in Bruce's lab before the attack. They had all been at each other's throats.

Coulson and Fury left to implement his idea after taking Loki's staff to secure it. 

Thor's entire attention has been on Loki for a while now. Not having paid attention to Fury.

I headed toward the med bay to help the crew who were injured in the attack. Most of the injured were seen by the ship's medical staff. Still, with the destruction and the gunfire I heard over the comms during the fighting, there were certainly going to be those who needed immediate aid.

After fixing up several crew members who had been shot and a few who had broken or crushed bones from being near the explosion that took out the engine, I was heading to check on the 'Avengers,' as Fury called us. But I saw Natasha heading into a private room in the med bay. Last I heard from her, she had captured Barton.

Knocking on the door, I hear Natasha calling me in. I see a man with dark brunette hair restrained to a bed with Natasha sitting in a chair at his bedside.

"Sorry for interrupting, Natasha. I saw you coming in and wanted to check if you were hurt during the attack."

"Some bruised ribs from being near the Hulk when it broke loose, but nothing serious, I've dealt with worse. I should introduce you two. This is Barton, an old friend and fellow agent. Loki put him and several others under his control when he took the cube. I managed to bring him back after hitting him in the head really hard," 

She smirked at Barton, but it seemed the mention of his time under Loki's thrall was unsettling to him. He looked uncomfortable.

"Clint, this is Dante, one of the people Fury brought in to deal with Loki and find the cube."

"Good to meet you, Agent Barton. How are you feeling? Any after-effects?"

"Yeah, have you ever had someone take your brain and play with it? Pull you out and stuff something else put back in?" Barton asks me, angry, but I sense it's not towards me.

I glance at Natasha before answering,

"Unfortunately, yes, I do. I was brainwashed and conditioned from a young age. It was only four years ago that I broke free from it. I understand the confusion of not knowing who "you" are and what they made you do... But I've examined Loki's staff, and I know it influences others. I can see if any of its energy still resides in you and flush it out to give you peace of mind."

He looks over to Natasha, silently asking if what I said was true. Seeing her nod, he nods to me.

Remembering what the staff's energy felt like, I focused on trying to find any within Barton. There are faint wisps of its power still clinging to him but are quickly fading.

I purge what little still remains and tell him,

"There were minuscule amounts of its influence still holding onto you, but it would seem that blow to the head broke its control over you. They were fading rapidly, but I sped it up and purged what remained. You are all you again."

He slumps into the bed with a sigh. And Natasha starts removing the strap restraints now that I assured Barton is himself again.

Sitting up, he has a dejected look on his face,

"Natasha, how many agents-?"

Natasha makes him look her dead in the eye as she cuts him off,

"Don't! Don't do that to yourself, Clint. It was Loki. Monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for."

Barton merely nods before asking,

"Loki. He get away?"

Natasha looks toward me,

"No. I threw him right back into the cell after he tried dropping Thor out of the belly of the ship. He's not been a happy camper since I ruined his grand escape. Between his bouts of threats and vitriol, he's still not giving us any information on the cube's location, though. Fury was hoping you might know what his plan was after escaping." I answer him with a smile.

Barton is shocked. He looks again at Natasha, and she nods, confirming what I said is true.

"Dante is more than just a mind healer, Clint. He managed to subdue the Hulk. Even Thor was having trouble when he broke loose. Banner is currently sleeping off the incident right now."

"I'm starting to think I should retire," he shakes his head with a sigh, "I didn't need to know his plans. Didn't Ask. Only that he was going to make his play soon, though. Today."

"Well, we need to be ready at any moment then. Natasha, you said your ribs are bruised. If you're comfortable with it, I can fix you up and back to fighting shape, and I can see what you asked me about yesterday." 

She said it was important to her, but it obviously hadn't impacted her combat ability, having taken down Barton even with bruised ribs.

She hesitates for a moment. Barton looks at me with wide eyes before asking Natasha,

"Wait. You mean he can..."

She nods slightly,

"He says he can restore someone's body, even returning lost limbs..." she says quietly.

"You better not be lying, Dante. Even if you can take down the Hulk, I'll ensure you regret it..." Barton pins me with a cold stare.

Understanding the seriousness they both put into Natasha's request, I stare back with conviction.

"She has yet to tell me what it is. But I have yet to find anything I could not fix or heal in the human body. Sickness or injury, it only takes a short amount of time for me to correct it."

He keeps looking at me for a moment longer before nodding,

"Good. I'm going to go to the restroom to clean myself up. I'll leave you to it." He says, getting up.

After Barton closes the door, it's just me and Natasha. She's silent for a few moments, in deep thought. Then she turns to me,

"I was taken as an infant to be part of a spy organization in Russia known as the Red Room. Hundreds of young girls were trained in infiltration, spycraft, and assassination," She pauses and takes a deep breath, 

"On "graduation" from our training... we were sterilized. 'One less thing for agents to 'worry' about outside of missions, ' they said."

What is it with these people? Hydra, the Red Room. So many lives like ours were ruined

"I can only imagine what you've gone through. But even if you were born sterile, I could still help if that's what you wish." I say to her.

She looks at me with hope in her eyes and nods. 

Having her lie down on the bed, I first started with her bruised ribs. I found two of them were actually fractured. I healed them before repairing the damaged tissues surrounding them.

She took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief as I moved my focus to her lower abdomen.

They had utterly removed her womb. Ovaries, uterus, and cervix. There was a large amount of scar tissue across the site that would have to be removed as well. So that is where I started.

I concentrate deeply. Picturing a healthy, functioning reproductive system. Holding the image, I impose it over where hers should be. Slowly, I push power into manifesting it, ensuring I maintain focus.

Scar tissue fades away rapidly, and her lower abdomen distorts slightly as the new biological tissue fills the void that her surgery had caused. The image in my mind takes its place in the material world as her reproductive system materializes as if it had never been removed in the first place.

She lets out a gasp and presses a hand to her stomach. Her eyes start to tear up when she looks up at me, and I nod,

"All done," I state, smiling at her, "Everything is working as it should. With the return of your ovaries, though, you'll be getting an influx of estro-"

I'm cut off mid-sentence by Natasha springing off the table, dragging my head down to eye level, and trying to kiss me to death.

I was stunned for a moment before happily kissing her back, wrapping my arm around her lower back. Her kiss was passionate and demanding. Her usual calm and collected disposition had flown out the window as she devoured my lips and wrapped her tongue around my own.

Breaking the kiss, she shoved me in the chest. Pushing me backward, right into the chair, straddling my lap, she attacked my lips yet again.

As I put a hand on her wide hip and stroked her thigh with the other, she began to grind her hips into me, still refusing to let go of my lips as she gave one of the most seductive moans I've ever heard in my life.


It takes a few moments for Natasha to let go of me. And I see Barton leaning against the restroom door frame.

"So, I take it went well?" he asks with a smirk.

It took a second to gather myself before I could answer him because Natasha still hadn't gotten off my lap,

"It's as if it never happened."

"Glad to hear it," He nods to me with a genuine smile. Then, he looks at Natasha, who is staring at me like a cat toward a mouse, 

"Soooo, when are you bringing him to meet Laura and the kids?"