
Avengers Ultimate Weapon

Being molded and trained since he was a young child, to be Hydra's perfect weapon. Only for a secret experiment to shatter his worldview, to show him what was stripped from him for so long. They couldn't hope to contain his rage. His will. HIS freedom to chose his own path. If it just so happens his path crosses theirs, well, at least no one will have to clean up the mess. This is my second try at a Fan-Fiction and I'm still learning. Constructive criticisms are welcomed. I do not own anything. All rights belong to Disney/Marvel. Cover art by saralgam1980 on Deviantart I'm cross posting under the username Dante1hits on other sites.

Scubasteve · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

Word had gotten around quickly that we would be sparring. A large crowd had grown and followed Thor and me toward a large building with a sand-floored arena that Thor said was used as training grounds by the Einherjar, a warrior class of Asgardians that serve as their military. 

Thor advised me to change out of my casual t-shirt and black jeans if we were going to fight and offered training gear that was stored alongside blunt and sharp training weapons to wear. Afterward, he went and started putting on a show for the crowd that had formed around the arena. I noticed numerous citizens even placing bets.

'Well, if he wants to turn this into a public spectacle, I should also look the part.'

Instead of taking the offered leather armor, I thought back to a high-end tailor I came across while exploring Rome. They catered to a classical Victorian style but with a touch of new-age flair that I liked but found no reason to buy at the time. But now, a little pageantry would fit.

I walked out into the arena while holding the image in my mind and slowly let it take the place of the clothes I was wearing now, putting a little 'magic' on display as a wave traveled from my neck down, causing my clothes to warp and change. My simple t-shirt became a black silk doublet with red stitching and golden buttons. While a long, black leather jacket formed over it, reaching down to my shins, its inner lining was a crimson-red silk. My jeans became a much more up-scale pair of black trousers and were tucked into knee-high black leather riding boots. (Picture)

My 'entrance' had caught the crowd's attention and caused them to start betting again. Thor soon finished exciting the crowd and joined me in the center of the arena.

 "A fine show, Dante. And an equally fine garb you have chosen. Are you ready to begin? I must say I have been excited to face you since I first saw your capabilities. What is your weapon of choice? I shall, of course, wield Mjolnir." Thor speaks loudly, intending for the entire crowd to hear him.

"I'm more proficient with firearms or short blades, but I shall not use any for this. No offense." I say to him with a smirk.

"Oh? So confident. Very well then." Thor chuckles back.

(Cepheid - Messenger in Flames)

Thor wastes no time and begins the fight, immediately charging at me. Kicking off the ground with a spray of sand, he rockets toward me before stomping and jumping into the air, raising his hammer high to swing down on me.

I won't let him tee off on me by standing still. As soon as he jumps, I dodge toward the side. Just as he's about to land, I bring back a fist and swing for his jaw. He's seasoned enough to see it coming and pulls back on his hammer swing to use it to block my strike.

Just before my fist impacts the fabled hammer, I displace myself directly toward his opposite side, landing a solid strike straight to his unguarded jaw. I didn't crank up the weight or speed of the punch, so it only caused him to pause a moment upon being struck in the face, but the empowered kick from my back leg into his gut certainly hurt, causing him to slide back several feet on the sandy field and cradle his stomach.

The exchange caused the crowd to roar as the excitement rose, seeing that I wouldn't be taken out in a single hammer blow.

"Well done, but I am far from defeated," Thor says, charging again.

This time, I copy him. Digging into the sand, I close the gap between us as Thor goes for a sweeping hammer strike toward my side. I increase my leg strength just as we get in range of one another, throwing off Thor's timing. He tries to throw a punch with his opposite hand, but he's too late.

I get inside his guard and drive a fist deep into his unarmored armpit, striking the nerves of his hammer arm, immediately causing him to recoil, grab his arm, and try his best not to drop Mjolnir as the entire arm goes numb.

"GAH! It's like fighting Loki if he could fight. But also like Hogun and Fandral together." He grumbles to himself while shaking out his arm. I smirk.

"Still wish to continue, Thor?" I ask him

"I see now you are more than just your magic, my friend. You have the fighting skills of a veteran, but I am enjoying finally having a worthy opponent to spar against. Indulge a while longer."

I don't answer him in words but by action. I displace myself directly above him and drop straight down on top of him, feet first, as I increase my weight to that of several tons. He's quicker to react this time and manages to get Mjolnir up to block my double foot stomp, but it doesn't stop him from slamming down onto a knee from the force of impact. He grits his teeth as he tries to throw me away but has to duck his head away as I lash out a regular kick to his temple. I push off Mjolnir and dodge Thor's attempt to grab my other ankle, making him grumble again as he rises to his feet. 

It would seem that Thor wanted to take this up a notch as Mjolnir started to arc with lightning. 

'I guess he's starting to get irritated at not landing one of his strikes. Let's see what the "God of Thunder" can do.'

Thor raises his hammer high above him, and seconds later, a massive bolt of lightning falls from the sky onto the hammer, wreathing Thor in arcs of blue lightning. With a roar, he swings it down and strikes the ground. A massive explosion of sand and lighting blasts in every direction from the impact. 

I quickly shield myself by blocking the space around me, causing the lightning to bend and ricochet around me, turning the sand into molten glass. The impromptu sandstorm subsided, showing Thor kneeling before a large crater on the arena floor, looking at me in slight shock at my unscathed appearance.

"I think it's time we end this, Thor," I say as my only warning.

Before he can react, I displace myself directly in front of him, swinging a soccer kick straight underneath his chin, making his head snap back, and his body follows it, rising and bending backward. I blink again, positioning myself below and beneath his back, on my hands as I boost the strength of my legs and stomp both feet into the middle of his back, launching him up into the air. I displace again and again, striking him from all sides with punches and kicks before finally appearing above him once more and dropping an axe kick onto his chest, slamming him into the ground, causing the ground to crater underneath him. (AN: Dante Barrage!)

The crowd went silent in what I can only guess was shock. Thor was not likely bested often. Thor groans as he pulls himself up, taking a moment to reach his feet.

"Uugh. I yield, Dante. I have not felt like this since my first training days centuries ago. You have bested me, for now." He finishes with a smile, clasping my arm in a show of there being no hard feelings.

The crowd is a mix of cheers at our match. As well as groans from those paying their bets.

The Warriors Three and Lady Sif meet us at the side of the arena. Each one gave their praises at our fight. Congratulating me and giving Thor a light ribbing over having been bested by a 'Midgardian Sorcerer.'

The light cast over Asgard had begun to fade during our match as 'night' began to fall. Thor insisted I rest the night in a guest room at the palace and wouldn't take no for an answer when I tried to beg off. This seemed to be a trend for Thor.


I spent the morning saying my goodbyes to Thor and his friends as they saw me off after Odin reiterated that I was now a friend of Asgard and would be welcomed back whenever I wished.

With a final goodbye, I opened a portal back to Earth.