
chapter 6

Lin should still be here so I walked out and there she was wearing her amour and walking out the door when she noticed me "good morning sweetie I made some food for you"

"Thanks I appreciate it" I said as I thought about if last night was really a dream it didn't seem like it I still felt the slight burn from "Rengi's" fire and lin said Suspiciously"are you ok, you look pale and you seemed kind of sickly like you were in a fight"

"You better have accidentally burned yourself and not gotten in a fight with a fire bender" lin said with fury and I replied "I don't know how I got the burns just woke up with them"

"It seems like you are telling the truth but font think that I'm not watching you" She said while putting her pointer and pinky finger to her eyes as she stepped backwards.

I went into the bathroom and got some things to treat my burns I rubbed some cream on my face 😏

It felt cold on my skin just proving even more that my burns weren't nothing. On the mirror I saw my reddish skin with bits of white from the cream 😏

Today I would do my duty as the dark avatar and cause chaos and disorder I would use my blood bending to mess with the police.

I grabbed my mask and the clothes I used on that night and snuck out it was early and not many people were awake only thugs and policemen and policewomen.

That was only a fraction of the population of republic city and most thugs were also druggies and so the weren't very alert. I got some disgusting water from the sewer and started to fly around on my water I headed for the center of town flying over buildings and startling some people walking by.

Until I got near the biggest buildings in the center of town an airship flew over head and a man on the radio screamed "Freeze, you are under arrest" and multiple metal benders swung down on there cables and before they could wrap me up in there cables I flew away on my shit water.

They screamed "GET back here Now" one got there cable on me but I cut it off with my water by moving it at a high speed the cable whipped back and hit one of the police officers who screamed in pain as it hit his balls and blood spilled all over the roof.

(I pray for my man)

"Goddammit, Get him" The person on the airship speaker yelled then more metal benders came down from the airship and the ones were still on the roof tending to there friend who wouldn't be able to have kids after this.

I turned around a building and waited for the metal benders to turn the corner and when they did I ambushed them with blood bending I did the aneurysm trick but I lowered them so they wouldn't fall to there deaths.

This was fun but I still had to run there was more and more metal benders coming for me I had to get my destruction in quick or I would be captured.

I turned some of my shit water into solid pieces of water which I threw at the biggest building which part of it collapsed and people started to fall out of the hole In the now tilting building.

I used blood bending to slow there fall and make sure they didn't die, they were innocent people in a cruel world and they were born without bending which was unlucky for them and I would not punish them.

The metal benders still tried to attack me while I was distracted and one hit me in the head and I almost dropped the civilians and then one metal bender said "wait stop if we attack him we risk killing the citizens once he's done saving them then we apprehend him"

And I replied in my disguised voice "Wise Mr. Metal bender and just for the record I'm not holding them hostage I'm saving these innocent citizens from certain death and I'm sorry about the other dudes balls"

I finished saving them and one metal bender started to reinforce the building and make it stable again and I commended him in my disguised voice "thank you mister metal bender, now we may continue our chase 3..2..1.. GO" .I sped away after the last part and as I looked at the metal benders who seemed confused as hell they'll definitely think I'm a nut case.

I was going as fast as possible and these metal benders could not catch up to me, I managed to make it out of town and I had around 7 miles on them and I hid in a dilapidated building and some homeless dude tried to shank me while screaming "you go on get out of here this is my place" I purified some of my sewer water for him and he thanked me I also gave him some spare money and told him "my friend I hope you do great things with you life but I must return to my home"

I walked out and snuck through the building alleys there were no police and considering the look of this place its clear that they long ago abandoned this area because it was too dangerous.

It was clear that it was dangerous as hell because 4 people tried to rob me but I gave them water and money and some wise words.

I already took off my mask and healed some of my bruises and cuts from the metal benders. Water healing was extremely useful for fights, I walked all the way home and cleaned myself up with water bending who would have know earth benders make you dirty.

I made it back up while hiding my mask, it was 11:32 am so I could head to sleep but then I thought about my hiding place for the mask and I could just hide it underground behind the apartment.

I walked into my room and changed my clothes then headed out back and used earth bending to hide my mask and made a hole and closed it.

I walked back into the building and laid down and fell asleep.

(Hope you liked this chapter ❤️❤️❤️ love you no homo except for a little homo)

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