
chapter 5

I looked around and saw 2 people watching some black haried beauty and some black haired dude who was also handsome he was a 8.9 out of 10 and the woman was a 9.6 ot of 10

The man raised his hands he was a bender and by the kooks of it a fire bender "I'm sorry Madam and sir but I'm going to have to knock you out, you won't remember this" I said in my masked voice the black haired woman ran away but before she got far I did the same trick I did to the metal benders.

The fire bender blasted me with flames which I used water from a sewer grate to block it then the brain aneurysm trick then I healed it.

I ran away still holding all of my money it was 4:32 and I needed to get home fast. At around 4:43 I made it home and scaled the wall with metal bending I took off my mask and clothes and changed them I hid the mask in the closet behind a trunk.

And I changed into pajamas And laid down I actually fell asleep really fast too I guess I was really tired.

I hid the watch in the mattress around some books to hide it from lin's Seismic sense I did the same with the mask.

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:30 but pressed the button then went back to sleep I awoke at 12:16 pm. I was home alone since lin was back at work probably dealing with my blood bending work last night.

There was food left for me it was cold and breakfast food I still ate it though then I headed out for lunch after a change of clothes.

I would go to Salzins and get a sandwich or a steak I had 27,000 yuan to spare so I was fine last time I went there was 2 people and we spent 8,000 yuan so half that I was still unsure so I brought 6,000 yuan.

I heard and saw the crime scene there were police officers yelling at people to get back. I had to pass by to get to salzins after I got there I got a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and cow-pig they called it a P.L.T it was agood acronym but there was somthing missing about it didn't roll of the lounge right it was almost there.

I enjoyed my sandwich to the fullest extent and heard some metal benders on break talking about 'The Incident' I caused last night.

I got a second sandwich then got the bill which totaled 5,432 yuan I was close to going over my 6,000 yuan budget. I paid the bill and walked back home and I saw lin dealing with the scene I waved but she didn't see me.

I made it home and laid down and headed back to sleep when I woke up it was 7:39 pm lin gets off work at 8:00 I got up and made some food to eat after I finished eating, it was 8:05 around 15 minutes later lin arrived I just sat on the couch and read during this time.

Once lin got back she said "alright were going to apologize to the avatar which korra is in the hospital visiting mako and Asumi, but we'll need to be careful about the bloodbender that's lurking in the area"

Finally something interesting to do I got my stuff and walked with lin to the hospital, lin said with haste in her voice "it's room 3542" we looked around for the room until we found it

We walked in and I saw the two people I attacked last night I stood frozen for a second before walking over to korra and said while patting her on the back "I'm sorry about what happened to your friends and what I accidentally did to Naga" korra responded in a sad and hushed tone "it's fine bash, and thanks"

Then the dude named mako said "hey who are you?" And I responded to the guy I beat the shit out of last night named mako "I'm Bashann beifong, I'm lin's adopted son" his jaw dropped and stuttered then A bald dude with airbender marks walked forward and said "wow I'm Proud of you lin"

Lin gave tenzin a glare showing she wasn't any weaker of a person then the steel women she was.

She handed mako a box and said "don't worry we'll find the blood bender who did this, but are you sure you don't remember what happened last night because I find it odd that no one remembered what happened last night Only the one person remembered and they were the only one who saw the first crime."

"Wait, wait, I remember something it was the metal benders just falling limp after the masked blood bender raised his hands and he bearly used any movemens for his bending it was extremely impressive, my memory is still kind of blurry, though I'm not sure this actually happend I may be fabricating the story, he had black hair and was around 6 feet tall and his bending was better then korras and any other water-bender I've seen including Amon" said Mako who I was sorry for

"This is worse then I thought, after your healed I want you down at the station" lin said with a tad bit of question probably about the bloodbender also known as me.

Lin started talking "Bashann go home, I'm headed to the station to report this new development, also be safe"

"I will" I replied as we walked away and headed our respective directions me to home and lin to the police station.

Now, I don't want to attack people atleast on purpose because it was pitiful to see those two in the hospital.

I made it home at around 9:04 and headed straight to bed and fell asleep I woke up but in an odd place and I yelled "where am I"

It was a rocky terrain and some lady and some gentleman were fighting they were both wearing earthbending clothes and they were earth bending.

Some other people came into sight it was a 6v1 this unfair but then the lady I first saw started bending the other elements she was the avatar we'll this doesn't make sense korra is the avatar wait this person looks like Kyoshi an old avatar before roku who was before Aang which was the previous avatar

I could sense the spirt raava in her I would help this man in this unfair fight. I would only use earthbending too fight to even the grounds.

Kyoshi looked at me and said in a very masculine voice "stay out of this fight civilian, I do not need your help" and I yelled back "I'm not here to help you bitch I'm here for this man being 1v6ed"

She looked a bit angry then shot a beam of earth at me and yelled to her group "2 people get him"

"Thank you0 sir for your help I will not let you die" screamed the man while holding off 4 people with his bending.

I made a pillar of earth come out from beneath my foot to propel my self in the air where I then shot two spikes at them which one dodged and the other blasted fire at me.

The one who was hit stopped moving she was still alive most likely but the other did not like this and he screamed "your going to pay for that"

He started to blast a constant flame at me which was block by a wall of earth which I scaled and did a back flip. I noticed he was wearing a button a metal button I metal bended his button and dragged him around the battle field he screamed "what are you doing, how are doing this wait are you bending my metal button how, Be careful he obviously talented in the arts of earthbending"

"RANGI, you will suffer for that" kyoshi yelled at she diverted her attention to me and me alone and right before are attacks reached each other I woke up back in bed and my alarm clock read '5:19' I checked outside my window and it was clearly am

(Hope you liked this chapter ❤️❤️❤️ love you no homo except for a little homo)

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