
Avatar :The journey of Roh

Come follow Rohs journey in a new world filled with Beast, spirits and Humans

DreadHead_Novelist · Others
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2 Chs

The little white ball

Inside a valley white tall faintly green tree as well as vast grasslands, there sat a peaceful and dark blue lake. Gulp...gulp the sound of a beast slurping up water on the edge of of the lake was very noisy. Every once and awhile the beast would lift it's head up and check it surroundings. It did this a couple of times and Proceeded to drink water. The creature resembles a bear but it had a brown shaggy coat of fur with light brown stripes running along its sides.

The bear looking creature also had bunny-like ears on its head with large whisker on its cheeks. The beast continued to lap up water but as it was doing this it's bunny-like ears rapidly twisted but in a quick reaction, it jumped back from the dark blue lake and rushed into the nearby forests.

The lake started to ripple from its center towards the outer edges of the perimeter. When this was happening a weird scene happened in the nearby forest the trees and grass shifted towards the lake, as if expecting something. Some beast of varying sizes appeared to look towards the lake too.

After some time a white transparent orb shot out of the water and levitated in the air.

The orb glowed dimly and it even had some cracks on its surface, as it hovered over the middle of the lake. The neighboring trees and plants started to shake, as some type of green energy shot out of their bodies and rushed towards the orb.

The green energy slowly caressed the orb, like a mother would her child and started to heal the cracks on its surface. The orb started to have a bright glow to it's surface.

The orb sat there and let the energy do it works as it can perceive the emotions the energy had for it. The orb sensed that the trees and plants would do anything for its wellbeing even sacrifice themselves for the orbs survival.

After some time the orb moved away from the lake and took in the view of the valley combined with the light blue sky. The orb didn't know why but it thought the view was nice looking. The little grew curious about its surroundings and started to travel around the neighboring regions.

It saw many new things that interesting it such as strange-looking creatures, trees so tall you couldn't see the top and even a plant that was eating a creepy looking monkey-like creature.

One day when the orb was out adventuring it heard a loud scream. The orbs curiosity getting the best of it hurriedly went to the origin of the sound and saw a weird animal getting pulled under the ground by the nearby plants. The orb quickly pleaded for the plants to stop. Which they listened to it and accepted. The creature pushed back up to the surface of the dirt and started to cough loudly.

Holding it's chest the creature took deep breaths before feeling a gaze directed at it. Swiftly looking up it saw a transparent orb with a soft white flame around it's body floating midair. Before the creature could even read the orb appeared right in front of its face and asked telepathically "what are you, I have never seen anything like you before?"

The creature had a dumbfounded look on its face as it tried to figure out how the orb was speaking in it's head. The creature not knowing how to respond says out loud with a weak voice "uh, I'm a human and my name is Wan." Wan was quiet before asking a question of his own "Do you have a name?"

A name? The orb thought to itself I'm probably going to need one. He glanced at wan before saying "I don't have a name is it ok if you give me one?" Wan seem kind of happy to give the orb a name. He gave some names but the orb quickly turned them down for various reasons. Until he came up with the name Roh which the orb accepted it.

The orb now named Roh asked the now standing human "why are you alone shouldn't you be with other humans?" Wan had to think for a bit before he replied. He had a downcast expression when he thought about the bad decisions he made In the past he gave Roh a quick glance and thought maybe he could use this opportunity to get some stuff off his chest so he told Rah about his current situation.

Even though he knew Rah didn't understand everything it felt good to talk to somebody about his problems. Wan had good feeling about the little orb so he asked if it would like to travel with him. The orb didn't take too long to respond giving a "yes" to the man's question.

The man and orb set off on their journey with out too much difficulties because the little orb would ask all plants and animals to leave the human alone. In return Wan would answer all questions the orb had about his life in the human city. They got to know each other on a personal level and even joked around.

The orb was really fascinated with the storys Wan told him about how the humans and spirits bend the elements such as water, earth, air and even fire. But what he really wanted to do was meet a lion turtle and ask many questions to it about this vast world and if it knew what type of creature he was.

Eventually the duo after long periods of walking and traveling stumbled on a beautiful island like oasis. The island looked peaceful with delicious-looking fruits hanging from the trees wan and Roh both looked at each other and decided to camp there for the night.

Tell me what you think about this chapter and what powers the mc should get.

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