
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The ‘Violet Bard’

After Xiao left the tournament and own back his sword, he wandered aimlessly. Sadly there was no cash prize for the tournament, so he would have to earn his pay in some other way.

Xiao thought for a moment.

Suddenly his eyes lit up with realization. Xiao quickly left town and found a tree branch. Then using a small dagger that he kept in his boot, Xiao wiggled the stick into a flute.

Iroh had often mentioned that he liked to here music while drinking tea, and after he sen the servants away for Xiao's sake, Xiao had snuck off at night for the next few years, attending a class for playing the flute secretly.

After around a year of practice, and with the help of his apparent talent in music, Xiao started to play the flute during Iroh's tea time. Actually, his master never actually asked how or when he learned the flute. Xiao simply assumed that he somehow found out from a different source. He didn't really mind as Iroh always made sure to thank him after every performance with a smile.

Xiao paid for the lessons with money he borrowed from Zuko. 'Actually, I need to pay him back… I will do so when we meet again. And did I ever tell Zen Fu that I was leaving?' Xiao thought. Zen Fu was his flute instructor.

Xiao broke himself from his thoughts as he re-entered Gaoling and set up shop next to the meat skewer stall from earlier. The man running the stall was slightly against this at first, but when he heard Xiao start to play, he forgot all about his complaints.

Xiao was playing a light-beat tune that was quite popular and well known in the Earth kingdom. He decided to start with this as it would help draw the people's attention. Later on, once he had a good group of listeners, Xiao would start playing lesser known songs and some from other nations as well.

As Xiao played song after song, more and more people would pass by and stop for a while to finish the song, sometimes dropping the occasional copper or even silver piece into the bowl Xiao had in front of him.

Every time this happened Xiao would stop playing for a moment to smile and thank them before continuing with the song, not missing a beat.

Xiao liked playing music and making people smile. Even though he had seen that there were many bad people in this world, after his time with Iroh, Xiao had realized that there were many more good people than bad ones.

Xiao played until the sun finally set and people went off to their homes to rest. He put the bowl of money and flute into his travel bag and went to his normal spot on the roof just opposite of where he played to sleep.

—The Next Day—

Xiao woke up and looked down to see the streets just starting to become busy as people woke up and went about their days. He walked around for a second, buying some bread and a meat skewer for breakfast and enjoying his morning.

He even found a tea shop! Xiao quickly bought some Jasmine tea and a honeypot as well. He had gained the habit of drinking tea from his years spent with Iroh.

After he finished his breakfast and brewed himself a pot of tea, Xiao set up his little stage at the same spot as the previous day. This time the man in the meat skewer stall welcomed him with a smile as he drew in a lot of costumers.

Xiao started to play and soon a crowd formed once again. And so a week passed by. Every day Xiao would go out and play, and every day he would gain a bigger and bigger audience. On the fourth day he was even invited to play in a tavern, where he received song requests among other things.

On the seventh and final day though, while he was playing in the tavern, drunken men singing along as he played an old Earth Kingdom tune, some guards burst through the door.

Xiao stopped playing and everything went silent. The guards looked around and saw Xiao wearing his typical violet kimono. "Are you the violet bard?" One of them asked Xiao. He cringed at the nickname.

"Is that really what people call me?" He asked. The guard ignored him. "The Beifong family has requested that you attend a banquet tonight and play for them." The guard said in a serious tone.

Xiao looked at the man lightheartedly. "How much?" He asked.

"Ten gold coins for the whole night." The guard said. Murmurs were heard throughout the stupid patrons. "Do it man!" Some dude shouted. A chorus of encouragement came Xiao's way and he smiled. "Very well. The next three rounds are on me! Oh and Mr. guard!" Xiao called the guard as he was leaving.

The man turned around as a chorus of cheers resounded from around the tavern. "When are you off duty?" Xiao asked. "Right after I deliver this message. Why?" The guard asked back.

"Come back and bring some friends! I'll pay for your drinks too!" Xiao said happily. He had made quite a bit of cash playing after all.

The guard smiled. "I will!" He said as he left. Xiao could here some cheers from outside as he probably told the other guards.