
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Tournament Time

All the contestants made their way to the arena, as instructed by the announcer and owner of the arena, Xin Fu.

Xiao walked on, standing in the center of the arena. 'Let's get this over with…' He thought to himself as he stood still with his arms crossed, his face turning serious.

Many contestants looked at him, intent on taking Xiao out first. "Get out of here, you Fire-Nation scumbag." Said one of the bigger contestants.

Xiao sized him up. The man was very muscular, and quite tall, standing at around six feet in height. However, Xiao couldn't help picturing a hippo when looking at him due to his massive underbite and equally big gut. He reminded Xiao of the sumo wrestlers that the Fire Lord would have perform at banquets on occasion.

"I am the Hippo." The man said proudly. 'Sure enough.' Xiao thought to himself. Suddenly everyone became quiet as Xin Fu, started speaking.

"This will be a free-for-all! The last man standing will receive a special prize, a sword from the Fire Nation, crafted by a master sword smith!" Xin Fu started, bringing out Xiao's blade and presenting it to the contestants in the arena. Xiao scanned the people around him, seeing mostly greed in their eyes. 'Most of them don't even use swords…'

He thought to himself as Xin Fu continued.

"Even if you don't use a sword, this blade will most likely fetch a high price in an auction or by selling it in the market!" He said loudly.

Xiao shook his head and zoned out whatever the idiot was saying. He looked over at Toph who was a few feet away from him and walked over. "Hey." He said once he reached her.

"What do you want?" The girl asked gruffly. Xiao chuckled. "That's my sword." He said. Toph stared at Xiao's mouth. "Cool. I'm only participating yo fight anyways." She said.

"Awesome." Xiao said before walking away. He'd rather not fight that girl. No idea why though. It definitely wasn't because of her gender, since he has always wanted to beat Azula's ass on more than one occasion.

Finally, Xin Fu gave the shout to start. At once, four men surrounded Xiao with 'threatening grins on their faces.

One was that hippo man from before. Another was an odd man with a green mask. Another wore goggles and a miners helmet.

The final one was a really buff dude that wore his hair in a bun. He was the one to speak. "The Boulder will take out you fire-boy quickly. Then the Boulder will win this tournament!" He said while sneering. The others followed suit.

'What a bunch of weirdos…' Xiao thought to himself as he chuckled lightly. Lightning danced between his thumb and pointer finger as he held his hand up. Violet flames started to emanate from his feet.

'I believe they said no killing or maiming.' Xiao thought to himself as he pushed off of the ground. Flames keeping him in the air.

The men surrounding the boy had to take a step back as the Violet flames swept the ground around them. However this changed quickly as the flames condensed, gaining more power as Ciao floated a foot off of the ground.

He smirked, and disappeared. "Watch out! This kid's a fire bend-" One of the contestants tried to give a warning shout, but was cut off as he fell to the ground, a Violet flash going passed him.

To those watching, Violet flames and the a equally violet blur swept across the arena, taking out specific contestants as they simply fell to the go round, unconscious.

This was the first move of Xiao's own style, violet flash. By propelling himself with jets of condensed flames, he could move at incredible speeds and fly through the air. He combined this with a bit of lightning bending to shock the opponents, knocking them out instantly.

However, there was one downside. Finally, as the man with the goggles, 'The Gopher' if Xiao remembered correctly, collapsed, Xiao could be seen stumbling as he hit the ground before collapsing to his knees.

He was panting and sweating heavily. 'Energy consumption is still too high.' He thought to himself as he gulped air into his lungs.

Xiao was once again surrounded, half of the original fifty contestants were still standing while the others were on the ground.

However before he could be beaten down by the men, they were all shot away from him by rock pillars.

"I'm glad you decided to be a good sport and leave the ones I picked out!" Toph yelled as she smashed everyone around her with boulders and pillars of rock.

She seemed to somehow know where everyone was, even though she was blind. Xiao watched as she smashed the remaining people out of the arena and then stepped out herself.

Xiao gave her a questioning look. "I don't want that tooth pick. I prefer using my fists." Toph said as she walked away, a section of wall collapsing in front of her as she walked into a hidden tunnel. The wall rebuilt itself after her.

Xiao smirked and silently thanked Toph before looking at Xin Fu. "Now give me my damn sword back." He said, extending his hand. The arena was silent and Xin Fu begrudgingly gave Xiao his sword back.

Xiao held it with care, drawing the blade and scanning the entire thing for damages. He nodded after a while and sheathed it once more, putting the scabbard back on his waist and patting it.

He then walked out of the arena happily, while everyone else stared at him angrily.

However no one dared to challenge the boy, after all he beat up twenty five earth benders in an instant. What chance do they have?