

Bo Riley is hurled into the world of avatar with some gifts! Ps: Short story = will not be long English not first language I uploaded first chp on another account but had issues so I’m uploading on this acc

38chambers · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fire Princes

Bo wandered the winding corridors of the underground prison looking for a way to the surface.

As he was walking around, he heard a commotion.

Deciding to investigate, Bo raised his guard and headed to the sounds of battle.


A few moments earlier…

"Why Uncle? Why were you with the avatar!" A scarred teen asked with a betrayed expression.

The older man he had called his uncle said, "You are not the man you used to be, you are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been!"

Continuing on with a smile, the old man said, "And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny, it is time for you to choose good…"

Suddenly! A large explosion shook the cave sending dust everywhere.

Walking out from the ashes was a girl dressed in the elegant earth nation robes of the kyoshi warriors. Following her were multiple Dai Li agents who in quick succession, earthbended the elder uncle against a wall of crystals.

With a scowl on her otherwise pretty face, the girl said with venom, "I expected this kind of treachery from uncle, but Zuko, prince Zuko. You are a lot of things but your not a traitor…are you?"

Zuko, looking like he swallowed a lime yelled, "Release him, immediately!"

Smirking at the sight of her brothers anguish, the girl said, "It's not too late for you, Zuko. You can still redeem yourself-"

Interrupting her, Iroh yelled, "The kind of redemption she offers is not for you!"

Annoyed at her uncles persistence and perhaps just from being interrupted, the girl ignored the old man after a quick glare and looked Zuko in the eyes, "Why don't you let him decide, Uncle? I need you Zuko. I've plotted this day, the most glorious day in fire nation history! At the end of this you will have your honor back."

She went on with a sly smile, "You will have fathers love, you will have everything you want…"

Iroh was quick to interject and be the voice of reason in Zukos mind, "Zuko I beg of you, look into your heart and what it is that you truly want."

Scoffing at her uncles pleas, Azula raised her arm signaling to the Dai Li to leave and said indifferently, "You are free to choose…"

Walking out of the cave to follow after the avatar, Azula had a confident smirk. Zuko, clenching his fists and with his head down decided his destiny.


Walking into the cave that had just been vacated by the mentally unstable siblings, Bo studied his surroundings.

Outside of a trapped old man who was giving him a weird look, it seemed that everyone had left.

Walking up to the legendary dragon of the west with some giddiness, Bo asked, "You alright?"

Adopting the expression of a sage, Iroh said with wisdom, "Good times become good memories, but bad times become good lessons… who are you and please help"

By the end there it looked like he was being a bit more direct.

"I'm Bo, from the mountains, I was a prisoner here until recently!"

Iroh didn't seem particularly shocked or surprised that a total stranger showed up and took everything by stride.

Nodding his head enthusiastically, Bo got to work…


Bo could hardly fire bend from the strain he had placed on his veins during his outburst a few days ago.

And after further trials, Bo concluded that crystal stalagmite was fire proof.

As the minutes clocked by and Iroh looked at Bo with increasing unease, the old general finally said, "Don't worry about me, I'll find a way out after I've rested a while longer. Get out of here and escape, I came in through that tunnel from the surface."

Bo turned to the gaping tunnel that Iroh had pointed at with his nose and noted that exit down for later.

As frustrated as Bo was, Iroh was right. Only lightning bending would shatter these crystals.

"I'm sorry old timer, I owe you one."

Standing up and off of the dusty cave floor, Bo said, "But I can't leave yet, there's still something I've got to do…"

Tilting his head quizzically, Iroh asked, "Oh? And what is that?"

"Save the avatar!"


Inside a large cavern, there was chaos.

A girl in blue robes was wiggling around a bunch of large octopus water legs, a bald kid with a arrow tattoo was on the ground and craters littered the surface.

And that's not to mention the two power hungry fire princes and an army of Dai Li agents.

The little bald kid said in pain, "There's too many…"

Seeming to come to a realization, the bald kid -no - the avatar said, "I'm sorry Katara."

Enveloping himself in a cover of crystals, the crystal soon began to glow and a badasss theme song started to play.

Following the glow, the crystals broke apart and out came the avatar in all his glory floating vulnerably up and into the sky.

Everyone was memorized by the sight, except for two pairs of eyes. A sadistic princess and a reincarnate from the mountains.

Azula, realizing this was her chance took a deep breath and begun to take a stance. Protruding her arms parallel to one another like a T and pointing forward with two fingers, she took aim…

Spark begun to gather at her fingertips, unleashing a sound similar to chirping birds and a grim smile appeared on her face.

Akin to a railgun, Azula opened fire.

Katara, now realizing the state Aang was in could only watch in despair as Azula grinned confidently.

Suddenly! Queue Naruto OST music because a shadowy figure just launched next to Azula just as the lightning bolt shot out of her fingertips.

Shocked, Azula could hardly react as a somersault kick hit her forearm and redirect the thunder bolt into the cave ceiling causing a massive explosion.


Azula clutched her arm in pain as she glared fiercely at the one responsible.

Dressed in tattered black pants, the figure had black hair, handsome features, and an athletic build.

But what really took the rooms attention was his eyes, glowing blood red with two swirling black dots painted a intimidating image.

Now fascinated by the odd sight, Azula asked, "Who are you?"

Hearing the questions, Bo stood up strait and grinned, "I'm Bo! From the mountains! Believe it!"

Met by an awkward silence, it took the collapsing ceiling to distract everyone from the newcomer.

As the ceiling collapsed, a large crystal chunk in the shape of a spike headed straight for the still floating avatar.

'Oh shit…' Bo thought

"AaAaNnGg!!" Katara yelled with tears in her eyes as Aang was hit by the crystal spear in a vulnerable state.

Collapsing like a sack of potatoes, Katara dashed towards the falling avatar atop a tidal wave.

Catching the avatar she sobbed as she couldn't feel his pulse.

Azula grinned at the sight, and fired a fire ball at the duo with her remaining arm.

However, it was blocked by a fierce looking old man who yelled, "Run! Take the avatar with you and run!"

Katara, still traumatized nodded her head numbly and picked up the avatar and fled through a waterfall conveniently placed in the cavern behind them.

"Wait don't leave me! It wasn't my fault!" Bo yelled as he chased after the duo.

Bo was placed on the farther side from the waterfall and thus had an army of Dai Li between him and the waterfall.

As Iroh distracted a large portion of the Dai Li, the two princes stood opposite Bo.

Looking at the Bo, Azula said condescendingly, "Bo…was it? Since you helped me kill the avatar how about I make you a deal. Surrender yourself to me and I'll allow you to live as my servant!"

Hearing this, Zuko looked at his sister revoltingly and Bo looked like he was just defiled.

Adopting a look he remembered from Itachi, Bo said, "Servant? We are humans, not fish. We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"

Zuko and Azula just starred at Bo with widened eyes, what did he just say?

Twitching an eyebrow in irritation at being rejected, Azula yelled, "Fine then! Have it your way… Zuko, take him out!"

Zuko looked unwilling to follow his sisters commands but since he had the bravery of a platypus he did as she said.

Zuko got into an Agni Kai stance opposite Bo and said something only he would say, "I don't want to hurt you, but don't blame me for what's about to happen…"

He said that while looking like a victim when it was pretty clear to Bo he was about to try and turn him into a piece of charcoal.

"Heh, go ahead and wallow in self pity, just don't hold back." Bo said with bravado while meeting Zukos eyes, earning the princes nod of respect.

Inwardly, Bo was thinking something totally different, 'Shit shit shit how did I go from saving the avatar to indirectly stabbing him, now I'm trapped and facing emo boy and sm girl.'

Looking over the princes shoulders, Bo noticed that their little monologue wasted loads of time and the Dai Li had defeated Iroh locking him yet again in a case of crystal.

Deciding there was no time to waste, Bo focused on Zuko with his sharingan and dashed towards his opponent.

Zuko, taken aback by the burst of speed was slow to react with firebending so he shifted to a martial stance and blocked Bo's incoming jab.

"Ugh!" Zuko grunted as the blow knocked him a few paces back.

'He's stronger than he looks…' Zuko thought

'He's not bending… is he not a bender?' Zuko decided to figure out.

Counter charging, Zuko reengaged with his opponent.

Zuko launched a powerhouse kick followed by a trail of flames at Bo's face which Bo effortlessly ducked under and speeded towards Zuko.

Zuko, realizing that Bo was trying to keep the battle close quarters tried to make some space by blasting a torrent of flames at the charging Bo.

Bo, not able to fire bend but still able to bend the element itself shot both his hands forward like a spear and burst through the wave of flames shocking the onlookers.

Shifting his stance mid air while jumping through the flames, Bo aimed his knee right to Zukos surprised face - caving it in in one fell swoop.

Crashing onto the ground atop Zuko, Bo got up off the princes unconscious body and looked around.

He was surrounded.

There were probably a few hundred Dai Li agent surrounding him and a entertained princess began clapping her hands, "Bravo! Bravo!"

Bo had it half in mind to pull a Madara and say 'Let's dance' to these guys and take them all out.

But, he was worn out, outnumbered, and frankly too weak to even fight off a dozen Dai Li agents.

Bo sent the princess his best smile, and said innocently, "I surrender?"
