

Bo Riley is hurled into the world of avatar with some gifts! Ps: Short story = will not be long English not first language I uploaded first chp on another account but had issues so I’m uploading on this acc

38chambers · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fire Nation

A week had passed since Ba Sing Se and Bo was at the mercy to the fire nation.

Locked up yet again in a prison cell at the hanger of a massive fire nation destroyer class warship, Bo sat in a meditative posture in the center of the cell.

'I've recovered!' Bo thought with excitement.

His chi veins had been healed from the arduous battles and he could finally bend again.

Inwardly looking at his chi reserves and veins, Bo realized they were much higher than before and had strengthened considerably.

Flexing his fists in satisfaction, Bo thought about his future plans.

'I'm a fire nation prisoner right now… but I don't think that will be an issue for long. I should head to the twin dragons as soon as possible to get some inspiration for my own bending style!'

Satisfied with his goals, Bo stood up off his meditative posture and walked towards the bars of his cell.

The guard dressed in fire nation uniform with a white skull face mask turned in surprise at the movement of the prisoner.

After all, they had been at sea for a week and the prisoner hadn't moved from his meditation at all except to occasional eat.

"What do you want?" The guard asked gruffly.

Giving the guard his winning smile, Bo said, "Bring me to the prince, I have an offer for him!"

Looking at the prisoner like he was a imbecile, though covered by the skull mask the guard chuckled and said, "Alright, I'll go fetch the prince"

Inwardly the guard was looking forward to the flaying the prisoner was about to receive for summoning the prince of the fire nation.


Zuko and Azula were in the command bay of the destroyer along with Mai and Ty Lee.

Zuko and Mai were glued to each other as usual and Ty Lee was pestering Azula about some stories from her time in the circus.

As the guard walked in, grabbing Azulas attention, she asked, "What is it?"

Feeling a cold sweat down his back, the guard mustered his courage and talked to the fearsome princess, "It's the prisoner, princess Azula. He wishes to speak to the prince."

Hearing this, Zukos brows wrinkled and he wondered what could Bo want from him.

"Prisoner? Is this the guy with the weird eyes you were telling me about Azula?" Ty Lee asked excitedly.

Annoyed by Ty Lees hyper-activeness, Azula ignored her and said, "Very well. Zuzu go and speak to the prisoner…"

"What!? Why do I have to speak to him!" Zuko yelled hating to be bossed around by his sister.

Azula sent a probing look to Mai, who quickly reasoned with Zuko, "Calm down Zuko, just go and hear him out. He may have had a change of heart."

Hearing his girls words, Zuko calmed down and decided to listen to her and hear what Bo had to say.


Walking into the prisoners bay, Zuko looked through the bars that made up Bo's cell.

Still angry and frustrated from Azula, Zuko growled, "What do you want!"

Looking through the bars, he saw the prisoner, Bo. His black hair had grown passed his ears and his glowing red eyes from before were now a pitch black.

Still confused about Bo's eyes, Zuko decided to ask about them later.

"Chill Zuko, I just had some time to think." Bo said with a diplomatic tone.

Still frowning, Zuko listened to what he had to say.

"I can help you, catch the avatar I mean" Bo said slyly.

Inwardly he was thinking differently, 'Psh, I'll lead you around for a bit and ditch you in the middle of nowhere and go on my way.'

Zukos frown deepened, "Oh yeah? And why should I trust you! You tried to save the avatar!"

Bo just waved his hands at Zukos accusations, "No no no, you misunderstood! I was helping Azula to kill the avatar by redirecting her lighting to the crystals above him!"

'Heh, foolish prince fall into my trap!' Bo thought maniacally.

Zukos face contorted even further. To him it looked pretty obvious that Bo hit Azulas arm with the intent to save the avatar, hell, Bo had even knocked him out!

Recalling the way he was defeated made the sour prince wince in pain. The angry prince said, "Even if what you say is true, it doesn't matter! The avatar was killed by that blow and the fire nation has won!"

When zuko said this, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself too.

Grinning, Bo said, "Do you really believe that? The mighty avatar killed by a rock? Even if I let the lightning run it's course the Avatar would have lived…"

Zukos face became even grimmer than before, it was true. He had a strong feeling in his stomach that the avatar was alive, in fact he had found it strange how quick Azula was to assume the avatar was dead.

Sighing in defeat, the prince said exhasperadly, "Okay fine! Do you know where the avatar is?"

Zuko knew that Bo was up to something, but he felt like he would go crazy if he left this gnawing feeling in his heart.

Face turning serious, Bo spoke, "I'm not certain, I would need to ask some contacts I have in the fire nation."

'Anything to buy time…' Bo thought.

Frustrated the prince said, "Contacts!? *Sigh* Fine, but as soon as you figure out where the avatar is tell me!"

Glaring into Bo's eyes wishing to burn him into a crisp, Zuko dashed out of the cell area while yelling to the guard, "Release him!"


Confidently strutting down the halls of the ship, Bo made his way to the command room and waited for his opportunity to come.

Zuko speed walked a ways in front of him, alerting various guards of the prisoners special status but to still keep an eye on him.

Soon Zuko entered a large door where various notable figures were.

Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, and various fire lord generals all excited to return home after the fall of Ba Sing Se.

Looking at Bo with amusement Azula said, "What's he doing out?"

Zuko said with an annoyed tone, "Its none of your business… He promised to help me find the avatar!"

Azula took her glare off Zuko and then smiled at Bo strangely, " Avatar? The avatar is dead brother."

Gulping down his nervousness, Zuko said, "I'm sure he is, but just in case…"

Squinting her eyes at her brother, Azula sighed and said, "Very well then Zuzu, if you take responsibility for him if he escapes than do as you wish."

Nodding his head in acceptance Zuko stormed out of the room with Mai chasing after him.

Bo was now left alone with Azula and Ty Lee.

Bo, looking at the infamous women noticed the cast on her arm and said honestly, "Sorry about that…"

Azula just laughed and said, "Haha, it's a mere flesh wound, what I would feel sorry about is if you fail to find the avatar and loose your importance…"

Bo just met her stare dead in the eyes. As the duo were having a face off a hopping girl jumped in between them.

"Hey Bo! I've heard loads about you! Let's be friends!" Ty Lee said enthusiastically with a hand stretched out for a hand shake.

Grinning at finally meeting a kind person in this world, Bo met her handshake.

Suddenly! Her grip tightened and she tried to throw him over her shoulder using sheer momentum and agility.

"Wha-" Ty Lee said in surprise, instead of sending him flying as a joke he was planted on both his feet with two shining red eyes starring at her impassively.

"That's some good form but I saw you coming from a mile away…" Bo said with a grin.

Grinning right back Ty Lee said jokingly, " I guess Azula wasn't kidding when she said you were tough!"

Azula just watched the interaction with interest and nodded her head as if confirming something when Ty Lee couldn't flip Bo over.

Unaware of Azulas expression, Bo walked to the guardrails of the warship and looked towards the large mass of land in the distance.

The fire nation.