
Avatar: Modern Day Bending

"Avatar: Modern Day Bending" is a fanfic set in a modern-day world, a century after the era of Avatar Korra. Bending has vanished from the collective memory, believed to be a mere legend by the younger generation. The story follows Las, an ordinary teenager who unknowingly holds the fate of the world in his hands as the last Avatar. When a catastrophic event plunges the world into chaos, Las must embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning to master the elements alone while facing formidable challenges and uncovering the truth of his identity. -- Cover: AI Sorry for the english, i am not english here.

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Waking Weirdly Up.

Las jolted awake, his body drenched in sweat. His eyes, momentarily glowing, returned to their normal state. It was the middle of the day, and the bright sunlight pierced through the gaps in his curtains, casting a warm glow in his room.

Alarmed by her son's distress, Las's mother hurried into the room wearing an apron. She found Las gasping for breath, his forehead beaded with sweat. Without hesitation, she grabbed a towel and gently wiped away the perspiration that soaked the bed sheets.

"W-What's wrong, Las?" his mother asked, her voice filled with concern. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay?"

Managing to smile through his unease, Las put the towel aside and replied, "It's alright, Mom. I just had a nightmare. Sorry for waking up so late." He stood up, attempting to brush off the remnants of his unsettling dream.

Relieved, his mother returned his smile. "I see you've been researching again. I noticed the books left open. I won't disturb you further. I need to head to work, though. Please remember to unfreeze the chicken in the oven. I'll be back late tonight."

Nodding with a tinge of guilt, Las glanced at the open books on his desk. He often left them out as a ruse to make his mother believe he was studying. Saying goodbye, his mother left the room.

Las made his way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face. His mind was preoccupied with the vivid fragments of his dreams. "What was that giant red thing I keep seeing? And who is that woman fighting the monster? None of it makes any sense," he pondered, trying to make sense of the jumbled images that plagued his sleep.

Leaving the bathroom, Las changed into casual attire and descended the stairs to the first floor.


It was noon, and Las found himself slouched on the couch, absentmindedly munching on a plate of French fries. The television droned on with various shows, but nothing seemed to capture his interest.

"These shows are so boring. Everyone's talking about that Avatar fantasy series. I remember the animated version being fantastic. I wonder how they'll bring it to life," Las muttered to himself, flicking through different channels until he settled on the news.

The anchor's voice caught his attention as they reported, "Today, a massive fire engulfed a bank in the city of Yan. Despite the efforts of firefighters, the flames nearly razed an entire city block. The area has been evacuated, and access is restricted."

Just as Las was about to change the channel, the news anchor continued, "In a viral video circulating on the internet, a person is shown manipulating fire with remarkable control. Experts and critics have been unable to explain the authenticity of the footage, leaving viewers intrigued by its increasing popularity."

Wide-eyed, Las watched the video on the screen, a shiver running down his spine. The scenes mirrored the bizarre occurrences from his dreams.

As the news shifted its focus, Las snapped out of his daze, his eyes glowing with curiosity. He pulled out his smartphone and searched for the viral video.

"Oh my God, it's the same! Is this just a coincidence?" Las wondered aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Shaking off his unease, he reassured himself, "I need to stop letting video games consume my thoughts. It's probably just an edited video." With a sigh of relief, he powered off his phone.

Turning off the television, Las rose from the couch, a sudden urge to clear his mind taking hold. Without hesitation, he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, deciding a walk would be the perfect remedy for his troubled thoughts.

End Of Chapter.