
AVATAR Legends of Yin and Yang

100yrs passed after the last Avatar Korra died, the next avatar which would come from the Earth Kingdom has not risen nor had been born, it was claimed by many that the Avatar has already ended with Korra, some still believes that a new Avatar will be born under a new cycle, while others claimed that the Avatar is no longer needed as he/she does not represent balance or peace any longer, yet no one expected that a new Avatar will rise again after a 100yrs after years of civil wars, independence, chaos and turmoil, with the four nation no longer believing that a new heir with the power to control all elements will come to rise again, nations had began to be divided, the world after 100yrs forgot that a new avatar will be born to continue the cycle, and bring balance to the world, no one knew expect the white lotus and the red lotus two separate factions with one goal to find and wait for the next Avatar, the world may had forgotten the Avatar but not for these two faction they believe that cycle may had change but will still rise once again to bring balance to the world. Enter Yin and Yang twins born to a earth kingdom father and a fire nation mother, even at the young age of 3 they began to show signs of being able to control the 4 elements though not fully ,while others fear that they are the reincarnation of both Vatu and Raava and not the Avatar Korra.

Windypackerz07 · Anime & Comics
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Back in a Flash Part 2:

"In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers."

-Neville Chamberlain

Yin: So now what happened next?

Lee: What do you mean? That was it. Now I am going to tell my story like how I also became a legend... You see..

Yin: No I want to know more about Flash, surely his legends didn't end there right?

Lee: Are you sure your not going to listen to my own story?

Yin: No, I have no interest in you..

Lee: You sure? I'll tell you about how I enter the dragon?

Yin: What? I haven't even heard of those stuff Please finish your story about Flash I'll pretend to you listen to you later when you tell me yours.

Lee: Ok, that's good ok, now where did we end of?? hmmm.

After his ordeals in the avalanche getting out of was only one step to survive, with only him as survivor he has to find a way to report back or at-least get a signal for the others. Also he is also not in a good position to stay because extreme cold weather can reach even at 20.75 °C (69.3 °F) which will freeze him to death.

Also he was not the only survivor as he now have to fight one of the greatest water bending assassin in Northern Water Tribe the guy who has never shown his true face before but is standing not far from where he is from. He always covers his mouth with a a mask he also wears a full white polar bear fur. 500 confirmed kills and no one was able to catch him even with a high bounty not even our finest warriors was able to outmatch him, no one was able to fight him and survive except for 2 brave warriors 1 them is Flash of course and .. ahemm.. ahemm yours truly.. Master..

Yin: Really? Ok, stop adding nonsense to the story focus on Flash ok, so I promise to pretend to listen to your own story later.

Lee: Well you see, Simo and I fought one time at the Battle of..

Yin: Shut-up go back to Flash's back story. Please

Lee: Ok, Fine but it's great to know that you would also like to know my stories.. HAHAHAHHA

You see, they call him in many names, some say that he doesn't really exist that he was merely a myth or a propaganda made by the Northern Water Tribe to add fear in our troops, others says that he is not just a single person but a squad under 1 name. Even Flash himself couldn't verify if the person he fought was really "The White Death" but when he got out of the avalanche after hours of digging for some coincidence he was able to get out of the avalanche a few meters away from his enemy which he didn't noticed at first because of the white clothing. He only noticed him after Flash saw him removing the snow as he tries to recover some of his dead comrades.

So at that moment we need to assume this because he barely detailed this encounter but I could have imagine that there was a intense background music somewhere with Flash and Simo (The White Death) looking at each other intently for a few seconds as they waited for each other's move.

At this moment they could have made their fighting positions to ready themselves for a potential hand to hand combat. Well Simo has a unique fighting style kind like how animals would form a stance, but he is also unpredictable changing his stance from mantis to monkey and then tiger form. He would add water elements to attacks to add more damage to his attacks like if he would make a tiger form he would have frozen claws in both of his hands, if he uses monkey he would bent like a monkey and uses a tail like water whip, but his deadly form is his ox form, he bend an ice spike on both of his fist put it on his head and rampages as a mad ox. Given the bruises and scars he had I would assumed they had quite a fight.

You see Flash after that incident added something in his fighting style that he never used before a thing he loves using every now and then.

Yin: You mean his strings?

Lee: Yup, that is because it's the only thing he had, along with his Poop dagger, and somehow he learned how to use everything at his disposal to survive. When he told us how good the assassin was that he knew he was at a disadvantage because he was a non-bender so he just did what he always do find the things you can use, and then what he did was he tied the string in the poop and uses it as a sling. You see water-benders are more of a range fighters they are the most balance form in all 4 elements but the good ones are the one that can fought good using both range and melee attacks. So Flash had to be creative in drawing that distance and also used his string as a form of range attack. In terms of his defense what he would do is pull the string back and used the poop dagger to deflect any range water or ice attacks.

Whenever Simo would create an icicles attack he would deflect it by swirling a circle in front of him. Of course since water benders can easily re-create any form of water. The gap in Flash's attack would also leave him vulnerable to other attacks. As Simo would target cutting the string and making him lose his poop dagger but whenever Simo does that Flash would pull it right back and jump forward to move more closely to him. We always thought that water benders are very powerful whenever they are surrounded by a body of water. But like everyone they too have weakness in their bending, the larger the body of water used either by freezing bending it in any form they would loss more of their Chi and if they continuously use water bending attacks that they would loss their stamina and slowly decrease their chance of bending more body of water. All water-benders have a short duration of 69 seconds.

Yin: Wow? Now where did you came up with the 69? Is that your favorite po..

Lee: Shut-up you are still a kid so start pretending you are innocent. Well I am not sure it would really depend on the bender but the shortest water-bender I fought had 35 seconds before he could bend another water or liquid element.

Yin: What do you mean? So other water-benders can use different kinds of liquids? Like oil?

Lee nodded with a grin.

Lee: It's rare but I saw one used oil.

Yin: Simo?

Lee: Like I said we are not sure. But I knew he was Simo as he was the only one capable of different kinds of liquid well that was according to the records.

Ok so since Simo is an experience fighter he would balance his attacks by using both range attacks and close range forms. To create distance he would avoid using ice spears and large Chi costing attacks and focus on small but effective skills.

What makes Simo deadly is his hand to hand combat. When he used Tiger form using ice claws as a weapon he was able to make scratches to Flash, but when he saw the pattern he would avoid it for 2 turns and on the 3rd attempt, Flash would pretend not to avoid to get him his chance to capture his arms using the strings. But at that time when Flash almost had him he was able to create a small knife using his tongue to cut the strings and set himself free easily.

At that time Simo made a sudden attacked and launched himself to Flash and tried to grab him and bite him using long icicle fangs. Surprise with attacked he used his left palm to back his left hand holding poop knife placing it close to his neck were the attack. Which wounded both of them as the icycle fangs pierced Flash's hands while the poop dagger pierced through Simo's left cheek and breaking some of his tooth.

Yin: Eww!!

Lee: HAHAHA at that time both of them went down, but as both of them attempted to get back at killing each other, they noticed the snow storm closing in. Which chased them away. Simo hovered the snow to escape the storm but Flash jumped on his back and placed a poop knife on his neck. But the added weight slowed them down. Until both of them stumbled to the ground with Simo breaking his leg. Unable to move any further, as the storm surges in, Flash asked his rival that if he does want to survive the ordeal they have to work together. He asked Simo to create snow blocks that Flash used to make an igloo for which they took shelter until the storm subside.

Sorry for the long wait, been really, busy but I promise to make some time in giving you guys at-least 1 chapter per week. Thank you guys for the support. Sometimes unexpected things will demoralize you or let you down, but regret and pain will either make us better or worst and it's up to us which decision we would choose, we can't choose our situation but we can always choose our destination. I was waiting for my groove to help me make another chapter, didn't know listening to music would help me relax and expound my words to my mouth, and help me enjoy writing more.

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