
AVATAR Legends of Yin and Yang

100yrs passed after the last Avatar Korra died, the next avatar which would come from the Earth Kingdom has not risen nor had been born, it was claimed by many that the Avatar has already ended with Korra, some still believes that a new Avatar will be born under a new cycle, while others claimed that the Avatar is no longer needed as he/she does not represent balance or peace any longer, yet no one expected that a new Avatar will rise again after a 100yrs after years of civil wars, independence, chaos and turmoil, with the four nation no longer believing that a new heir with the power to control all elements will come to rise again, nations had began to be divided, the world after 100yrs forgot that a new avatar will be born to continue the cycle, and bring balance to the world, no one knew expect the white lotus and the red lotus two separate factions with one goal to find and wait for the next Avatar, the world may had forgotten the Avatar but not for these two faction they believe that cycle may had change but will still rise once again to bring balance to the world. Enter Yin and Yang twins born to a earth kingdom father and a fire nation mother, even at the young age of 3 they began to show signs of being able to control the 4 elements though not fully ,while others fear that they are the reincarnation of both Vatu and Raava and not the Avatar Korra.

Windypackerz07 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Back in a Flash Part 1:

Yin along with Master Lee & Flash now travels along the wide rocky roads of The Great Divide which is a steep-sided canyon carved by the rivers of Taka Ruins and Serpent's Pass they also managed to find a town that was named Aang Town because of the settlers that came together and built the town in that area were they bought 2 Kangahorses a hybrid animal with a mixture of Kangaroo and a horses natives in the area use this domesticated animal to gallop the rocky ridges and roads of the Great divide.

Flash leads the way in the front while Lee & Yin rides together. Flash & Lee both agreed that the best time to travel the road and avoid any ambushes is through the middle of the night and so after buying a few Kangahorses they rode away through the rocky edges.

Yin gazes at the clear sparkling night sky as he remembered how the same clear sky was when he got separated from his brother, he felt a deep sadness in his heart knowing that he couldn't even give a proper goodbye to his mother. He slowly tapped Lee's back.

Master Lee noticed but didn't looked back he felt the sadness in Yin's aura but kept his strong persona and said. "Kid I know how you feel, been there too no shame on that, but at this time and phase right now we cannot afford to look for your brother but if the others got him I'm sure they will do their best to protect your brother, as for your mother, once we get to Hubei Forest we will ask the shamans to give your last goodbye".

Yin gasp he tried to stopped his tears from falling and instead looked up in the sky and said to himself. "One day my brother we'll meet again".

He then looked at Master Lee and started hitting him using his uninjured arm and even tried to pull his hair out.

"This is all your fault!! if you guys haven't shown up I wouldn't be in this situation in the 1st place damn-it!"

Master Lee fought back and turned his head this time to do a headbutt against Yin.

He then tied to a rope Yin so that he wouldn't be able to the same thing to him again.

Master Lee: Kid we are on a tight schedule our enemies are 2 steps ahead of us. Flash will help us out, Don't worry.

Yin started to calm down, but tried to kicked Master Lee again using his foot because it was still untied which Lee followed to tie all of Yin's body.

Lee started to sigh, and said "Don't worry we will find a way out of this, that guy right there ( He points his fingers towards Flash) you can trust him to find a way back to Fire Nation Island.

Yin: Oh is that so? How can you fuck**ng trust that man he once broke my arm you mother**** bleep* Bleep* Bleep*

Master Lee: You know? I can easily beat you up again right? says Lee as he tied Yin including putting a cloth on his mouth.

Yin murmured but his mouth was gaged so he blew a fire from his mouth and blasted it towards Lee's back.

"You know that I am a fire-bending Master right? So stop* this sh*t !!" shouts Master Lee as he dispersed the fire and then punches Yin on the head and started pulling his hair.

Flashed looked back and said: "Hey what's going on with you two? Should I be the one riding with you Yin?"

Yin nervously shakes his head.

"No.. please we are good hehehe right Lee?" says Yin

Right! then adds another knuckle sandwich on Yin's head.

Flash then turned his head around as he focused on the road ahead.

Yin: Hahah, you are scared of Flash and you call yourself a master?

Lee you don't know the power that guy has even if he isn't a bender you know, back in the 2nd Southern & Northern Water Tribe Civil War they gave him the name Flash because of the things he can come up on a short amount of time, even though his position was only a sapper(Soldier Engineer) and was only supposed to be behind the Attack Squad & defensive Squadron he was able to get a medal of honor from the things he did during that time.

Can we truly trust that man? I mean, he once betrayed us and broke my arm asked Yin.

Well you see, I'll tell how a story back in the civil war we were tasked by the Fire Nation to secretly lend help towards the Southern Water Tribe who was inferior against the army of Northern Water Tribe it was a time of a great divide when no nation was able to intervene against the war even the Air Nations could not prevent the war they were suppose to act as peace keepers instead they helped the southern water tribe when Northern Water Tribe lay sieged, which in retaliation Earth Kingdom secretly supported Northern Water Tribe by making the war as an experimental battle ground for the new weapons.

Flash and I came from Fire Nation Elite Squadron Battalion that was to support Southern's Water Tribe diminishing recruits. As "The North" a named given by the south were able to get an experimental suicidal glowing pill that makes any users invulnerable by any attacks but made the users into a zombie like state for a short period of time then kills the user this usually happens to non-benders but again this differs from person to person, this monsters are unstoppable until it is purged or once they reached their time limit in some cases it could be worse there's also the devastating suicide bomb that is area wide ranging effective bomb that freezes everything it touch within a mile range and creates a huge ice pikes whenever it's triggered it was really a game changer that almost turned the tides of the war.

Yin: So what did he won the war for you guys?

Lee: Kid, in war there are no winners.

Yin: I don't understand what do you mean? Explain it me? Why should I believe you? Do have a doctors degree? What university did you came from?

Lee: Shut **** up don't interrupt me ( Hits Yin on his head)

Flash did a lot of things, he is a one man army that saved a lot of our comrades, He's worth is unfathomable. In one instances a ton of suicidal squad came from above usually the Air benders handles the air spade but at that moment we had a surprised attack. The enemy burst one by one providing endless ice spikes from above when he saw the impending attack he ask the water benders to create a giant make shift igloo around us then improvised an explosions that he triggered using barrels of oil.

Cool right?

Yin: That's It?

Lee: Let me continue!

Yin: stopped asking dumb questions!

The Civil war started in the winter a moved that was made intentionally by "The North" it was to diminished the power of the fire benders that was helping against the war. Metal benders were useless, as it freezes metal so hard they barely can use any metal. Lava & Earth benders can't bend earth that is way buried deep below the snow. It was a fight between Non-benders, Fire benders, Water Benders and a limited Air Benders.

Yin: So no metal swords were used? or even tanks?

Lee: Right, ever think why Water Tribesmen uses animal bones instead of metal, copper or bronze it's because not only it is very hard to get, but snow makes it easier to rust. Rendering it dull and useless.


The war was a tough one it took a toll on all of us, we lost a lot of good people out there. No one was safe benders and Non-benders.

We barely gained territory each day. "The North" had a pill that makes their soldiers invulnerable to any damage that even a couple of arrows or fire blast won't dent it, of course for me I can manage but for the others they were not so lucky. You see fire benders like us can't maintain using fire on those conditions we have to conserve heat and energy to use continuous fire attacks. A weakness exploited by the enemies. As not only are they skilled hunters but they can use their surroundings as covers. So hand to hand combat was also pre-dominantly used even if you are a bender.

Water benders would create a snow storms they would wear white coats to hide, and they would slowly take us by surprise.

But Flash made innovations on that war. He suggested trenches to act as a defensive cover and would add as a better defensive setting.

Nevertheless his legends made him really stood above the rest when his team was slaughtered by stealth group lead by the infamous Simo also called "The White Death" they had been very successful in killing hundreds of troops by using blizzard as cover in the night and would move slowly gaining territory by covering themselves with snow. Flash at that moment was never able to call backup because they were taken by surprise, unfortunately he lost his entire team.

Here is how they would do it. They would call it the "Blitz".

They would used their zombies as shield by making them take all the fire. Soldiers would used different kinds of spears to hit from behind their zombies.

And assassins' would circle around the back to prevent any backups or reinforcements and trapping any group for slaughter.

When Flash and his group experienced that he knew it was their end. So he was forced to make a decision. His comrades ask him what they needed to do. It was a tough choice telling them they can still make it. They really did their best to get to the nearest mountain slowly being killed one by one. He placed the bomb near the mountain and before the enemies can almost finished them, he triggered the bomb.

And you know what happened next?

Yin: NO! stop asking me you are the one telling the story.

He created an avalanched which supposed to have killed all of them.

He survived that event but when he woke up Flash was covered in deep snow. He could not find his knife or any of his tools to dig his way up.

And you know what he did?

Yin: What the h*eck! stop asking me!!

When he got stuck under an avalanche, he claims to have used his own feces to fashion a dagger with which he freed himself.

Yin: Eww, How did he do that?

Lee: Of course he molded it to shaped like an ice pick and waited till his poop froze then used it to dig himself.

Yin: Well then he shouldn't be named Flash he should had been named "Tae" (Poop)

Lee: Well he did published a comics called "Nardong Tae" a super hero basically made of shit, his powers are shit, and that five-part comic book is "the shit!"

Yin: SHIT!!!!!

For some readers that expects this to be only centered at the Twins I would like to let you know ahead of time that I will have chapters like this centered around some side characters of this novel. I liked it that way, you may even liked some of this characters more than the primary protagonist and that's fine. Every character has a story to tell.

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