
Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Being transmigrated was not something Liam thought of as possible, it was fictional, and sadly for him, it became real. Here he was on a beach with an all-familiar implant glowing in his arm. Above him in the sky, a gas giant called Polyphemus and its many moons, of which he was on one, Pandora. This an Avatar (Jame Cameron) and ARK Survival Evolved fanfic happening in the universe of the former but with the potential of more. I don't own anything, everything goes to its respective owner.

The_Bip_Boop2003 · Movies
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136 Chs

39. Cyborg of wood

<Act as if you were closing both your fists, muscles, and tendons flexed.>, the Lost Child said after the prosthetic was snugly fitted onto Mìruk's right hand, straps made for it to fit and adapt to the limb if need be.

<What?>, the teen didn't truly understand what was asked, his heart thumping too loudly in his ears for this and by inadvertent he moved various muscles group within his forearm, wrist, two good digits, and palm.

All gave various data to a myriad of sensors within the prosthetic, they almost instantly traveled toward the microcomputer and it translated every piece of information into action as the various micromotors wired to life in silence.

The wood thumb flexed completely, followed by the wood index finger doing the same before the two extended again, Mìruk froze at that, his father having approached had a very similar reaction, Tutee's eyes widened at the sight, mind racing to what Liam did this last time and the mention of a 'prosthetic' and the Tsahìk of the Olangi smiled slightly at the sight.

The teen might be an idiot but that equates to him needing to suffer more than necessary and whatever unknown artifact the Lost Child had made seemed to be able to replace a hand in more than a simple appearance.

'This is his blessing… the Lost Child's blessing.', she thought, approaching closer, putting a hand over her great-granddaughter's shoulder as she did so. Old age didn't come with many positives and she was getting weaker day by day.

This being held many surprises, and as he said becoming an enemy of his promised many great harm, that she held no doubt.

She dearly hoped many would show it this way and didn't antagonize him due to past experiences with the Sky People, but she wasn't naive, she mostly hoped he showed himself to be merciful.

She was sure even if he currently was weaponless, and wide open to any attack he must have plans in place if either of the foreign tsakarems acted rashly. Or even of her people, as unpleasant and shameful bringing the thought was.

She held little doubt the hunter she exiled, a reckless psychotic boy that she held little respect for, came back for some sort of revenge and died by the Lost Child's hands but it was just as possible he got killed from many other sources. The All-Mother was not as merciful as one might think.

Mìruk gasped as one of the artificial digits moved again, flexed and unflexed, an ecstatic smile appeared on his face, eyes almost watering in joy at the sight, he tried to move each of the two digits again failing but the earlier vague explanation of Liam now made sense…

Using what was left of his right hand, flexing the two remaining fingers with various groups of muscles the two artificial fingers moved in accordance.

'The microcomputer and motors seem to be well calibrated together… It will mostly need training on his part to learn how it properly works. But he seems to do good.', Liam thought, pleased with his craft, his implant glowing slightly brighter as packets of data from the prosthetic were delivered to him.

<You will need to train and adapt to it for bett-are you alright?>, the Lost Child interrupted himself, his silver eyes focused on Mìruk, the male teen's entire body was trembling, his head down and left hand grasping his right wrist.

< Thank you, thank you… I thought I would have… Thank you. I-I thank you.>, the teen mumbled, a voice that would have been inaudible to a normal human and it was also shaky filled with disbelief and joy, his entire being transfixed on the wood hand as he slowly moved the two artificial digits, disbelief and a plethora of other emotions in his eyes.

<Happy to know it please you, I suppose you realize but this is the "prosthetic" I spoke of. An example of how "technology" can be used. There is no sense of touch like skin but you will feel weak forces against skin of right wrist meaning you holding an object with tip of wood fingers. Be careful precise movement will need time to get.>, Liam said with a warm smile, he put his left hand into the pouch at his side

He mimicked the action of picking something he took out a small round purple fruit and throw it at Mìruk whose eyes widened and he reacted on instinct grabbing the fruit within both living and nonliving fingers, and as Liam said a pressure could be felt when the end, almost rugged, part of the digits touched the fruit while there was no sense from them whatsoever.

Mìruk took a bite and smiled in excitement, blood rushing in his body as he ate the fruit without much ceremony and moved the artificial finger, closing and opening his fist. Each time he did disbelief could be seen, he felt like he was in a dream.

<Good reaction, excellent result. Better control than I anticipated. It will take time to get used to.>, Liam added, smile growing slightly, his eyes then briefly shifted towards the two foreign tsakamens.

They stayed apart, seeing they were alienated wouldn't be the biggest of hyperbole but they stayed vigilantes keeping their eyes and ears on him and his actions with the Olangi clan's young ones.

Their expressions were hard to read but conflict could be seen in their eyes. This act he did was quite impactful to them, neither were nihilistic or experienced enough to believe it was planned, or at least planned to somehow manipulate their feelings and better their impression of him.

Not this way anyway, even if it would be quite flagrant to humans. Though if these two were here or not Liam would have built the prosthetic. He just wouldn't miss the chance to show what he was capable of and that he had more than mere words.

In all cases it was a heartwarming scene, to see such a young teen be almost brought to tears by a gift that gave him back lost bodily function due to a traumatic event.

Neytiri, in particular, did pity his situation, he reminded her of many teens who act this way, some less lucky than him. Death of children was extremely common.

Hakuto on his part saw the teen as reckless and deserving of such punishment through the damage of the wounds but all the same not deserving of death. Stupidity was not to be praised, and appropriate action needed to be set.

'At least they do seem to be able to think things through. Rational individuals even if of different ideologies are always welcomed… And being on roughly good terms with them is but beneficial.', the man internally remarked, he needed the RDA to be driven off Pandora, mostly the military part of it and for that, the help of the native was required.

Ultimately something temporary but it will give time.

He couldn't do this alone nor did he want to even be part of what would be a war in the first place. Killing and causing death was extremely selfish but better than getting killed or experimented upon, the life of the innocents mattered to his consciousness but his own life and well-being mattered excessively more than simply feeling good about himself.

Cowardly, cold, monstrous even but rational, being emotional and overly emphatic will not be of help much here.

Not that any actions he could take to stop the RDA will happen without the need for extreme violence and/or putting himself in great danger. Warning the Na'vi was pointless for now, not that they will truly believe him.

<This is incredible… He made you a new hand Mìruk!>, Tutee declared in excitement, forgetting to stay composed. She ran, jumped, and then hugged Mìruk from the back causing him to yell incoherently as he fell toward Liam who with an amused smirk simply dodged them by stepping aside.

'Huh… I did expect a positive reaction from them but I might have underestimated it.', Liam thought, for him it was a bit less than three dozen hours of work, not taking into consideration the wood treatment that took time too but not his direct intervention was required for most of it.

Doing a prosthetic with only a few measurements and not a great understanding of Na'vi anatomy and biology, and no prior experience in that domain was, to put it mildly beyond exceptional.

And he could have done it faster, he took his time since he wanted something relatively robust, robust enough to work for at least a few months as the hand of a reckless teenager while being reliable and as well not completely horrendous looking. Form and function working in tandem were always what should be thrived for when attainable.

It could be better, way better but there was no real need to use more time and resources. It was a simple gift.

Just as Tutee said he gave him a 'new' hand, it would be very impactful towards the teen who might have dramatically thought his life was over and hid it, but this in any case was a new chance, though it was still not a real hand, a lesser version of it.

Also why he didn't make it more lifelike, it isn't a real hand, there is no reason to pretend that it is, it wouldn't help the teen's mental health. Mìruk, as cold and difficult as it sounded, needed to get over it.

His right thumb and index finger were gone for good unless the use of cloning technology or similar regenerative solution were clearly out presently and even then he doubted the teen would accept.

<I will be eternally grateful for what you have done for my son and the Olangi clan, "Liam Cram".>, Askwye, the chief of the Olangi approached, staying at a safe distance from the great austrapede and said voice filled with joy and honest gratitude yet still stern and composed, his feature softened stand mirthful amusement could seem as he gazed upon the Mìruk and Tutee.

<Good pronunciation and pleased to hear this from you, you are the Olo'eyktan right?>, the human praised and asked, his attention shifting toward the middle-aged Na'vi.

<Indeed, I'm Askwey te Ra'aka leader of the most powerful horse clans, the Olangi.>, the Na'vi declared proudly said but then frowned and said with a lower voice, <And I apologize for the action of one of my hunters… This shalt never be repeated as long as I live.>

<Apologies accepted, mistakes happen but as long as they are not repeated it is fine. "Let's bury the hatchet", it means to make peace after a conflict, there is no reason to force more upon this incident more than necessary.>, Liam responded, the meaning behind those words being clear to Askwey, he didn't forget, and as the chief, he was responsible in a grand party for the actions of his people.

Askwey thanked the Lost Child again, it was a grave mistake on his part even if impossible to have predicted. As irrational as it was, he felt deep shame, even more so now with the fact this man created and gifted such a precious and life-changing artifact to his son.

He was greatly indebted to Liam Cram, a fact both knew and one that didn't need to be mentioned.

<Know that as long as I and he live the clan will support you in future problems that may arise with the People due to what you are on the outside, I'm Marali, the Tsahìk of the Olangi and I deeply thank you for doing what you weren't needed to. They wouldn't have been able to come back without your assistance. I thank thee Lost Child.>, the old Na'vi said slowly with cloudy white eyes, not fearing the great austrapede she walked closer.

She had seen a lot that Liam could tell, and she looked like a crazy old woman that would outlive most of her descendants. She looked the part for her role, he supposed.

And unknown to him, his amusing thought was right and the reality far from pleasant, Tutee was to be the tsakarem for all others who had passed away. Life on Pandora was not easy, being in harmony with nature didn't equate to being safe, they weren't separate from the food chain or other dangers.

Liam hummed positively at that, though the opinion of the Tsahìk, Olo'eyktan, and a few more was important he was sure most of their clan didn't feel such a sense of gratitude towards him. As it should, he only saved Tutee and Mìruk, not all were going to instantly become best friends or like him at all for that matter.

The two hunters they brought looked serious if slightly puzzled and amazed about what was unfolding, nothing hinting toward aversion. Though those were surely chosen for that reason. It's just that as much their voice was important it didn't represent all of who's they guide and lead.

<This "prosthetic" has metal and product of the ground within.>, the Lost Child stated calmly and in a relatively low tone, and to his stupor none of the two reacted negatively, the elderly and stern religious guide smiled slightly at his words.

<The All-Mother always watches, she always watches you, and I hear her voices, of the echoes informing me of great and many things of what she deemed me worthy to know. You broke our sacred laws but those are our laws. Our way of life is antithetical to yours in many ways, you did not come here of your own choosing. Abiding by them if it impedes your survival is not what is right. A great distinction from the Sky People and the Demons within them, Liam Cram.>, she stilled taking a deep breath, <The All-Mother… And so I by extension of her will, do not condone you of using the metal of the ground for your crafts, none of your actions were born out of simple materialistic greed. You want to learn and understand with a pure motivation of wanting to thrive.>

<That is surprising for you to see it this way… But this only under certain conditions, right?>, he said pensively, he thought she would be more close-minded, and his implant glowed slightly brighter. Gladius shifted behind him, not letting his guard down even once.

This little detail of his implant didn't go unnoticed by any Na'vi, it was one of the strangest parts about him, it was similar in some aspects in how their syuratan, bioluminescence, acted though it was distinctively different.

<Conditions? No… Not truly, what is valuable is respect and understanding of what is taken and that all that was taken must be brought back to the All-Mother one day.>, the Tsahìk answered cryptically.

Not doing in excess seemed to be key and he was essentially borrowing as long as ultimately all came back to the earth. It seemed simple enough but again this was the point of view of one Tsahìk, one he was sure of if he didn't do so much would not have been so understanding.

And also the different Trees of Souls, each being part of a greater whole that is Eywa but each contradictorily being separate entities with his understanding must have subtle discrepancies in their views.

And so twenty more minutes passed with Liam speaking to the two most important figures of the Olangi clan, a deal was sealed, one similar to the one with Tsu'mong of Anurai, and the two RDA scientists, knowledge for knowledge.

Traveling people know a lot, from places to stories, fauna, and flora. Not all would be immediately useful or useful at all but information was information.


My P@treon if you want to give me money and have chapters I have finished in advance.


Hello. Not much to say outside of the war is coming.

Thanks to Mexican Joker, Codric Marsh, Saman Tabit, Mewser, Hight Priestess of Torga, KATL-Chief, creepyweeb, MochiLeaf, No_Rez, Michael Conde, Whitewolf, Aiden Goodwin, Brad Jennings, Pecador, Krawn, BlazeSavage, Jame House, NickDatBoi, THE SAVAGE KID, Byte, Scarletmenace, Mythy, Michael, SleepySnake, Ohaka, Lindsey, Maung, SmexyFlamingo, Thecnospartan 49, Young Dexter, hazzaman, Chase, and Tyler for your money and supporting me!


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