
Automata[Dungeon core LitRpg]

What do you get when you mix Minecraft, Factorio, Mindustry, and a robot dungeon core together? You get a dungeon core named Automata! Come join the adventure of a dungeon core obsessed with automating everything, and I mean everything.

Deathy_70 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter [10]

The voice of the incomprehensible entity hammered at the walls of [Iteration[1]'s soul, snapping it awake fully, [Iteration[2]'s soul bubbled at the edge of its awareness but [Iteration[1] couldn't make out what it was saying.

[Iteration[1] had a lot to unpack from those dreams, or whatever they were, [Iteration[1] was sure that they were more than that and the voice only confirmed it.

It had a hard time grasping what was happening, the rapid shifts between the lives of its former and present selves left it somewhat delirious.

[Iteration[1] was especially fascinated by its former self that ran a [Forge-world], the sheer magnitude and complexity of it all made its soul shiver with excitement.

One day it too would be able to build such awe-inspiring things, such grand and complex things, this was certain. [Iteration[1] was sure it wouldn't be hard too, considering the fact that it had gained a lot of insights from its time as a [God of Creation].

That combined with the otherworldly knowledge from its other selves would make it very easy.

As soon as the thought entered its mind, a suction force opened up within its soul and began eating away at the insights and memories of what had happened, leaving bits of broken memories scattered throughout its soul.

[Iteration[1]'s soul reeled back and cracked slightly under the sudden assault of foreign power but it quickly healed over and it forgot why.

[Iteration[1] began contemplating its choice, [Creation] would be ideal, since it would help it make things easier and had high potential and practicality if used creatively and could grow into a powerful asset in the future.

[Growth] was also a promising pick, since the concept would allow everything, including its mana, to grow and adapt to circumstances as time went on.

That would massively help [Iteration[1] and also [Iteration[2], it would also pair up well with [Efficiency] allowing its creations to grow and adapt efficiently to anything the world threw at them.

[Iteration[1] brushed its awareness over the others but none were as versatile as [Growth] even though it felt the faintest and weakest [Iteration[1] could tell that it wouldn't be so weak as time went on.

Mind made up, [Iteration[1] made its choice known to the frightening entity and felt its soul rapidly fill up with [automation mana] and began to expand as another soul along with green tinted [Growth] flavored mana mixed with its [Efficiency] and [automation mana] mana.

[Iteration[1] was more interested in the forming of the soul though, would it be another one of it? Why were they even forming anyway? [Iteration[1] hoped that this one would be as useful as [Iteration[2] as that would be ideal.

[Iteration[1] tried to peer into the formation process but no matter what it did at some point something yanked its focus away, causing its attention to sputter and die out each time.

[Iteration[1] eventually gave up, and watched from a distance as another one of itself formed, wondering what this one would be like.

Eventually, the soul finished forming but before [Iteration[1] could greet it, reality wiped it from this instance of existence.







[Iteration[1] awoke in its domain after being wiped from existence in that strange place, it was quite the experience, no matter how unpleasant it felt. Through its [Crystal lens] it observed that everything was alright and nothing had changed since it was gone.

[Iteration[1] sent its awareness through its ambient [automation mana] and found tendrils of [Efficiency mana] and [Growth mana] mixed in with everything its [automation mana] touched. Thick ropes of [Growth mana] and [Efficiency mana] filled all of its [Golems] especially the 30 [Combat golems] that had survived the [Goblin] onslaught.

[Iteration[1] could feel a type of life from them, cold and calculating, but life nonetheless. Both types of mana worked in tandem with each other, with each step, each swipe, [Iteration[1] could feel them grow a bit livelier, a bit more efficient.

[Iteration[1] also noticed the [Growth mana] extending tiny tendrils into the walls of [Compressed automata stone] in the tunnel, the tendrils of [Growth mana] were also seeping into the [automata stone], creating a massive network of [Growth mana] that spanned the entirety of its rooms.

This made [Iteration[1] happy with its choice, it had made the right decision in choosing the [Growth] mana flavor. [Iteration[1] summoned its [summarization sheet] to see the other changes.

//Automation mana generator v0.002 [Online] [Fully operational] [Output: 40AM/H]//

//Mana storage crystals v0.002 [2/4] [Stored AM [40/40]//

// Iterations: [3/???]

//Mana level: [2/???]

//Units: [65/200]

// [Worker golems] [20]

// [Maintenance golems] [5]

// [Builder golems] [10]

// [Combat golems] [30]

//Major concepts [1/??] : [Automation]

//Minor concepts [2/5] : [Efficiency], [Growth]

//Mana saturation level: [0%/300%]

//Crystal lens [30/???] v0.002 [online [Fully operational]//

//Central core v0.003 [online] [Fully operational]

// Mana outlet V0.003

[Iteration[1] was very happy with the progress its [summarization sheet] had shown it. It felt better in every way, the ambient [automation mana] felt thicker and more pronounced now with the added flavors and its [Central core] glowed a deep rustic brown, signifying the power bubbling within.

[Iteration[1] ordered the production of 35 more [Combat golems] bringing its total units to [100/200], now with 65 [Combat golems] at its call [Iteration[1] felt a lot safer and turned its attention back to its [summarization sheet].

It had gotten more [Crystal lens] which was nice, that meant it could have more rooms and expand further, though [Iteration[1] wasn't in a rush to do that, it wanted to remake its current rooms into something truly grand and impenetrable before it even considered expanding.

The [Goblins] would be coming too, it also had their memories to look at, which it hoped would be useful and provide details on what was to come.

[Iteration[1] also wanted to form more Mana storage crystals and expand its mana capacity, it had a feeling it would need a lot of mana to transform its rooms into anything resembling an impenetrable fortress.

[Iteration[1] was interrupted from its planning by a cheery and youthful voice, emanating from the newly formed soul.