
AU Villain Deku

Izuku Midoriya, grows up in a hostile environment without a quirk. He's greeted with an opportunity, however in this timeline. He doesn't receive one for all. Hes neglected by the hero's he love most, baring anger towards them accepts help from another.

Jaxsin · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


As I got home, I noticed a note on my bedroom desk. Since the kidnapping, a day hasn't even passed. The note stated I was to meet Stain at Hosu in a few hours. My Mom has already fallen to sleep, I am tired as well.

[When the hell am I supposed to sleep...]

I tried to reactivate my quirk, I had the feeling of it memorized, however when I tried to replicate it, it was far from as overwhelming than before... I couldn't even bring out a quarter of what I did before. Why? I tried to think back to the moment I was captured, the feeling of helplessness and anger.. what was it in that situation that made my quirk so strong?

As I reflected more and more, my mind started to drift off... to the phone call, the hatred I felt. Suddenly a massive surge of energy from my quirk appeared.. Anger? Disappointment? Fear? Were the things that fueled my quirk, negative emotions? To think All for one gave me a quirk specifically for my hatred...

As time passes I try a range of things with my quirk... I can manipulate the shadows to a certain extent. But what can I do with them other than that? The shadows are quiet, I'm at a loss. There's not much time before meeting with Stain. As I start to lose patience I fall to the ground in defeat. As I touched the ground, the floor engulfed with my shadow, my hand seemingly slid into it. I pull my hand back out not knowing what happened, it was completely fine.

I try to test the waters by putting my body further and further inside the shadows. It seems it doesn't affect my body. As I come to that realization I put my head into the shadows, as soon as I do it feels like I'm suffocating. Feelings of regret, anguish and pain intensifies, it also felt like I am underwater, I couldn't breathe at all. I take my head back out to grab some air. As soon as I'm ready I go into the shadows entirely. As I step inside, the void like realm appears to be a dark purple color, I look at the ground and its almost like a reflection of my room that I am standing on. Where I stand its like I'm standing on the opposite side of an Icy lake, beneath the water. I cant breath and there are ponds of water everywhere where I can enter and exit and I am standing on the ice. I try to move, as soon as I try, I am hit with an overwhelming pressure.

Each step makes the intensity of the void even more apparent, more negative feelings flooded my mind as I start feeling sorrow and anguish, that wasn't my own. After a while it feels like my mind is about to break under the apparent pressure. I quickly walk out through one of the ponds. My entire body is suffering under the strain of the pressure as I quickly leave. I end up in the normal world, its the same as the void except much brighter, the locations match as well. Its as if I walked to my desk in the void, I would be appear next to my desk in the normal world.

*Isn't this too strong?* I think to myself. As I do so, an overwhelming pain enters my entire being...

*What the Hell?* *HUE HUH HAAA HA* As I drop to my knees vigorously coughing out of breath and gasping for air, this continues for a while as it feels like theirs no air in my lungs for more than a minute, all the time I spent in the void realm was reflected as I left. As soon as I recover I went to test something.

I took a sketch pencil from my desk and entered the void, not trying to move around as I'd probably feel the pressure again. I put the pencil on the icy spots where its just a flat surface. I leave the void and re-enter from another location, a distance away from where I put the pencil. As I enter it again, the pencil appears right where I stand...

[It moved, to where I am? Interesting... Wait, doesn't this mean that no matter where I enter and exit, it will be right next to me? Invisible storage?!?] I say as I mutter to myself.

*Wouldn't this negate bringing my equipment around with me? I could just take anything I want and put it in the void...*

Was All for one even aware of this? I don't think he would have given this to me if he knew...

*So this quirk... It has portable storage... Shadow manipulation and Soul manifestations...*

This quirk is much stronger than Katsuki's... Although if my shadows are affected by light, his explosions would really screw me over.... But still... As the realizations sets in... I finally have a quirk. Something to call my own, I wont be treated or bullied as worthless anymore.. Oh wait, if I reveal I have a quirk that's just gonna make everything more complicated... I should keep it hidden, they also wont suspect me when I do become a full fledged villain. Without realizing it my thoughts of 'If' or 'maybe' turned into 'will' Much like when I wanted to become a hero... I have no thoughts other than becoming a villain, is it because I realized I cant become a hero or because heroes are the thing ruining this world?

As I get trapped in my own head thinking about all the possibilities of my new quirk, I notice the time... Oh crap I'm gonna be late, I quickly grab all my equipment and throw them into the void as I rush to the train station. I rush to where I meet up with Stain as he looks at me with a scowl on his face.

[You're late.]

[Uh... Yeah. Sorry...]

[Where is your equipment.]

Ah... I forgot to take it out of the shadow, I guess he will find out eventually. I trust him enough, hes the reason I got this quirk in the first place. As its night, everything is shadowed in darkness. I reach into the ground, my arm entering the void as I grab my support gear.

[Interesting.. That's the quirk you were given?]

[Yes. My quirk is shadow manipulation, I can bend shadows to my will and enter a shadow like world.]

[... Suitable.] Is that all hes going to say about it?

[I'd thought you would be more surprised.]

[You went through a week of torture. If you nothing... There would be hell to pay.]

... He actually gives of a father figure vibe... I'd never say that out loud as I don't want my neck slit open.

[What are we going to be doing?]

[... Hero Hunting.]