
Attracted to His Cold

It wasn't really the result I was looking for. In fact, it was even better. I never really thought that this would happen to me. I never believed someone could love, well, me. But they did. He did. And despite his 'reputation', despite his lifestyle, despite everything everyone had ever told me, I loved him just as unconditionally. But will everything stay in harmony? How long will my paradise last for until my past comes back? Will they haunt me? Catch me? Kill me? *** "Livia? Tiago?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly. If they're here, then.... "Where is he? Where's-" "Gattina." All the breath in my lungs disappear as I turn to find the source of the voice. Half-way through my turn, I can see his dark silhouette at the end of the hallway. When I breathlessly say my next word, it feels as if I can breathe properly again for the first time in over a month. "Lupo." I run towards him without a second thought, sprinting full speed at him, and jump into his awaiting arms. He engulfs me in the warmest hug I've ever felt, entrapping me entirely - not that I mind. I cry in joy at finally being reunited with him as I bury my head into his neck, burrowing myself into him and vowing never to let him go again. Unwrapping myself from him, I look up at into his eyes. They're filled with love and relief, the same emotions I imagine my eyes are filled with. That quickly changes when his face contorts into one of pain. "Cole?" my brows furrow in confusion. He lets out a pained and strangled noise before he drops to his knees, collapsing at my feet. I gasp when I see Viktor behind him, holding a bloodied knife. A/N: Hey guys. Be prepared for dark themes, mature language, mature scenes, and so much more. Enjoy the roller-coaster, you are locked in... - Potential PTSD triggers! - BDSM themes! - Mentions of rape! - Mentions of abuse! - Mentions of torture! - Gun play! - Knife play! - Dark kink! (Warnings will be put at the beginning of potential trigger chapters)

whore_for_mafia · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 27

After a lot of licking, biting, rubbing, and a lot of thrusting, I had cum at least fifteen times and was rapidly reaching my limit - twenty.

By nineteen orgasms, I had tears layered on my face, cum dripping down from me and soaking the pillows and probably the bed too. I cried out as my twentieth orgasm of the night approaches.

"Shhhh, moya lyubov'. Prosto podozhdi nemnogo, ya pochti prishel. Ty delayesh' tak khorosho dlya menya, detka." [my love. Just hold it for a little while, I'm almost there. You're doing so well for me baby.] Viktor whispers in my ear while gently stroking my hair.

"Khorosho ser. YA postarayus'." [Okay, sir. I'll try.] I breathe out.

"Khoroshaya devochka." [Good girl.] he pecks my lips.

Viktor's pace picks up into an animalistic speed, ramming into me with no mercy as he chases his high. The room is filled with a mix of my moans, his grunts, and the sound of skin slapping. My hands tug on the cuffs in an attempt to touch him as he laughs at my futile attempts. The cuffs are suddenly released from the chains connecting them to the headboard, and my arms immensely thank Viktor for it. My hand winds into Vik's hair whilst the other grips onto his bicep.

"Vy gotovy, malyshka?" [Are you ready?] his breath fans my ear, his tongue licking the shell of it.

"Da, ser. Bol'she, chem ya kogda-libo byl v svoyey zhizni!" [More than I ever have been in my life!] I cry out as he hits my g-spot in such a delicious way that my eyes roll back.

My head is turned to the side, swiftly followed by my lips being captured by his. One of Vik's hands begin to fondle my breast in a harsh manner, twisting and pinching my nipple. Viktor pulls away - his lips still centimetres away - when he whispers the magic words to me.

"Konchi dlya menya, malyshka." [Cum for me,]

As soon as the first word left his lips, my legs began shaking - the orgasm taking over my body. Viktor's thrusts become sloppy as he gets to the edge of his high, whilst mine is still sky-rocketing through the roof. My vision becomes clouded with stars as my high reaches its peak, my legs now shaking uncontrollably.

I feel Viktor spill in me, filling me up with his warmth as I feel his shaking breath brushing across my neck, his hold on my hair loosening. As my high begins to decline, my limbs start becoming heaving, losing their strength and dropping from Viktor's body. Before anything else can happen, Viktor removes the pillow from beneath me and gently sets me down, allowing me to lay flat on the bed instead of falling down with a thud.

Viktor collapses on top of me, causing me to let out a weak grunt. Both of us stay like this, panting and catching our breaths. After forever passed, Viktor gets up and I feel him slip out of me, a weak moan slipping out of me which makes Viktor chuckle and press a small kiss onto my shoulder blade. I feel his body heat disappear from behind me and my eyes start to become heavy, drooping shut.

Just as I begin slipping into an unconscious state, I'm lifted off of the bed and into a pair of muscular arms. My arms droop over Viktor's neck as he carries me to somewhere unknown to me as my eyes are still closed, not having the energy to open them. I'm placed onto a counter and the cuffs are carefully taken off of me. I hum in content as my aching body meets the warm water below me, both the warmth and Viktor - who is sat behind me - engulfing me in their embrace.

"Such a pretty girl. You did so well for me, malyshka. You took me like such a good girl, baby." he praises me in a sweet and gentle tone, caressing my skin ever so softly.

He continues to praise me a few more times before Viktor begins to slowly wash me, inch by inch, until I'm completely clean. I don't even realise that I've started to drift off to sleep until I'm gently nudged awake.

"Come malyshka, let's get you to bed first, then you can go to sleep." he says softly, pulling the plug and allowing the water to drain from the tub.

I get scooped up and placed on my feet, a warm and fluffy towel being wrapped around me shortly after. I begin swaying slightly as my body tries to shut down, but Viktor is able to steady me enough to dry me off. My arms are covered in long sleeves and Viktor's woody scent surrounds me, indicating that the shirt belongs to him. I finally open my eyes and look at him as he buttons me up, a small smile gracing my lips at the concerntrated look on his face.

"All done." Alek whispers as he kisses my forehead.

Alek picks me up by my waist and I cling onto him, my legs wrapping around his waist as my arms loop around his neck. I snuggle my head into his neck, resting my ear against my arm. A kiss is placed to my temple before movement happens. Alek walks us to the bedroom, laying us down on clean sheets and my eyes catch the clock which reads 10am.

Wait- how are they clean when he's been with me the whole time?

"Maybe because I has staff here who cleans the sheets and I told them to come in and do it while we were showering." he answers my question as he pulls the cover over us.

"How the hell did you know what I was thinking?" I quietly question him, my weak voice coming out in a confused tone.

"You was thinking out loud malyshka." he chuckles.

"Oh." I mumble, snuggling close to Viktor who flicks the switch above the bedside table, turning off the main light.

"I still can't believe you had a switch installed here just so you don't need to get out of bed." I ramble on the brink of sleep.

Viktor lets out a laugh as he wraps his arms around me, allowing me to snuggle even closer to him. Just before I fell into my peaceful slumber, Alek speaks up.

"Malyshka?" I hum in response.

"Where did you disappear to earlier?" he asks in a whisper.

"Mama." I say just over my breathe.

"It's her birthday." he says in realisation to which I just nod my head.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me?"

"It was just a siblings day, I didn't want you to come." I admit sheepishly.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

I look up at him to see his expression matching his tone, guilt.

"Alek," I whisper, his eyes raising to meet mine.

"I love that you've been protective of me these past few weeks, and trust me, I couldn't be more grateful for it. But today, I just needed some alone time, away from you and this house." I quietly confess to him.

"Okay." he whispers and nods his head after a while.

I snuggle back into his neck, both of us laying on our sides, and I rest my leg over his, which he takes a hold of in his hand.

"Goodnight Alek." I whisper to him, placing a small kiss on his neck.

"Goodnight Cass." he whispers back, placing a delicate kiss on the side of my head.

We both drift off into each other's arms.


Viktor's POV

I wake up with empty arms, causing my brows to furrow.

"Cass?" I call out, my morning voice prominent.

I get out of the bed and check the time, seeing it's now 12:30pm.

I swear if this woman left the house again-

I hear quiet sobs coming from the bathroom and my mind thinks of the worst case scenario. I rush over to the door, slamming it open without a second thought. In the bath tub is my crying beauty with her legs against her chest, her arms securing them in place, and her head resting on top of her knees. My heart aches to see her crying and I rush over to her.

"Malyshka, v chem delo?" [what's wrong?] I ask her, rubbing a hand up and down her back in an attempt to console her.

"Eto vse moya vina. YA isportil. YA vse isportil. Chto so mnoy ne tak?" [It's all my fault. I messed up. I ruined everything. What's wrong with me?] she mumbles, gripping her hair in her hands and pulling it.

I immediately take her hands in mine to stop her from hurting herself. Cass continues saying the same four sentences like a chant, repeating herself over and over again. The tears never seem to stop streaming down her face and I feel powerless, unsure on what to do. Eventually, I get into the empty tub, sitting down behind her and pulling her flush against my chest.

"Sandra?" I call out to her softly.

She quietly hums in response, seemingly out of her trance now.

"What happened, tsvetok?" [flower]

The old nickname causes her to let out a loud sob which she quickly tries to cover with her hand.

"It's all my fault. I messed up. I ruined everything." she hysterically repeats again.

"What's your fault, maylshka?"

"I- I ruined it. I cheated on him." that makes her breakdown completely, she wails as her body falls limp against me.

I realise instantly what happened and what she's talking about. She must've gone into sub-space and feels guilty because in her eyes, she must believe that she's still in a relationship with Cole. The fact that she still misses him makes me angry, she's mine, not his or anyone else's. As much as I'd love to remind her of that, she's too vulnerable so I need to control myself and be there for my malyshka.

"Malyshka," I turn her around in my arms so she's facing me, straddling my lap.

"You're not with him anymore, baby. You're with me now. Your relationship with him is over, you know that right, malyshka?" I say as gently as possible, drawing small patterns on her thigh with my thumb.

"I know." she sniffles, slowly coming back to me.

"I just miss him." she admits quietly.

My blood boils at her confession but before I snap, Cass wraps her arms around me and snuggles her head into my neck and giving it a peck, relaxing me instantly.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just haven't processed it properly yet." she mumbles into my neck.

I inhale deeply through my nose and releasing it out of my mouth in an attempt to calm my anger and jealousy. I grip onto her hips and notice the way she tenses, almost like she's expecting me to physically lash out at her, though I can't really blame her, considering...

"It's okay malyshka. I understand." I force out the last part through gritted teeth.

"Mne ochen' zhal', ser. YA- YA sdelayu luchshe." [I'm sorry sir. I- I'll do better.] she rambles as I stand up to take us back to bed.

I begin walking when I feel Cass tremble against me slightly.

"Pozhaluysta, ne serdites'. Ne nakazyvay menya. Pozhaluysta! YA sdelayu luchshe. YA obeshchayu!" [Please don't be mad. Don't punish me. Please! I'll do better! I promise!] she screeches, clearly panicking as I place her on the bed.

She tries to run away from me - which is a big no-no - so I pin her down, holding her arms firmly in place. Her head hits the pillow and she looks worried- scared.

"Cass, I-" she begins to writhe against me, struggling to get free and her breathing starts to pick up tremendously.

"Ostavaytes' na meste. Vy ne v bede." [Stay still. You're not in trouble.] I tell her sternly, to which she suddenly stops all movement like she's shocked I just said that.

"Mne nuzhno, chtoby ty uspokoilsya radi menya malyshka." [I need you to calm down for me] I say to her, this time more gently.

Cass slacks against the bed, a sign of submission, and I cautiously let go of her arms, placing them on either side of her head instead. Her arms immediately come up and wrap around my neck. She pulls me down on top of her and cries into my shoulder. I turn us so we're laying on our sides and wrap my arms around her tiny waist, moving my thumb up and down to try and soothe her as she cries.

Slowly, Sandra falls asleep with a face full of tears. I use my thumb to wipe them away and study her face. Her eyelashes are wet and her cheeks are red, some of her hair sticks to her damp cheeks and I carefully brush them back. It pains me that after all this time, she still misses Cole. But I have a plan to change that. I'll shower her in so much love and affection that it'll be like she never left me in the first place and she'll forget all about Cole Santini.


Cole's POV

Three weeks ago

"How did you know you loved her?" my parents ask the hundredth question.

To think it's only been half an hour.

"Love." I emphasise in response to the question.

"I love her. And I think I've known for a few days now."

I realised about five days ago, and I reminisce the day I realised.

I plant a few kisses all over her face, neck, and collarbone, which causes more of those angelic giggles to expel for her, at which I smile.

I grab the blanket and cover the both of us when Cassie yawns, her still on top of me. For once, I don't think about the ways I can take a woman, or the envision the way she screams when I'm inside her.

Instead, I cherish this moment.

Cassie laying on me. My arms firmly secured around her. The way she smells. The way she nuzzles into my neck. And -surprisingly- I even cherish the way I feel happy in a long time, and how I have a stupid smile on my lips that refuse to leave.

If this is the way heaven feels like, I think I would be ok with staying like this forever.

Oh, I'd do anything for her to be back in my arms.

I pull up into the driveway and instruct the guards at the door to bring in my parents' belongings. The rest of the SUV's slowly begin to park up, the mafia spilling out of them. My parents and I walk into the house and I immediately make my way over to get a drink. I offer Ma and Pa one, which they gladly accept. I pour two whiskey's and a glass of 2009 Château Lafite Rothschild Pauillac Bordeaux for my mother. I smile lightly as my eye catches a glimpse of the bottle of pinot noir, Cassie's favourite.

Speaking of Cassie-

"We need to come up with a plan, and fast. For all we know, they could have taken Cassie to the other side of the world by now." I say urgently, placing down each drink to the respective parent.

"I've been monitoring all Italian air strips since the day you told me you're 'going to war' and there have been no private planes or jets that have come in or out. My guess is that they're waiting for a while before they leave to make it less suspicious, so we should still have time." dad replies.

I nod my head, plotting for our next move.

"What if they're near-by?" Ma suddenly says.

"That doesn't make any sense, princepessa. They'd be to close and the chances of us seeing them would be greater." Pa responds.

"No think about it. Ma's right. The last place we'd check is somewhere close to us. We wouldn't think they'd be that stupid but it's actually smart. We'd never think to check there. Ma, you're a genius. Ti amo." I get up and kiss my mother's cheek, down my drink, and rush out of the room.

"Santiago!" I call out to him before he goes into his room.

When Cassie left, the Spanish Mafia turned up at our door. I almost killed everyone on sight until Santiago explained that he's the Spanish Mafia's don and his men were here to help. Together, we've been searching endlessly for Cassie. Santiago turns around and I instantly notice his bloodshot eyes, but I don't comment on it.

"We need to search for any potential bases near the estate, see if they could be there." I rush out, eager to start looking.

He takes a moment before connecting the dots and calls his tech guy to start a search while I do the same with mine.

"They've started the search. Imma try get some sleep. You should do the same Co-"

"I'll rest when I have her." I turn around and walk away without waiting for a reply from him, heading to the tech room to help with the search.

"Boss." Hernandez nods at me.

I nod back and look at the screen, seeing a hundred possible locations that they could be hiding. I groan in disapproval, but with a few clicks of the keyboard, the list shrinks to about twenty.

"What just happened?"

"I narrowed down the search by eliminating bases that are only a few minutes away, and the ones that are too far. If I were to hide someone under your nose - which I wouldn't - I'd want them to be close to you, but just out of your reach. That puts the distance anywhere from forty-five minutes away from us to an hour and a half. Not too close and not too far."

I nod in understanding and plan the teams in my head.

"Let everyone know that we begin hitting these bases tomorrow. Tell them to gear up and prepare for the worst."

"Yes boss."

I leave the room to find my parents and update them on the search. On my way there, I bump into Santiago who is holding a bottle of whiskey, bourbon to be precise. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You sure you wanna do that?" I ask him, putting my hands in the pockets of my suit pants.

"Yes." he snaps.

"Are you?"

"Look, it's been two goddamn days since I've seen my sister. Two days since those monstruos took her. ¡Quién sabe qué cojones le habrán hecho! No puedo-" [monsters... Who knows what the fuck they've done to her! I can't-] Santiago's chest is rising up and down, his breathing picking up immensely.

"Hey." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Breathe, I need you to calm down."

"Calm down? ¡¿CÁLMATE?! Como puedes-" [CALM DOWN?! How can you-]



"We have a lead."

That seems to have put him into shock, his hold being turning as still as stone. He stopped, he stopped blinking, hell, I don't even know if he's even breathing.


"Where is she?" he asks, cutting me off.

"We don't have a definitive answer, but there are a few locations we're hitting tomorrow. I assume you'll be coming?"

"You don't even have to ask."

"Good. Be ready by 6 or we leave without you."

Santiago nods in response and goes back into his room. I hear the door lock as I walk away and I continue looking for my parents. I get to the living room and find them making out on the couch, getting hot and heavy. My eyes widen and I turn around as my dad starts undressing Ma.

"You guys do know you have a sound proof room for a reason, right?" I ask, cringing.

I hear someone hit the floor with a thud and shuffling going on behind me. They clear their throats after I assume they're done, but there's no way in hell I'm turning around until I know for sure.

"What's wrong, Boo Bear?"

"Really, Ma?" I groan, turning around.

Thankfully, everyone's decent.

"We've found a few possible locations that Cassie could be being held. We leave at 6, so get some rest, or... y'know do whatever." I mumble the last part which is still heard by Ma, who gasps and slap my shoulder.

"Cole Santini! Vai subito in camera tua!" [Go to your room now!]

"Really Ma? I'm twenty-four and this is my house."

"Cole. Lorenzo. Santini." I hear my dad whistle lowly under his breath.

"Don't you start too, Lorenzo Marino Santini."

That causes dad to shut up real fast and his eyes widen to the size of melons.

"Well...." he draws the words out.

"Imma head to bed. Night son. See ya soon, principessa. Ti amo, amore mio." [princess. I love you, my love.] he gives Ma a peck on the lips and walks towards me, heading for the stairs.

"Good luck." he mumbles as he walks past me.

I'd almost laugh at his childish behaviour if I wasn't in trouble for who-knows-what myself. As he begins walking up the stairs, Ma walks up to me.

"This isn't over." she states matter-of-factly whilst pointing her finger at me.


She follows him upstairs, trailing behind him and I shake my head, laughing lightly under my breath. I walk into the drinks room, pouring myself a whiskey and taking it up to my now depressing room. I sit on the bed, staring at her side and sighing and I down my drink.

Just a few more hours and she'll be back in my arms, safe and sound.

Present day


It's been three weeks and nothing. We've searched the whole of Italia and there isn't a single breakthrough on Cassie's location. Every lead we get is a dead end, making us start from square one all over again. We haven't heard from Maksim in over two weeks, making us think that he's turned on us and truly joined the Russians. A ping on the system snaps my out of my thoughts.

"We got a hit." Olivia says, everyone's attention going to the screen.

"This must be their base. It has to be." Santiago says, standing beside them.

I don't like how close they've gotten in the past three weeks, but I've had other priorities to care about addressing it.

For now.

"Gear up, we leave in thirty." I say, leaving the room.

I walk into the cold room that was filled with happiness just twenty-one days ago. I've barely been in my room, too busy in my office looking at tech and footage in order to get mia gattina back. I'm only ever in here to change and shower, I barely sleep and even if I do, I fall asleep in my office chair.

I miss her so much. Her presence, her smile. Her warmth and giggles. I miss holding her and falling asleep with her in my arms. I miss the way the space between her eyebrows crease when she's deep in thought and her love for pinot noir. I miss every little thing about her.

Strapping the last of the equipment into place, I leave the room and go downstairs, eager to leave and end this nightmare.

Time passes and the vehicles come to a slow stop. Everyone get out of the cars and we move into position. The lights are on and there is movement inside the house. On my signal, everyone goes to their respective entrances, waiting for the signal from Olivia - who's monitoring the outside cameras and the heat signals coming from the people inside. Once we get the go-ahead, we storm the place, guns blazing as I make my way upstairs in hopes of finding the room Cassie's in.

Nothing on the first floor.

Or the second.

Or the third.

The only place left to check is the forth floor.

I make my way up and all the doors are open. I check each and everyone in hopes of finding even a glimpse of my princess, yet all the rooms are completely empty. There's one set of double doors at the end of the corridor - which are both closed. My heart picks up with anticipation and faith that she's in here when I hear her melodic voice coming from the other side of the door. She sounds happy and she's giggling. From what I can hear, she's speaking with her brother, Sebastien I think his name is? Without another thought, I bust down the door, and my heart drops.

There's a voice recorder sat on the bed, but that's not what catches my eye. I turn on the coms in panic and scream as I run down the stairs and out of the house.


Cassie's POV

My hair curtains my face as I empty my stomach into the toilet. I woke up to a feeling of nauseousness, so I figured I just needed a glass of water or something, but as soon as the first gulp slid down my throat, my stomach came up. Once I'm finished, I use some tissue to wipe away the gross liquid around my mouth. I sit against the toilet with my head in my hands when a realisation suddenly hits me.

I was supposed to have my period last week.

Panic fills me instantly and I scramble around in the bathroom to look for a test, being careful not to wake up Viktor - who is sleeping soundly next door.

The only other time I was scared that this was happening to me was six years ago, and boy was I glad that I wasn't pregnant then.


Six years ago.

I need to get out of here, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Even if that means submitting to him.

Just once, I tell myself, just once and you're free.

My limbs fall loose, the rope making my wrists sore.

My 'punishment' for being 'extra bratty' yesterday is being tied up to the bed overnight with no blanket, and because I resisted against him as he put the ropes on me, I was given no food.

My eyes close as I prepare myself for what I must do, continuously reminding myself that it's just once and I'm free. I hear the door open slowly, and it takes everything in me not to tense.

"Dorogoy, ty prosnulsya?" [Sweetheart, are you awake?]

Acting time.

I open my eyes and look at him with soft eyes.

"Da. YA zhdal tebya." [I've been waiting for you.] I say softly as to not come off as 'disrespectful'.

"Oh?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"YA khotel sprosit' tebya koye o chem s momenta tvoyego poslednego vizita." [I've been wanting to ask you something since your last visit.]

"Really? I chto eto, detka?" [And what's that, baby?] he asks as he sits himself on the edge of the bed, removing his tie with one hand and caressing my leg with the other.

I try my hardest not to cringe and squirm from his touch on my skin.

"Yesli ya budu vesti sebya - Yesli ya budu khoroshey devochkoy, ty bol'she ne prichinish' mne bol', verno?" [If I behave - If I'm a good girl, you won't hurt me anymore, right?] I ask shyly.

Please work, please work, please work.

"Konechno, detka." [Of course, baby.] he replies softly, rubbing my leg up down with a gentle touch.

Huh, didn't know he knew how to do that.

I take in a shaky breath, preparing myself mentally, one last time.

"Okay. YA - YA budu vesti sebya. YA budu khoroshey devochkoy dlya tebya." [I'll - I'll behave. I'll be a good girl for you.] I submit to him, just this once.

The expression on Vladimir's face is one of shock, his whole body freezes as he looks at me as though he can't believe what I just said.

Trust me. I don't even believe I said it either.

I look at him timidly, getting slightly worried after he doesn't say anything for a while, just staring at me.

"Vlad?" I whisper, seemingly snapping out of his trance.

"Chto?" [What?] he asks, disbelief deeply evident in his voice.

"YA skazal-" [I said-]

He hovers over me instantly, slamming his hands down on the bed, each one on either side of my head, and I flinch, cutting myself off from speaking anymore.

"Chto eto za bol'naya shutka?" [What kind of sick joke is this?] he snarls at me.

"Pozhaluysta, Vlad, eto ne shutka, klyanus'." [Please, Vlad, it's not a joke, I swear.] I plead, flinching even more, my head turning to the side and my eyes closing.

"YA prosto ne khochu bol'she bolet'." [I just don't want to be hurt anymore.] I whisper truthfully, my eyes bolted shut.

I flinch again when I feel a hand on my cheek. I cautiously open my eyes, looking at Vladimir who has a soft look in his eyes, his whole demeanour changed in the matter of moments. His hand moves up to my hair, stroking it out of my face slightly. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my forehead, leaning back and looking at me delicately.

"Ty budesh' vesti sebya dlya menya, detka?" [You'll behave for me?] he asks softly.

"Da ser."

"Eto khozyain, a ne ser." [It's master, not sir.] he says to me sternly.

"Da khozyain." I correct.

The response causes him to smile down at me, the look seeming foreign as it isn't the typical sinister smile he typically gives me, but instead is a genuine one.

"Khoroshaya devochka, dorogoy." [Good girl,]

Vladimir's hands slide down my body, caressing my sides and I let out a shiver of disgust which he seems to take as a shiver a pleasure when he smirks. He kisses his way down my body, starting from my forehead to my neck, my chest to my stomach, my hips to my thighs. I let out a shaky breath from the nerves coursing through my body, but again, he takes it in a good way.

Master – eye roll – makes takes his time in teasing me, and I force myself to try and get in the moment as to not make it suspicious when there is no proof of my 'submission' later on when he feels me. I pretend that Viktor is here instead, caressing and teasing me with his skilful fingers. Even after all the fucked up shit he's put me through, he turns me on more than Vladimir ever will. After about five minutes of teasing, Vladimir finally starts playing with my pussy, running his fingers up my slit and groaning when he feels I'm wet – not dripping, but wet.

"Fuck, all this for me, detka?" he tauntingly asks me.

"Da khozyain." I lightly moan out which earns another groan from him.

He pulls away from me and I force myself to let out a whimper due to the loss of contact.

"Don't worry, detka." he chuckles.

"I'm still right here."

I raise my head and see him stripping of his clothes. I can't deny that Vladimir is a relatively attractive man, but his seemingly cold exterior is what drove me away from him and towards his brother. Vladimir takes off his slacks, his shoes already discarded, and he begins unbuttoning his shirt. He turns and catches me staring at him – fuck, I wasn't supposed to be staring at a rapist. I look away, embarrassed at myself for staring at him like that after all the sick fuck has done to me.

Just one time, Cass. Don't fall into the trap. Just because he might look good, doesn't mean he is good.

"You're allowed to stare, dorogoy." he chuckles at my embarrassment.

"I am, after all, yours, detka."


I look back at him, keeping up this stupid façade and he smirks proudly like he just won the lottery or something.

"Yest' khoroshaya devochka." [There's a good girl.] he says, the smirk still on his face.

He keeps his eyes locked with mine as he begins slowly unbuttoning his shirt, slowly but surely getting every single one.

Hurry up so I can get my plan into action and leave already.

Each of his hands grab one side of his shirt, pulling it over his shoulders and down his arms, letting it fall to the floor. He stands tall and proud as I admire his amazing body – note the sarcasm – and bite my bottom lip in 'want'. His smirk grows impossibly larger when he sees this and removes his boxers, getting back on the bed and hovering over my stomach, trailing kisses up my body and towards my neck where he lays feather light pecks. I suck in a sharp breath as I feel his tip run along my slit, gathering my wetness on himself. Positioning himself at my entrance, he pauses.

"You want me to go slowly or all in?" he asks, his breath hitting the base of my neck where his head is resting.

"All in please master."

The faster the better.

I feel his lips turn up into a smirk against my skin before he harshly thrusts himself into me. I gasp in shock, my hands turning into fists my nails pressing into the palm of my hand.

"Fuck." we both curse, the pain searing through me.

"Tell me when... I can... Move." Vladimir strains out.

After a few seconds more, I tell him it's okay, to which he lets out a sigh of relief and starts moving, thrusting into me at a controlled, medium pace. I let a few soft moans slip past my lips, the sensations feeling awkward and pleasurable after being brutally rammed into with his dry dick going into me for the past month, and I make the awful decision of letting myself fall into the moment with him of all people. I make the decision to choose my pleasure before I put my plan into action. I begin to moan louder as he picks up his pace, going faster and faster slightly, almost as though he's slowly losing control.

"Vam ne nuzhno sderzhivat'sya, master. YA mogu prinyat' eto." [You don't need to hold back, master. I can take it.] I breathe out.

"Yebat'. Vy uvereny?" [Fuck. Are you sure?] he groans, his breathing slightly heavy.

Uhhhhh yes. You're taking too long to do your business dick face.

"Da khozyain."

I hear him curse under his breath before he pulls out of me, flipping me over and making my hands cross over. He rams back into me, making me let out a series of loud moans. He hits my g-spot with force and I accidently let out a scream, which gets a growl out of Vladimir in response. He slaps my ass and grabs a handful of hair, yanking my head back and forcing me to look at him.

"K-khozyain." I moan, squeezing myself around him as hard as possible.

Vladimir lets out a groan and flips me over onto my back again, re-entering me not even a second later.

"YA khochu smotret' na tebya, kogda ya konchayu v tebya, dorogoy." [I want to look at you as I cum inside you,]

"Da khozyain." I say, throwing my head back into the pillow to hide the disgust on my face.

"Khozyain, mogu li ya chuvstvovat' tebya? Pozhaluysta khozyain?" [can I feel you? Please?]

He curses in pleasure under his breath, pausing for a moment to untie the rope, instantly resuming his assault afterwards. My thankful wrists make their way around the neck of the monstr above me, my hands latching into his hair and tugging lightly which makes him grunt lowly. [monster]

He begins picking up his pace to 150mph, and I'm surprised to find myself coming close to my climax. I bring my hand down to rub my clit, but my hand is ripped away before contact can even happen, and my hands are pinned above my head by one of his.

"Tol'ko ya prikasayus' k tebe, ponimayesh'? Ni Viktor, ni Dmitriy, ni dazhe ty. Tol'ko ya. Poetomu, yesli vy chego-to khotite, vy prosite ob etom." [Only I touch you, do you understand? Not Viktor, not Dmitri, not even you. Only me. So if you want something, you ask for it.]

"Khozyain, pozhaluysta, poigray so mnoy. YA tak blizok. Pozhaluysta." [Master, please play with me. I'm so close. Please.] I whimper.

"That's not good enough I'm afraid, detka. I'm gonna need you to be more specific for me."

"Pozhaluysta, poigray s moyey kiskoy i otprav' menya za kray, khozyain." [Please play with my pussy and send me over the edge,] I whine.

Vladimir growls at my response, seemingly pleased with me, and grants my wish, playing with me at the perfect pressure and pushing me closer towards the edge of my climax.

"Kak eto, dorogoy?" [Like that,] he whispers 'seductively' in my ear.

"Da khozyain." I moan out.

"Ty gotov konchit' so mnoy, detka?" [You ready to cum with me, baby?]

"Yes. Da, pozhaluysta khozyain." [Yes, please master.]

"Konchi so mnoy, detka." [Cum with me baby.]

I cum - my legs shaking ever so slightly - at the same time as I feel his warm seed fill me up, disgust running through my body as he finishes with a grunt. Vladimir collapses on top of me, resting his head on my shoulder and collarbone, both of us laying there and catching our beath.

After some time, Vladimir gets off of me and goes to grab his clothes. He throws his trousers which land near me as he puts on his boxers. Once they're on, he grabs the trousers and begins putting them on. Before he can put on his shirt and leave, I weakly grab his arm, gaining his attention. I wait for him to look at me before I start speaking.

"Please." my voice is soft and delicate as I speak.

"Don't leave me."

I make myself start to tear up as Vladimir stares at me, not speaking or doing anything. A few more moments of nothingness pass and I allow a tear to slip, but once they start, they don't seem to stop. My hand slips from his arm to wrap around myself, shielding my body from the coldness of the room. Vladimir goes over to the end of the bed, sitting down and putting his shoes on and the realisation hits that my plan has failed and he's just going to leave. Feeling disgusted with myself that this was all for nothing, I turn over to lay on my side, continuing to cry to myself, making sure not to make any noise and make things worse for myself.

I flinch when Vladimir makes contact with my skin. He turns me over and motions for me to sit up, which I do, reluctantly.

Hope re-enters my veins as he grabs his shirt - which is already buttoned - and pulls it past my head, guiding my arms in through the sleeves. The first three buttons are undone and the suit shirt swallows me whole in a swamp of fabric. Vladimir scoops me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style, and walking towards the door with my arms wrapped around his neck. Confusion settles in me as he opens the door and takes me out of the room, closing it behind me.

"Kuda my idem khozyain?" [Where are we going master?]

"To my room, detka." he replies, leaning his head down and kissing my forehead.

"Why?" I asked, still confused.

He's never done this before, so why now

"Yesli by ty ser'yezno otnosilsya k tomu, chtoby byt' dlya menya khoroshey devochkoy, to ya by ne khotel, chtoby moya devochka ostavalas' v etom zhalkom predloge komnaty, ne tak li? Ty ostanesh'sya so mnoy v moyey komnate." [If you were serious about being a good girl for me, then I wouldn't want my girl staying in that pathetic excuse of a room, now would I? You'll be staying with me in my room.]

I nod my head, leaning it against his chest as he walks through the house to his room. The worst happens and we pass Viktor who's being accompanied by Sebastien. Both men have a look of anger in their eyes, yet it's only Viktor who speaks.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I flinch at his tone and unconsciously bury myself closer to Vladimir. The action doesn't go unnoticed by either of the three men, and in response, Vladimir secures his arms tighter around me. The look of fury in Viktor's eyes is intense enough to burn me and Vladimir.

"Cassie has agreed to behave and be a good girl for me, so I'm rewarding her. Now, if you don't mind, me and my woman are going to go for a bath and then go to sleep. So, goodnight brother. Night Seb." he says, emphasising 'my woman' dramatically to Viktor.

Without waiting for a response or reaction, he turns around and walks away. Once we make it to his room, Vladimir opens the door and sets me down on this bed, the soft sheets and mattress a luxury to me after two months of nothing but tattered fabric and a broken mattress. I hear the lock on the door turn and I look over at Vladimir. He stands in front of me and I tilt my head back to look at him, his hand finding its place by cupping my cheek.

"Be a good girl and stay here for me detka. I'll be right back, okay?"

I nod, saying okay as he disappears into the bathroom. I take the time to look around his room. There are a couple photos of him and his family scattered across the room, but the photo that catches my eye is the one on his night stand. I shuffle over to it, picking it up in my hands and trailing a finger over the face of me in the frame. This was given to him on his birthday a year ago. He just turned 18, and to celebrate we had a small party at home. There were drinks and games, laughter and embarrassing stories. We were happy. I was happy.

I found a picture we had taken that night and I had it framed and gave it to him the next day. My arms were wrapped around his neck, a big smile on his face as I gave him a big fat kiss on the cheek. I smile lightly, reminiscing that night and the happiness we all shared.

I squeal and drop the frame when I get dragged across the bed, giggling when Vladimir spins me around the room. He sets me down, peppering kisses all over my face.

"How's my favourite girl?"

"Good, just looking at the picture." I reply, motioning to the photo laying on the bed.

He looks over at it, a small smile gracing his lips. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, my arms looping his neck for support as I'm taken into the bathroom where a bubble bath awaits. I smile as Vladimir puts me down, standing behind me and circling his arms around my waist, bringing my back to his chest as he lays a few kisses along my shoulder. His grip on me loosens as he guides me towards the bathtub, stripping himself bare and then clearing me off his top. He gets into the tub and motions for me to follow.

"C'mon, detka, I won't bite. Unless you ask me to." he says cockily at my hesitation.

I stay there for a few more moments before sucking it up and getting in, Vladimir instantly pulling me again his chest so I'm basically sitting on his lap.

"Good girl." he whispers in my ear, moving my hair to the side and laying more kisses on my shoulder.

Eventually, we both begin washing ourselves and I jump in the shower to quickly wash my hair. After fifteen minutes, I wrap a towel around my hair and body, walking over to the counter where the hair dryer is, and drying my hair after I've towel dried it, absorbing a lot of the water.

Just as I finish, Vladimir walks in with a pair of his boxers and a top. He hands them to me and I smile, changing into them. The top is huge on me and acts as a nighty. He holds his hand out for me, which I begrudgingly take, and follow him into the bedroom. We lay down on the bed and Vladimir pulls the cover over us, giving me a goodnight kiss and pulling me into his chest.

I try my hardest to stay awake and wait for him to sleep, but I ultimately fail and fall into the dark abyss.


I wake up to the sun setting, stretching my arms out and above my head. I look around the room, seeing that I'm alone. I stand up and try opening the door, which is locked, and sigh.

I'm stuck in yet another prison.

I feel the sudden urge to empty out my already bare stomach and rush to the toilet, the acidic liquid rushing past my lips and into the toilet bowl.


I search through the cabinets in a hurry, hoping and praying my worst nightmare isn't true. I finally find a three-pack of pregnancy tests. I hurriedly open it up and rip a test out of the packaging. Once I complete it, I put it on the counter - face down - and wait in the bedroom. I stare at the clock on the bedside table and watch as the digital clock passes the time.

One minute becomes two.

Two becomes five.

Five becomes ten.

Breathing in heavily, I work up the courage to make my way back into the bathroom. I stare at the test for a while, debating on turning the test over and seeing the results.

This could either go really good or really bad.

I don't want to have a baby with my rapist.

Taking in a large breath of air, I turn the test over.

One single line stares back at me.


Never in my life have I ever felt so relieved. I begin crying in relief, collapsing on the floor and sobbing to myself. After an eternity, I stand back up and wash my face, ridding myself of any evidence that I was crying. Seeing the small, translucent window in the corner, I open it up and try my best to see where it leads. From what I can see, it's the back garden which - as far as I'm aware - nobody except me goes in. I throw the test out of the window, closing it and going over to the sink.

Whilst I'm the bathroom, I brush my teeth and decide to take a quick shower to relieve myself of the stress and tension, so I use a clip that I found one of the cupboards to tie my hair up and keep it dry. I grab a towel and place it on the heater in the bathroom, making it nice and warm for when I get out. Grabbing a fresh shirt and pair of boxers and putting them on the countertop, I turn the water on, adjusting the temperature to a medium-high heat.

I grab the unused radio from Vladimir's bookshelf and turn it on to a high volume. I stand in the shower cubicle and allowing the water to drench my entire body. Over the water, I can hear the radio playing 'Pon de replay' by Rihanna and I dance to the song, grabbing the soap and begin washing myself.

After cleansing myself, I open the glass door and step out, my feet meeting the fluffy bath mat. I grab the towel from beside me and dry myself off with it, and then change into my new clothes. Pussycat Dolls' 'Don't Cha' is playing, and as I gather up my dirty clothes and towels, Busta Rhymes' rap comes on and I bob my head, swaying my hips lightly from side to side. I unlock the door only to be met by Vladimir's foot in the air. I scream and duck, curling up into a ball on the floor and shielding my face.

"Iisus Khristos. Are you okay, dorogoy?" [Jesus Christ.] he asks, bending down to my height.

"Net pozhaluysta! Mne zhal'!" [No please! I'm sorry!] I scream as he goes to touch me.

I scramble away on my hands and knees, going over to the corner by the shower and leaning my back against the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my head in the space between, my hands resting on top of my head to protect me. I flinch when his hands come in contact with either side of me. My eyes begin to tear up, but before any tears can fall, Vladimir pulls me into his chest.

"Shhhh, detka. Vse normal'no. YA ne sobirayus' prichinyat' tebe bol'. You're being a good girl for me, remember? Why would I hurt my good girl? Hmmm?" [It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you.] he says soothingly, which surprisingly is able to actually calm me down.

Vladimir scoops me up and takes me next door, sitting me on the bed before disappearing back into the bathroom, shortly re-emerging with my dirty laundry which he puts in the wash basket by the bathroom door. I get into bed and take out the claw clip, snuggling under the covers and getting comfy whilst Vladimir changes into some joggers.

I close my eyes, faking a yawn and snuggling my head deeper into the pillow. He chuckles and I feel the bed dip. I'm pulled into his warm chest and feel a kiss being placed on my head.

"Awwww, are you tired dorogoy?" he says teasingly, so I simply play along.

"Mhm, you left me all alone all day." I say, hoping and praying he doesn't know I only just woke up.

"I know, I'm sorry detka. There was an issue at the warehouse I had to deal with, and I ended up with Viktor all day."

"It's okay. You're hear now." I say meekly.

I feel him smile against the top of my head.

"Goodnight dorogoy."

"Goodnight khozyain."

I get my breathing to come light and steady, just like how it would be if I was asleep. Seeing as I've slept for an entire day, I'll be able to put my plan into action tonight. I hear Vladimir's breathing even out, signalling that he's asleep, but I wait for a while longer, just to be sure.

"Khozyain?" I say quietly, looking up at him.

I get no response from him.

"Khozyain?" I say, a bit louder this time.

When I still don't get a response from him, I take it as my queue to go.

Manoeuvring my way out of his hold without waking him up, I manage to sneak of the bed and get to the door. I turn around to make sure he's still sleeping, which he is, and I unlock the door as quietly as I can while looking back at Vladimir's sleeping figure.

Once the door is open, I slip out, quietly closing the door behind me and inspecting the hallway which is clear of any guards. I get all the way to the end of the hall when someone behind me clears their throat.

"Going somewhere?" he says quietly.

I sigh and turn around, facing him.

"I have to leave. I can't do this anymore. It's killing me in more ways than one, Sebby." I whisper just loud enough for him to hear.

He, too, sighs. Approaching me, Seb opens his arms, engulfing me in a hug that I gladly accept.

"I'm guessing you didn't really submit yourself to Vladimir then?"

"What do you think? YA by nikogda ne podchinilsya monstru, osobenno takomu, kak on." [I'd never really submit to a monster, especially one like him.] I mumble into Seb's chest.

I feel him nod against my head, a breath of relief coming from him. After a few more moments, Sebby lets go of me.

"Go. Get far away from here, and do not look back. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just get out and stay safe, you hear me?" he demands and I laugh weakly, getting teary-eyed and emotional.

"Da ser." I say playfully, nudging his chest.

"I love you, Sebby. Stay safe and don't you dare die on me, you hear me?"

"Da mem." he says, nudging my shouler playfully.

Just like that, we're kids again, just for a moment.

"I love you Sandy Candy."

"I love you Sebby Webby."

We go in for one last hug before I turn around and leave, not looking back just like he said to.

I make it down the stairs, dodging and avoiding the few guards on night watch. One benefit of being with the Volkov's is that I know the routines and positioning of all the men and women who are stationed inside and outside of the mansion, during the day and night. I make it all the way to the door and grab the handle. Before I can turn it, my front is slammed against the door, my face getting squished and my hands being han-handled behind my back.

"And what do we have here, miss Voronovo?" Viktor whispers in my ear.


I was so close.

I'm snapped out of my trance by the phone vibrating on the counter beside me. I hurry to turn it off, checking that it didn't wake Viktor up, which - thankfully - it didn't.

I get a sense of deja vu when I hesitate to turn the test in my hand over. The only difference is that this time, I'm stuck with a psycho and I could be carrying a baby whose father is the love of my life. Squeezing my eyes shut, I inhale deeply and turn over to test. I slightly open one eye and peak at the test, the result making my eyes bulge out of my eye sockets.

I look at door, seeing Viktoris still asleep in bed as I sit on the toilet with my hand laid gently across my stomach, tears rolling down my face as I look back down to stare at the positive test in hand.

I'm pregnant with Cole's baby.

Word count: 8,786

A/N: This is the longest chapter I have posted. It only took a week and a half to two week in between switching jobs, getting ready for my sixth form prom, spending quality boyfriend time, medical appointments and reading. 😅😅 No biggie