
Chapter 21: Long Yu

There were not many people on the track now, and looking from the track towards the city, A-Avalon (the name of the city built based on Avalon in the Attic World, as in the initial Attic World, many cities did not have a name, or originally had a name, but as a result of word of mouth from many players, possessed another more appropriate name, and this city was named due to its close resemblance to Avalon) resembled a ghost city, emitting an eerie and oozing aura.

"That's quite a resemblance!" Merry thought about the Avalon in the real world and couldn't help but exclaim.

This ancient wall, which was very similar to the ancient architecture of the ancient East, was another view. Before the eyes was a snowy scene of the Great Wall. Between the vast expense of whit of the snowy mountains, the Great Wall was like a silver dragon, coiled between the mountains, vivid as if it were about to take off!

The starting point was set at the beginning of the Great Wall. After arriving at the starting point, everyone changed out of their usual means of transportation and into airships and vehicles that were specially designed for the Rally.

"Let's get start... "

Boom - an exaggerated engine sound interrupted Merry's words, a black motorcycle drove over from a distance, impartially, stopping in the middle of the team. The motorcycle was a top-quality equipment, both in appearance and material, its extraordinary temperament could be seen. Sitting on the motorcycle was a delicate figure, wearing a tight black leather, which reminded Jason of the "Market Catwoman" who has previous robbed him.

Jason held back his laughter and prepared to follow the team.

"Nice gear." The visitor suddenly said, and then took off her helmet and put it on the motorcycle.

The visitor kept her head turned to Jason's side and Merry couldn't see her face, but she could tell just by the swooning eyes of Jason and Bob next to her that it must be a beautiful woman.

Merry's guess was right, Jason and Bob were completely convinced by her looks - a clean short black hair, the typical Oriental look, a small and delicate face, and a pair of Asian eyes, which by a twinkle, hooked people's soul. In addition to the above, her other features were not exquisite, but putting together on this face, it seemed like a magnetic field with huge attraction formed when she talked, making people unable to move their eyes.

"Hi, my name is Long Yu," she said, ignoring the presence of others around her and extending her hand to Jason.

"Ah... Ah, hi hi, my name is Jason, I'm... "

"Ahem... " If not for Merry's reminder from on the side, Jason would almost reveal his origin again.

"Oh? Looks like a small team." Long Yu then turned her head to look at the others, with a diffident scrutiny in her eyes.

"Yeah, we're a gang... Ah, no, I mean, we're a team." Jason was too nervous to speak.

"Add me to the list?" Long Yu made a straightforward request.

Bob on one side had lost his mind and was nodding frantically on the side. "Ah... This is... " Jason in somewhat of a dilemma, looked at Merry.

Merry turned back indifferently, obviously looking like she didn't want to mind this guy who came from an unknown origin.

"It seems you can't make the decision." Long Yu lifted her chin at Jason and said, then turned her head to Merry, "Captain little sister, what do you say?"

Despite the fact that she was begging, Long Yu still had a condescending look on her face.

"I don't think it's necessary, the ten of us are already the perfect team." Merry bluntly retorted.

Bob, who was on the side, almost fell off the vehicle in excitement.

"Hmph." Long Yu grunted lightly without changing her look, "Let's run a lap and then consider my request."

Before the others could reply, Long Yu had already set off, her motorcycle was extremely fast, and with a whoosh, she disappeared from everyone's view almost instantly.

"If this is a race for speed, she's going to win!" Bob slightly regained his senses and analyzed.

"She hasn't won yet, has she?" Merry said vigorously, and then also launched the airship.

Everyone started their airship and followed.

The track was not very long, and it took about less than half an hour to go through the whole track.

In the last Rally, although there was someone who first reached the finish, whereas there was a clear "start" sign at the beginning of the track and no indication at the end, no one won after the first person reached the finish.

This is also the reason why everyone was silent when Merry said Long Yu hadn't won with her speed. Apparently, the starting point was exactly the starting point, but the finish was obviously not the end of the Great Wall. Therefore, this was most likely not a race for speed, but a race to find the end.

"Does anyone have any clues?" Merry asked as the team gathered after a lap along the track.

No one else answered, and everyone was lost in thought, as if they hadn't found anything out of place along the way.

"I have an idea." Robo snapped, "the Great Wall was prepared for defense against foreign enemies in the ancient East. Anyone remember where the starting point was set?"

"Yes, it was after the turn to get on the Great Wall." Merry said.

"Yes, not at the beginning of the Great Wall, but on the side of the Great Wall." Robo said.

"You mean... " Jason suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, most likely, the finish is not at the other end of the Great Wall, but on the other side of the Great Wall." Robo said.

The others nodded, according to the existence of the Great Wall in ancient times, and the experience of the others in the first Rally, this conjecture was obviously very reasonable.

"But if it's really the other side of the Wall, how are we, going to get into the city?" Merry asked.

"Maybe we can try the most brutal way, driving the airship to directly cross the Great Wall. But I don't think it should be that simple. There are so many people who fly all kinds of airships and planes, and as long as they are within the track, it is considered valid, and going over the Great Wall is a more than simple thing to do." Robo analyzed.

"Then we'll just have to take a gamble and try it next time in the Rally." Jason said.

"Is there any other possibility?" Merry asked.

"Maybe it's not about who's faster or slower, but about who's on time?" Long Yu's voice came up again, and the team was so engrossed in the discussion that no one noticed how long Long Yu had been standing behind them.

"How did you know?" Merry asked.

"Because last time, I was the first one to reach the finish." Long Yu replied.

"But you didn't win." Merry said.

"Yes. But I found out one thing, before I reached the finish, I had been far ahead, seeing no scattered small equipment along the way. But according to the news, a few people behind me had encountered different small equipment, and the strange thing is that these equipment have no bonus to the race, no acceleration, no life value bonus, and no shield is formed to avoid obstacles along the way. So I guess it's possible that this is not a race of speed, but a race of who can get to a certain place on time and collect all the small equipment," Long Yu analyzed, "Well, now I can join you, right?"

"What you're saying has gone viral on the internet and is not enough to make you join us." Merry still refused her.

"I can't convince you guys, but it can." Long Yu patted her motorcycle. "My motorcycle is equipped with 'Shadow', which can accurately calculate the speed, if it's really to collect the equipment at an exact time, then except for it, I don't think there is another one who can make it in the Loft World."

"'Shadow'! You mean the first marvelous equipment popped out? I always thought it was just a legend, you're really wasting it." Bob cried.

"If it's really like what you say, then why did you have to join us when you had a good chance of winning." Merry asked.

"I need someone to assist me, to help me clear obstacles and intercept other people who are also grabbing equipment." Long Yu said unobtrusively, "After winning, the results belong to the team, and there is no harm to you."

"This is just a possibility, besides, the time for the next Rally is not set, before that, we can also find a way to modify our airships, not as powerful as the 'Shadow', but we can also collect all the equipment through teamwork," Merry countered.

Just as the two sides were arguing, the Loft World suddenly sent out a notice: Next Rally at four days later.

"Consider my offer, I will come back to you." Long Yu dropped the words and left.

"I think, we can let her join, so the chances of winning are better. We are too late to modify our own racing airships. Four days later, we can split into two teams, one to try to enter the city from the starting point, and the other to cover Long Yu, no matter which team succeeds, we can win." Jason said.

"I'm just afraid that there is someone who is not for the win." Merry said without looking up.

"What do you mean by that." Jason was angry that his sincere offer was questioned.

"Someone have just been hooked on by her, what do I mean." Merry's eyes jumped between Bob and Jason's faces like a hand that kept pointing at both, blocking the two from speaking.

"Okay, okay, everybody, let's not argue. There are still four days left, let's talk about it." Master Wu hurriedly discouraged, seeing that the atmosphere was not right.

Everyone went offline with emotions, ate hastily and rested, and no one mentioned ever about Long Yu again.