
Chapter 20: Hunting begin

February 4, 2222.

After nearly ten days of preparation, everyone was ready to plan in all aspects. Their equipment had been improved once before, and after receiving help from Merry's father, everyone upgraded their equipment again.

In these ten days, there was no big movement in the Attic World, everyone was searching for clues, but there was a vague feeling that everyone was secretly preparing for the next Rally to win the top prize.

Dragon City was still closed. According to the custom of the Eastern World, the Chinese New Year is followed by the Lantern Festival, fifteen days apart, and in today's technologically advanced world, robots have taken over most of the work, so the holidays in the Eastern World are much longer. Occasionally, there were guards of the Dragon City who drove the airship to greet guests who came in luxurious airships, other than that, there were more and more tourists gathering outside the Dragon City, though most of them were waiting quietly. Among those waiting, there were also many who were logging in the Attic World, apparently also paying attention to the Rally.

During the ten days, Bob searched everywhere for news about the Rally, but nothing was happening. The most crucial information he got was that if an individual or team won the competition, they would be the first to get clues about the next level. But the secret of winning would not be publicized immediately, instead, it would be widely publicized on the Attic World 15 days after that. Since the Attic World is a mixture of good and bad, where whatever badasses can be found, it is not difficult to expect that someone would be heresy to get the secret of winning, which means that, once someone wins, someone else would immediately share the fruits of their victory, at the latest after 15 days.

According to this logic, besides finding a way to win, it is also necessary to be the fastest runner to win the prize in the end.

Everyone agreed on a time to prepare to log in the Attic World together. Master Wu put the Newton into a defensive state because Robo was going to join the team in the exercise, and although Robo, as a robot, could control the Newton while logging into the Attic World, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and to let Robo integrate into the team as thoroughly as everyone else, Master Wu made this decision after discussing with Merry.

"Welcome to the Attic World!"

It was the first time this small team of ten people, logged into the Attic World together in one piece, based on the agreement, everyone was to meet at the square.

"Wow, Blue Bird Square is really bustling a lot." Bob said as he looked at the dense crowd in the square at a distance.

"Blue Bird Square?" asked Merry.

"Yeah, don't you know that this place is called the Blue Bird Square? Jason remembers it very well, he said you two first date... Ugh... "Before Bob could finish his sentence, Jason roughly covered his mouth.

"Don't listen to him, don't listen to him, hehehe... " Jason said awkwardly.

"Why is it called the Blue Bird Square?" Cici asked.

The blue bird on the shoulder of the old man in a regimented suit suddenly came to Merry's mind.

"I don't know if you've seen an old man who often hangs around here, there are many legends about him circulating on the internet, some say he is one of the engineers of the Attic World, and though this square is open to the public, it's actually his territory alone, he can close it at any time. Some even say that he is most likely the Mystery Man! He often brings a small blue bird to hang around here, so this place has been called Blue Bird Square since a long time ago."

"I see." Cici nodded her head.

"It's so romantic to have a date in a place like this with an ancient atmosphere." Once Bob entered the Attic World, he suddenly became talkative.

Jason swooped up to cover Bob's mouth again.

Merry didn't care about the two's jostling and turned to greet all the teammates who were incredibly familiar but met for the first time in the Attic World.

Merry's own image was very capable and not really eye-catching in the Attic World. She had short pink hair, with two playful buns atop the head, and her eyes were gray and silver, like two nameless stars floating quietly in the universe. Although it came by chance, but somehow, every time she saw her own pair of eyes, Merry would think of that Oriental woman who sold Dao to her, who concealed her pair of eyes raging with complex emotions under the veil.

Jason, whom Merry had seen long ago at the last "date", had an exaggerated blue hair, floating around messily, his features were exquisitely shaped, if he stood without opening his mouth, he was a handsome man. If Merry did not see him before, perhaps she would imagine that he was s handsome guy, but sadly, Merry already knew him.

Master Wu's image in the Attic World was not really subversive, but the whole image looked a lot more spiritual and handsome than in the real person, with a medium-length hair, neatly backed, leaving two locks of hair on both sides hanging down to his face, with a decadent handsomeness. In the words of Cici, he looked like himself everywhere, but nowhere.

Cici still looked familiar to Merry. Cici was fond of collecting dolls in the Loft World and rarely did tasks with Merry. Although the two did not team up much in the past, and rarely met in the game, but more than ten years of acquaintance, Merry has become familiar with her look - a long hair, tied up with two bright purple flowers hanging on both sides, the forehead left a good flush bangs, the acanthus decorated with a few small flowers. These small flowers were very delicate, looked simple but using a lot of black technology, and they could react and switch colors based on the scene and Cici's words. For example, at this moment, they shone a gorgeous red and yellow color when Cici greeted everyone enthusiastically. The Cici in the Loft World was more like her grown-up self, exuding a mature charm. It was no wonder that Bob looked straight at the moment he met her.

Bob also had short light blue hair, a lock of pick dyed yellow hair on his forehead, an earring in his ear, and his face was still fleshy. But compared to the real Bob, it was still a lot cuter, like a childish child. "He made himself look like this simply to get girls!" when Merry greeted Bob, Jason said cutting the ground under Bob's feet.

Dao and Merry were old partners that couldn't be more familiar with each other. As early as when Merry decided to help him create an account, she asked Dao what kind of image he wanted. "The coolest! The fiercest!" Dao, who had just grown into his human form at the time, said with certainty, and asked Merry to help him keep his pride and joy body - a straight tree trunk. If Merry hadn't tried her best to stop him, Dao would now be a monster of a dragon-headed tree. Now that the Loft World was full of Treemen in the street, whatever seen the real Treeman or not has scrambled to create a strange Treeman image. Therefore, even Dao was topped with two huge dragon horns and with an exaggerated fierce head, he became the most normal one.

Coffee was a dog-headed... handsome guy in the Loft World. "Wow, it's so handsome, and the big ears are so cute!" Cici was thrilled to see Coffee, whose steely eyes and majestic ears made him look very handsome indeed. It was hard to imagine that such just the right handsome... dog, was made by that careless Jason. "Sir!" As soon as Coffee saw Merry, he immediately saluted very seriously, obviously, he had seen Merry's leadership position in usual.

"Stupid dog! I'm your master, what are you barking at?" Jason was angry and came up to slap Coffee's head.

Robo looked, as expected, like a rather thoughtful robot. But after listening to Robo's self-introduction, everyone couldn't help but sigh, he is not a human! He is a team. Robo has hidden countless functions under the simple robot appearance. If others still needed to learn weapons and martial arts secrets every time they got them and would forget them after two days, Robo was the one who had all the previous ones, including martial arts secrets and use know-how of weapons, loaded into his brain. Under his ordinary appearance, there hid a fierce combat power!

Mimi's image was also cat-headed, but there were many similarities between her demeanor and Cici's. The most special thing was the third eye on her forehead, a three-eyed cat-headed beauty, who would not love it!

Rum's image was transformed exaggeratedly by Bob, who was not content to mold him a mundane pig-headed man, neither wanted him to be too far from his own image, so Bob simply took the plunge and designed a steel pig head! The two neon-like color-changing tusks were very conspicuous!

After everyone had said hello, they were ready to go to the race outside the city created in the Loft World based on Avalon. This time, everyone was full of determination to win!