
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Anime & Comics
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Saviors Or Destroyers

Long ago when humanity was thriving everything changed mysterious beings known as titans appeared out of the blue and almost consumed all of humanity overnight like a plague ,all over the world, the remaining survivors thought that all was lost that nothing was gonna stop the titans that was when everything changed. Out of nowhere when all humanity thought that all hope was lost they were saved by other beings that hundred times bigger than the titans Started killing them all. They were creatures that were supposed to be in fairy tales and legends these beings were called Kaiju these creatures started killing all of them which cause the titans to run away and defeated them. After the titans were defeated the monsters that saved many people just disappeared,vanished into thin air,left without any traces which caused many commotions.

They saved hundreds of lives from being eaten same thing happened all over the world showing many reports of all them doing the same thing:Killing all Titans.

There have been Many witness's have seen these creatures up close either glimpses or saw the whole creature one was a giant pteranodon that can cause shockwaves,others say a giant Ankylosaur like creature that can turn into a ball like a armadillo going through the city smashing the titans, another said a giant worm saving them all,some said a theropod like dinosaur that can dig and very smart and very fast,another was a giant lobster, some saw a huge three headed dragon, others have seen a giant monster that looked robotic and had two hooks with each hand,another was a giant praying mantis and a giant spider, some saw a giant bug that has a horn on its head,walks on two legs,and has drills for hands,another was a giant plant-like creature that has mouth vines,others have seen a giant bat that can make a banshee scream that can blow a humans head clean off,one said a huge snake that looked like a King Cobra used it's spit or venom to make the titans stick on it and eating them while they're stuck.

The reports just keep coming in but there was one report that was more shocking than all of them there was one report of a huge monster that rose from the ocean and walk to titans with just swipe of its tail killed hundreds of titans and killed many with few stomps from its feet but when more titans were coming its back started to glow after that it burst out of the creatures mouth which look like blue fire more like a beam killed all of the titans with a few movements of the creature after it's job was done it went back to the ocean and never seen again.

After that first report many started coming in of the same creature from various palaces all were the same a huge monster that can make a fiery beam from its mouth saved millions of lives more than the other creatures that saved them.

After the creatures disappeared the survivors started making three massive walls to keep the titans out, in case the creatures don't come back after a century of uneasy peace the reports of the monsters are now just rumors and stories to the them some people think that the stories were just a bunch of BS (A/n:sorry I have too put that in there ok)but some of the people that there families that encountered them believed in it but kept it quiet but those that heard theses stories were all asking the same question:Why did these monsters saved humanity? Some mostly kids think they were saviors sent from god to give them a second chance, while others said they were destroyers they found the titans more of a threat than the humans and don't have time for them. But the most important question that they all want to know is this:Are they with humanity or against it?

The day was dark as it was raining hard in this forest of Giant trees. A team consisted of 20 men. Their commander was a light skinned man, with a full head of hair and a small beard. Next to him is His second in command was a younger man. He has blond hair and was of medium built.

The commander then began yelling commands at his soldiers; "Moment of truth people! It's on us! Either we capture this ground for mankind or we die!"

His second command then shouted; "Target approaching!"

A titan was spotted roaming about.

"Split into 5 groups! Group 1 will act as bait! All squadrons engage on your maneuver gears!" Group 1 continued on horseback while the rest immediately launched with their 3d maneuver gears around the titan.

"Hit it from every angle!" the commander ordered.

The soldiers on the rigs then immediately plunge their hilts into their sheaves and attached the sword blades onto them. One soldier then swung around the tree and appeared right behind the creature and headed straight towards the back of its neck.


He then swung his swords, but before he could slice into the titan, it was suddenly sucked underground; he had pull back as he landed on the tree, unsure at what just happened.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO IT!? The young man who targeted the titan yelled.

The ground shook more violently then, something huge came out and rose from the ground. He could not believe what he was seeing. A giant figure that was enough to block out the sun right in front of him. But he small spots on it. As he looks closely, he saw they weren't spots, those were Titans. They were on this thing. The huge figure's hands crushed the Titans that were on it as it turns its and gave out a loud roar as lighting struck in the sky.


That question was answered when all things just stop when wall Maria was breached and the titans start to come in. This where our story begins.