
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Anime & Comics
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Return of the Titans and Monsters

Year 845-

This day was very eerie,how the day started out normal like others till in the end one simple huge change in humanity's positions against the titans and cause a great havoc.

We see here three kids who were one girl and two boys sitting right next to the stream where the boats are in they just saved their friend from some bullies

"Why were they messing with you?" The boy with brown hair saying to the boy in blonde hair.

The boy in brown hair is named Eren Yeager is the son of Carla Yeager and Grisha Yeager he is strong willed and mostly known for being hardheaded and stubborn but very determined.

The boy in blonde hair is Armin Arlert who is a best friend to Eren,his appearance may not what they seem but his intelligence is off the charts which makes him a strategic genius and he has a dream that one day will see the outside world.

Armin looked at Eren then turned his gaze back to his knees.

"I was talking about how one day Mankind would live beyond the walls again. That there is so much we don't know and that we've lost because of how everyone has been here for 100 years, plus, I also was talking about those stories of the huge creatures too that how they saved us from extinction but they believe me either." The boy said

"Idiots! Everyone has the right to think about something better than this" Eren said to him when he threw a rock at the water watching it bounce twice before sinking. "Plus you should know those stories of these huge monsters are just fairy tales. You should know that by now"

"I know but those stories sound amazing I can't stop thinking about them also, I see where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with it" Eren turned and looked at his friend while he was still hugging his legs.

"Where we are,here and now,inside the walls we're safe. Nobody wants to risk that security even if it means having to give up things. What the government is doing....it's the same as what the people are feeling even if they don't want to admit it." Armin said to him

Eren looked away angrily

"If the mindless masses want to to do that they can all go to to hell" he said to him

"Someone will might here you." The girl with black hair said to Eren with a cold expression.

This girl is named Mikasa Ackerman is the adoptive sister of Eren, a year ago she lived her biological parents and life was normal but that changed when human traffickers came into their home,killed her parents and kidnapped her, but she was saved by Eren and now know what the world is,now she lives with Eren and his family. She was like any child cheerful and filled with joy at that time, ever since that incident she's now like a cold person with a serious face but she still has that caring heart somewhere for both Eren and Armin.

"Keep quiet unless you want trouble" she said to him.

"So what, you'll just rat me out no matter how quiet I am." He scowled at her still upset that what happen earlier.

Armin was confused what they were talking about and what's going on. "What are you.....?

"I never promised you that'd I keep silent." She said to him wishing just for once Eren would think about how other people felt instead of being selfish.

Armin finally realized what they were talking about. His eyes widened a bit after turning back to Eren.

"Your parents know about the Scouts?" The blonde boy said to to him

"Pretty much, and neither of them were exactly happy about it." Eren said to him.

You see like Armin,Eren has also a dream about seeing the outside world and also he wants to join in the Scout Regiment,fight titans and be free from their evil reign, unfortunately that is or isn't gonna come true since the death rates were extremely high in the Scout Regiment so it wasn't the most favorite of all the military branches which his mother and father won't let him go into the military, especially his mother.

Armin just sighed which he knew what his parents reaction will be.

"Yea big shock there." He said when the wind picked for a moment blowing the dead leaves here and there.

"It's really sad what most people here are willing to settle for in exchange for a sense of security that's an illusion at best. As much as we hope otherwise wether another year or another 100 years eventually all of this won't protect us anymore something has to change, and will happen anytime." He said with a eerie look and voice.

Their moment of peace was soon ended by a huge explosion caused by a unseeable,yellow lighting bolt outside the wall,the explosion made ground shake like and earthquake a little bit which made the trio tumble a bit, when they stood up again they heard a few voices from the main road looking at the same direction. Armin started to jog to them to see what they're seeing.

Armin! Wait!" Eren shouted out to his friend but Armin ignored him.

Once he reached to the crowd he just saw what he shouldn't have. Everyone just stood in silence no one was moving or even talking just staring at the top of the wall or should I say what appeared at the wall.

Eren and Mikasa finally reached up to Armin to see what they were seeing.

Armin talk to me! What's going on, some kind of explosion or-?! Eren said as he saw that will change everything.

On top of the wall was a huge red hand gripping on the wall where the lighting bolt struck at. The hand tighten it's grip causing damage to the wall.

"That Wall is 50 meters high." Armin said in pure shock.

"It's a titan" he said again. This is the biggest one they ever seen in history usually the biggest titan only goes up to 15 meters tall, this titan is taller than the wall by 5-10 meters.

They skinless titan kept looking till it lifts it's leg up and kick the wall causing the bottom part of the wall to explode. Huge prices of debris started to fly from all directions. Some the rocks crushed homes,people or hit nothing in those paths. After it kicked the wall the huge titan began to disappear, another form started to come out of the opening.

That was when They began to appear. The same creatures that humanity feared of the very grinning freaky monsters that is every man-eating nightmare: Titans.

As the first one started to come in everyone started to run as fast as they can.


"Run for your lives!!"

"They've breached the Wall!!"

Many people started to running in fear since they know what the Titans were cable of. As they trio saw what just happen Armin broke the silence to his friends.

"Come on we got to go! Eren where are you going!" He said as he saw Eren going to the other direction.

"Our house is in that direction,and mom is all by herself." He said started to at that direction where his house was at.

"Eren!" He heard Armin shouting but ignored him and started running to his house.

Mikasa ran after with Eren to there house to.

"Mikasa wait!" He shouted to her but she to ignored him. He noticed how bad his hand was shaking,showing how much he was in fear.

"This is the end, they're inside,and everyone one of us is gonna be devoured." He to himself.

Eren and Mikasa started headed to our house seeing all the damage the titan caused and all the lives were lost.

"Our house is fine, our house is fine you turn around the corner and it's still standing in one piece, just like always." Eren thought to himself hoping that their house isn't one of the houses that were demolished unfortunately he was wrong.

They finally reached their house which is now destroyed.

"Momm! Momm!" Eren started shouting hopefully his mom heard him and still alive.

"Eren." His mother said weakly she was under some debris of their house.

"Mikasa grab that end!" Eren said as they both grab the part of the roof but the roof was big their strength can't lift all the way up.

They heard and felt big stomps from the titans as they saw more were coming in including one Titan that was heading in their direction. Once Eren saw the titan heading their way he knew they have to hurry.

"Hurry up, damn it!" Eren shouted to his adoptive sister. They were doing their best but was to big.

"Eren listen to me you need to run. Eren take Mikasa and run now!" Carla said to her son but ignored her and continued to lift the debris.

I want to more than anything! But first I need you on your feet!

"Eren my legs are crushed even if you could get me out I can't run." His mother said to him.

Eren and Mikasa were shocked that their mom can't run as tears welled up in their eyes. Eren didn't want to believe it, he's not gonna lose her from a titan.

"Whatever I can carry you!"

"Will you shut up and listen to me for once in your life, one thing I'm asking you, one thing." Carla shouted to him telling him to go without her as Mikasa

"Mikasa make him-" Carla said to her daughter.

"I can't" Mikasa said to her mother as they both still continue to try to lift the debris.

"Do you want all three of us to get killed." Carla said to Eren.

When she said that she heard some wires from a 3dm gear that was a man who she knows.

"Hannes!" She shouted to the man.

Hannes who is an a alcoholic and a man in the Garrison Regiment, one of the Three branches of the Military, plus is a man the family knew. He came quickly to there house making sure they're ok till he saw Carla under some debris.

Hannes, take the children get them out of here." Carla ordered him to to take Eren and Mikasa to safety. Hannes just smiled to her.

"Come on Carla that's not our only option,hey I'm a trained soldier my job is to kill Titans and save lives." He said to her as he ran to the Titan.

"No don't!" Carla shouted to him but he ignored her and still ran to it taking out his sword getting ready to attack the Titan.

"Nothing fancy, just take it down and get all three of them out of harms way make a good debt you owe." Hannes thought to himself.

But once he stopped and looked at the titan he stood there petrified,shocked just by seeing it,in front of him. Seeing the grinning monster up close,seeing how terrifying it really it really is. Hannes started to put his blade back in the case, ran back to the family and grabbed both Mikasa and Eren to take them to safety.

"Wait!, what are you doing! Let me go! We can't leave her here." Eren shouted to Hannes when he carried him and Eren still shouting to him leaving Carla alone in the rubble.

"Thank you Hannes."Carla whispered and smiled a little glad that Hannes made the right choice by just taking Eren and Mikasa to safety.

"Wait! Let go! We can't leave her there!"Eren shouted to Hannes to let him go but stilled carried him.

"I Love you, you hear me! Stay alive!" She shouted to her kids as she remembers all the memories of them.

She to started to well up tears.

The Titan finally reached to the Yeager families house and started to move all the rubble and has Carla Yeager in its hand. Eren can't believe that she's not gonna be with him anymore and will be gone forever till they meet again for a long time.

"STOP IT!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!" Eren shouted when he saw his mother ready to be eaten by the Smiling Titan.


Right when he said that a huge explosion from the Wall....... The small part of the wall starts crumbling down and the debris starts flying everywhere, farther than the giant Titan did earlier. Right when the smiling Titan started to snap Carla's back, one of the pieces from the wall started to head towards the titan which was a direct hit causing the to fall down and let go of Carla.

Hannes stopped and looked at what happened .Eren was shocked to see that but that lasted for a second when he was wiggling out of Hannes grip and succeed and started to run back to his mom.

"Eren! Get back here!" Hannes shouted to the boy

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted to him too. But ignores them when he reached to his mom.

Carla opened her eyes and saw what just now happened as she the titan 3 meters away from her then she saw Eren running back to her shocked her very much.

"What are you doing? Your supposed to get to safety." Carla said to her son.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Eren said with determination. He put her arm on his shoulder as he drags/lifts her and heads to Hannes and Mikasa.

As they were heading back to Hannes and Mikasa, the titan started to get up more like crawl since the boulder damaged the bottom part of its body which was slowly regenerating, Hannes saw the titan regenerating he took out his blades and told Mikasa to stay there and charge at the titan he's not gonna back down this time it's hand were 26 feet away from Eren and mom. Carla tried to wiggle out of Eren's grip so that he can get out alive, but his grip was strong for a small Boy he's not gonna lose her again. The hand getting closer and closer each time they're moving it's now 20 feet away

Now 16 feet away from them

12 feet

9 feet

5 feet

3 fe-


Right when the titan was gonna grab them another boom was caused only this it was very close to the family. The tremor caused them to fall on the ground. When Eren and his mom got up and looked the direction where the tremor was at, they saw what they can't believe and made their eyes widened big at what they saw.

They the Titan's hand twitching crazy and there was a huge lump in front of them then the lump started to move which made crunch sound which made the Titans hand stop moving and dropped dead. They realized it wasn't a lump, it turned to be a massive foot they both looked up at the huge form and saw the huge creature made their eyes a whole lot wider. It was a giant creature that has huge wings with a crest on its head which it look like a reptile (A/N:Can anybody who this is). It was looking around then made a loud screech that they have to cover their ears


After it made that screech then heard others roars and screeches as well.



They came from the newcomers, one came from a huge reptile with spikes on his back and the other was a giant worm which shocked them. Then there was one roar that made their skin turned white.


They turned at what they saw was very terrifying, more terrifying then the titans. As they the dust kinda cleared up at the breached wall everything stop at the moment even the titans stopped feasting on the humans and looked at the direction. People stopped running and looked at the direction to the dust then they felt huge tremors like footsteps were doing slowly.




When the dust cleared up this made everybody turned their fear a whole lot more even the Titans started to get scared of it. It's back, after a century it's back to kill the Titans, now the Titans aren't the top predators anymore. It was a creature older than an humanity and Titans alike it's eyes filled with anger and lust. It's back and hungry for blood......... Titan Blood.

In that very moment when all humanity had lost hope they came back, as they say: History repeats itself. Now Humanity will get its answer: Are they with Humanity or against it?