
Attack On Titan: Bounty Hunter System

Immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic at: patreon.com/izana07 Mark Brock, A Twelve year old boy finds a blue screen in front of him after his daily routine at the Trost Park. At first, he thinks he's hallucinating but upon further investigation, He realizes he is not hallucinating. The Screen grants him gold which he can use to buy skills and items from the Shop in exchange of completing missions... Bounty Missions. This book is R18 oriented in later chaps and it's good for degenerates everywhere!

Izana07 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Titan Shifters

Nothing short of two weeks had passed and Mark had gone through an astounding transformation.

Sitting in a bench at the Trost Park, he stretched his arms out and smiled to himself while tapping on Status.

[Name: Mark Brock]

[Title: None]

[Race: Eldian]

[Reputation: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Speed: 9]

[Endurance: 10]

[Agility: 8]



[Appraisal [C-grade]: The user is able to see the description of any item and their durability stat]


[31 Gold]

So far, His stats had increased with training and not to mention that his Appraisal skill had been incredibly useful so far.

He didn't know if it was due to the fact that his stats were increasing but Mark could see that he had some lean muscles.

"The Boot camp will start in just a week from now," Mark said with a low grunt, He had signed his name up for the camp and today, He had to leave the house and head to the camp.

He had to verify his name, get his cadet uniform and get assigned to a bunk- Those were the main things to do right now.

But a low sigh escaped his lips, The System didn't regard it as a mission so he couldn't earn gold.

"At least I've gathered enough gold to finally get me another skill," Mark said, at least it was good that he could get another skill.

He opened the Shop Interface, He had been learning more about the Blue screen and he was very comfortable with it now and it was good that he was the only one who could see it.

He tabbed the Skills tab and started scrolling through the skills available, There were many skills but they were too expensive, He was looking for a C-grade or a D-grade skill like Appraisal, and he found it sometime later.

[Body Strengthening [C-grade]: The user is able to use the muscles to their full potential, Upon activation, the Strength stat goes up by 10, The Speed stat goes up by 10, The Agility stat goes up by 5. The duration of time this skill can be activated depends on the Endurance stat of the User]

[Cost: 25 Gold]

[Accept / Decline]

Mark knew this skill would be very useful but to use it to its full potential, His Endurance stat would have to go up by a lot.

He accepted it and bought the skill.

[Host has gained a new skill, Body Strengthening [C-grade skill]]

[Skill name: Body Strengthening]

[Skill Description: The user is able to use the muscles to their full potential, Upon activation, the Strength stat goes up by 10, The Speed stat goes up by 10, The Agility stat goes up by 5. The duration of time this skill can be activated depends on the Endurance stat of the User]

The mere thought of Body Strengthening activated the skill, similar to the Full Recovery potion he had been gathering over the past two weeks, he could feel his body being filled with power.

Suddenly, Little wisps of smoke erupted from his body prompting him to stare at his arms, eyes wide.

It took little time to realize he wasn't burning from the inside but rather his arm and leg muscles were being unleashed to their full potential.

'And this doesn't have the scent of smoke but I think steam?' Mark thought.

The thought was alarming at first, his muscles were releasing steam and it was hot, like when his Mom boiled water in the kettle.

'So I'm not burning up,' Mark thought and stood up from the bench.

He threw a quick jab and the speed and strength laced in that single attack was extraordinary, he could barely keep up with his fists.

Mark took a step back and threw a spinning kick into the air, the wind even seemed to part as Mark's attack connected with the air.

"Fuck!" Mark exclaimed, "I'm so strong,"

But not even three more seconds had passed, his body became extremely exhausted, he collapsed on the ground unable to move his arms.

'So this is the aftereffect, huh?'

Increased Strength traded for energy, if his Endurance stat wasn't high enough, He would inevitably lose this strength and remain vulnerable to attacks. This would be very dangerous in battles but it could easily be bypassed.

A small portal crackled to life at the left side of Mark and he reached into it, bringing out a Full Recovery potion.

He immediately drank down the contents and felt his fatigue disappear. He stretched around and smiled.

"I still have 13 more of this Potion," Mark noted, It was not like he wasn't going to do the daily mission anymore-

After all, He didn't want to remain paralyzed for life.


It was mid-afternoon and a blond haired boy could be seen leaning against a wall, waiting for something.

He was a little bit tall and his blond hair was spiky, but his most defining features were his lean muscles which were revealed to anyone seeing him, since his shirt was short-sleeved and his crimson eyes, they were glowing like crystals.

It wasn't only him that was standing, there were other people as well and their destination was the Boot Camp.

'If I had run over there, It would have been better,' Mark thought with a bored expression.

He stared at a tall raven haired youth next to him, there was nothing much apart from the fact that he seemed like the strong silent type.

And suddenly, his right eye turned blue.

[Name: Bertholdt Hoover]

[Title: The Colossal Titan]

[Race: Eldian]

[Reputation: 25, 000]

[Strength: 30]

[Speed: 35]

[Endurance: 50]

[Agility: 24]



[Titan Healing [A-grade]: The user is able to heal their wounds at an alarming rate depending on the concentration applied, a white steam wraps the wound when it is activated]

[Warrior's Determination [B-grade]: The user is able to channel all their willpower into any action they want to perform, whether it be suicidal]

[Unique Skill]

[Titan Shifting [S-grade]: The user of this skill is able to transform into one of the nine titans which gives a massive improvement to all stats]

The surprise that he could see the status of other people except for himself quickly died down as realization kicked in.

This Bertholdt Hoover had the title 'Colossal Titan', and his skills were Titan Healing, Warrior's Determination and Titan Shifting… Not only that, his stats were literally off the charts.

One thing that worried him though was that the race bar was Eldian, not human. Two weeks ago, It had led to a lot of problems and confusion but Mark knew better than to weigh himself down with questions that would present answers later.

And not only that but he and Bertholdt were of the same race, Eldian.

'Does that mean 'Eldians' can become Titans?' Mark thought while dismissing Bertholdt's status, the glow on his eye faded just as Bertholdt turned to face the boy.

They were of the same age but Bertholdt felt more terrifying, there was like an aura of death wrapped around him… Mark could see hundreds of bodies piled up, with Bertholdt standing on them.

His face… emotionless but his eyes were radiating immense determination.

Mark snapped out of it as he looked at the raven haired boy.

"Hey," Mark said.

"Hey," Bertholdt returned the greeting.

Mark decided to stop conversation with him there, after all, They weren't acquainted and he didn't plan on being acquainted… Not when a new blue screen had appeared.

[Bounty Function has been triggered]

[Mission: The Colossal's Downfall]

[Description: Kill the Colossal Titan before the Boot Camp is concluded]

[Rewards: Grand Regeneration [A-grade skill], Energy Burst [B-grade skill], 500, 000 Gold]

[Punishment for Failure: Death]

He had three years to kill Bertholdt and Mark had to admit, defeating someone with such abilities would be a hassle.

Not only could he recover very quickly from Physical wounds but he also had an ability that could ensure that he would channel all of his energy into destroying him, A Warrior's Willpower.

Then there was Titan shifting, A 'Unique' skill which would allow Bertholdt to change his shape into one of a Titan.

And since his title was Colossal Titan, He would become a gigantic abomination that towered over the walls easily.

Mark sighed at the absurdity of the mission but he would grow stronger, and probably in the future, He would be able to take on the mission at full force.

Bertholdt turned to his blond haired friend and whispered something, Mark failed to pick it up but his eye had started shining again…

Reiner Braun was far stronger than Bertholdt and was probably the most dangerous person here, He had a clean bounty of 3, 000, 000 on his head and had a serious unique skill, apart from his Titan shifting skill.

'Reiner's Eternal Depression? A Reiner-only skill,' Mark mused.

He was the Armored Titan…

Mark faced the ground.

Why couldn't he get any simple bounties?

"Oh come on Mikasa, I could eat a little more bread," A voice was suddenly heard and perhaps on instinct, Mark turned to face the owner of this voice.

He had raven hair and emerald eyes, Mark could see that this boy was far more handsome than he was.

The Screen seemingly blared as a red bounty screen appeared on his head.

[Mission: Kill Eren Yeager]

[Description: End the life of Eren Yeager, he is far too dangerous to keep walking on the planet]

[Rewards: 2, 300, 000 Gold, Titan Conversion (S-grade skill)]

[Punishment for Failure: Death by Titan]


Author's Note:

All the Eren lovers can end here~

You saw when Mikasa slashed his head off cleanly~ Ahh, It was so sublime~

I don't really care about Eren and Mark's gonna treat Mikasa right so don't even bother announcing that you want to drop, because we don't care!

If you want to immerse yourself in more chapters of this fic, head over to patreon.com/izana07