
Attack On Titan: Bounty Hunter System

Immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic at: patreon.com/izana07 Mark Brock, A Twelve year old boy finds a blue screen in front of him after his daily routine at the Trost Park. At first, he thinks he's hallucinating but upon further investigation, He realizes he is not hallucinating. The Screen grants him gold which he can use to buy skills and items from the Shop in exchange of completing missions... Bounty Missions. This book is R18 oriented in later chaps and it's good for degenerates everywhere!

Izana07 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Blue Screen

A blond haired 12 year old boy sat on a bench in the Trost district, his eyes going wide as he waved at the air in front of him.

Yet the screen didn't seem to dissipate, the bright blue screen didn't vanish- Instead his hand went through it.

It didn't make sense… What was this?

[Main Mission Unlocked]

[Name: Top 10]

[Description: Become a Cadet in the 104th Cadet core and graduate from the Boot Camp as one of the top 10 rankers]

[Rewards: Rapid Regeneration [A-grade skill], 1, 500, 000 Gold, Murderous Intent [A-grade skill]

[Punishment for failure: ?]

The boy stared grimly at the screen in front of him, He could read it and sure he was planning to join the Boot camp- But this screen in front of him was unexpected.

He tried his best to retain his calmness in this situation; it wouldn't do good to go around screaming like he was crazy. But what was this blue screen though?

He tapped on the screen and it vanished, His eyes widened in surprise. Did it go?

But it reappeared again, this time it only had 5 tabs.

[Mission Log]





His eyes widened in confusion.

"Status, Shop, Attributes, Mission Log, Inventory?" He asked, confused.

And then he sighted a black haired man walking past the bench.

"Excuse me sir," He said respectfully.

The man turned toward him with an inquiring gaze.

"Can you see this blue screen in front of me?" The boy asked.

The man looked at the boy like he was crazy.

"What screen? Are you mad?" He revolted and then walked away muttering something about Kids being stupid.

"Okay Mark, Calm down, you're the only one that can see this screen," He muttered and then his eyes flickered onto the five tabs that stood on the blue screen, seemingly waiting for his touch.

He touched the 'Status' tab and the blue screen morphed, revealing another screen which showed everything he offered.

[Name: Mark Brock]

[Title: None]

[Race: Eldian]

[Reputation: 3]

[Strength: 4]

[Speed: 4]

[Endurance: 4]

[Agility: 4]




From the numerical representations that Mark could see, His stats were low and his Fatigue was at 43.

Why? He was doing some training in preparation for Boot camp but he really didn't expect himself to be so weak.

Besides, He didn't have any skills.

'Wonder if I can find some of those in the Shop thing I saw earlier?' Mark thought.

He dismissed his Status page and then went to the Shop tab, Clearly he was astounded by what he was seeing.

As he scrolled through the items available, a light blush painted his cheeks.

'Most of these are for… Sex,' He thought.

Mark knew of the happenings between a man and a woman, His parents weren't being too quiet when they did it at night.

Sure there were other items like the Strengthening pill which would add a single point to his strength stat upon consumption but it sure was expensive, 5 Gold per pill.

And the amount of gold he had right now, according to the Blue screen was a measly 3.

Gold can be earned by accomplishing missions or by having Sex

His blush intensified, whatever the screen was, it wasn't playing around. But after nothing more than thirty minutes of intense exploration through the Screen, He found that it was here to make him stronger and probably to help him get more women… Maybe?

Mark sighed as he dismissed the screen and put his back on the bench, letting himself rest a bit. As for now, until he completed that main mission… There was no other way to earn gold or was there? 

He could try going to the brothel but he wasn't sure they'd serve a minor, besides his measly allowance couldn't afford a single night with a… What was the word?

[Daily Mission Unlocked Unlocked]

[Name: Path to Power]

[Description: The road to becoming powerful is a long and bumpy one, Power doesn't wait for the weak.

Do 100 Push-ups ( )

Do 100 Sit-ups ( )

Do 100 Squats ( )

Run 10km ( )]

[Rewards: 2 Gold, Full Recovery Potion]

[Punishment for failure: Permanent Paralysis]

Mark's eyes widened in alarm.

Permanent Paralysis?

He could be disabled for life!

With renewed energy, He sprung up from the bench and began the Daily mission in fear of being paralyzed.


Letting out a bit of a sigh, Mark collapsed on the grassy ground. He stared at the blue sky with erratic breaths.

'At least I completed the mission,' Mark thought as he sighted arrows in the spaces provided at the end of the exercises.

He had never pushed himself that hard before… but he could see it had some results, His Endurance stat as well as his Strength stat had been raised by 2 from the exercise, His Speed had been raised by 1.

[Congratulations for Completing the Daily Mission]

[Name: Path to Power]


2 Gold (Collect)

Full Recovery Potion (Collect)

Eagerly, Mark tapped on the collect tabs and collected his items. The 2 Gold was instantly credited into the gold tab while the Full Recovery potion went into his Inventory.

Mark went to the Inventory tab, unlike the other tabs, This one was a purple tab with boxes in it.

He tapped on the first box with the Full Recovery potion and a small portal appeared before him, he cautiously dipped his right hand into the portal and grabbed the potion.

Mark looked at the bottle in his hand, it wasn't really much but he pulled the cork open and drank the contents down.

He wanted to see if it was real- The item's name was Full Recovery Potion, It should be able to help him recover from fatigue right?

And he was right, a light white aura wrapped around his body as he felt all the fatigue recede and the sweat on his body fade. Even his clothes were affected by this heavenly light as the sweat on them faded as well.

[Host has gained a new skill, Appraisal [C-grade skill]]

[Skill name: Appraisal]

[Skill Description: Able to see the description of any item and their durability stat]

Mark's eyes shot open, He could now see the description of any item and how much time they could last before breaking?

'That's good,' He thought as he turned to the potion bottle.

His right crimson eye turned blue as a miniature blue screen appeared.

[Item: Full Recovery Potion Bottle]

[Description: This bottle was made to hold the Full Recovery potion]

[Durability: 23 / 23]

"I never knew a bottle could have such high durability," Mark muttered under his breath, There was only one reason a single bottle could have such durability, It was probably because it was given to him by the Blue screen.

Mark raised the bottle up.

"Might as well test the durability of the bottle," He said and smashed it against the ground.

On various occasions, Mark had seen bottles shatter after being smashed against the ground but he had never once seen a bottle bounce back after being hit against the ground at full force- at least not until now.

[Durability: 22 / 23]

It had amazing durability in Mark's opinion, Just after a single smash against the ground, A normal bottle would have been broken and a resistant bottle might be able to survive at least 2 smashes while losing a lot of durability.

But after a single smash, It had only lost ONE point of Durability?!

'Perhaps the screen has the highest quality of items,' Mark thought.

With this simple example, He was able to see how powerful the Screen was in reality and Mark knew that every threat made by the Screen in form of 'Punishment for Failure' was very real.


"Mom, I'm home," Mark said, hanging his coat by the door and smiling.

His mother had shoulder-length brown hair and beautiful crimson eyes, She was wearing a tight black shirt which did little to hide her bountiful breasts, and then a beautiful white skirt which accentuated her curves.

"Perfect timing," Maya said, "I wanted to head out to the market,"

"Alright," Mark said and took off his slippers, hanging them beside the door, "I'll be in my room,"

The weather wasn't too cold neither was it warm, but the clouds had started gathering in the sky, thick black clouds.

"It's about to rain," Mark said, "Why don't you stay put first until after the storm's out?"

"And miss a chance to get 30% off, It's bargain day," Maya shot back, putting her arms on her waist.

Mark had to admit, if she wasn't his mother- He might… he might have hit on her.

 "Unless you want to come along," Maya suggested.

Mark eyed her figure; He had just done 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats and a whole 10km run around the Trost District! Even if he had taken a Full Recovery potion, He still wanted some time to rest.

"I'll pass," Mark said and passed by her, "Dad'll probably be drinking with his Garrison buddies,"

And with that, Mark entered his room.


Author's Note: 

I have published a fanfiction, This one is about Attack On Titan- Of course, I'm going to take a new approach and this isn't going to be one of those Reincarnation fics~

Like my Sex System In Naruto Book, There will be Rape here~ And then there's also Incest~

Read at your own risk… And for the people that want to get a whole lot of chapters ahead, Head over to my Patreon: patreon.com/izana07 and immerse yourself in more of this publication.

We're a great deal ahead in Patreon and you guys can't control my update rates so just head over to patreon and read ahead!