
Attack On Titan: Bounty Hunter System

Immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic at: patreon.com/izana07 Mark Brock, A Twelve year old boy finds a blue screen in front of him after his daily routine at the Trost Park. At first, he thinks he's hallucinating but upon further investigation, He realizes he is not hallucinating. The Screen grants him gold which he can use to buy skills and items from the Shop in exchange of completing missions... Bounty Missions. This book is R18 oriented in later chaps and it's good for degenerates everywhere!

Izana07 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Mina Carolina

[Name: Eren Yeager]

[Title: The Attack Titan, The Founding Titan]

[Race: Eldian]

[Reputation: 40]

[Strength: 6]

[Speed: 5]

[Endurance: 5]

[Agility: 3]



[Titan Healing [A-grade]: The user is able to heal their wounds at an alarming rate depending on the concentration applied, a white steam wraps the wound when it is activated]

[Unique Skills]

[Titan Shifting [S-grade]: The user of this skill is able to transform into one of the nine titans which gives a massive improvement to all stats]

Eren wasn't particularly strong but if the bounty on his head was so high, It meant he would eventually become someone very powerful. Mark didn't understand why the Screen seemed to hate Eren.

'Did he do something to offend the Screen?' Mark thought.

But it didn't change the fact that he would gain a lot of gold after subsequently putting Eren out of business but the problem was-

Did he have the guts to kill someone?

He had a conscience right? Taking a human- ahem Eldian life had it's consequences BUT perhaps he was an accomplice with the Armored and Colossal.

'It does seem kind of suspicious that all of these Titans are gathered here,' Mark thought and surmised they might all be accomplices.

He steeled his mind to kill the weakest of the Titans, before he had the chance to transform or grow.


A long wagon had carried them over to the Boot Camp, and Mark was amazed to see how big it was.

He felt uncomfortable while sitting next to Eren, Eren was a happy dude who was freely chatting with Mikasa and Armin who were his friends.

He was talking about how he was going to kill all the Titans and Mark couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the boy.

'Such acting,' Mark thought.

After getting off the wagon, Mark stretched a bit before walking to where other people were arranged in front of a person wearing a military uniform.

Everyone gathered round and the blond haired man cleared his throat.

"All of you are here because you registered for the 104th Cadet Core!" He exclaimed, "Once I call your names, Head inside that building to collect your uniforms and get assigned to your dorms.


The process wasn't too long but Mark found that he was very grateful that there weren't any problems reaching here, although the overwhelming information of Bounties was still doing its work.

He lay on the top bunk, There were 4 beds in the room and a closet for keeping their clothes. Apart from that, There was a small table and chair at the corner but nothing more.

According to the Military Officer that brought them here, They were meant to wash their uniforms at least once a week in the Laundry room.

"Alright guys, Let's introduce ourselves," A tall blond haired boy suggested.

Mark leaned against the edge of the bed and looked at the three Cadets below, they were his roommates and Mark honestly didn't mind, as long as they didn't get in his way of becoming stronger.

"I'm Jean Kirstein," The blonde said with a bright smile.

A tall black haired boy with freckles on his face spoke up next with a small smile.

"I'm Marco Bott," He said.

"And I'm Tom Hill," The final one said.

They all looked at him to finish the introduction.

'It won't do any harm to share my name,' Mark thought.

"I'm Mark Brock," Mark said and then jumped off the bed, "Nice to meet ya,"

He shook Jean's palm and then proceeded out the door, He had to do a lot more stuff like exploring the Joint and killing Eren Yeager.

It took him a whole 2 hours to explore the places to be explored, Noteworthy places being the Mess Hall and the Infirmary.

'And the fields out back as well, they're huge,' Mark thought, 'They'd do nicely for my Daily mission,'

He was currently in said fields and in the distance, He saw Eren doing some light training…

'I need some gold,' Mark thought.

He didn't have any weapons and killing with bare hands proved to be too problematic due to the fact that the Titans easily regenerated.

He opened the Shopping interface and browsed for a weapon that would be suitable enough to kill Eren with, although he didn't plan to do so now.

[Item: Steel Sword]

[Description: This sword was created with a strong alloy, It is suitable for killing animals]

[Durability: 43 / 43]

[Cost: 5 Gold]

[Accept / Decline]

Immediately, Mark hit the Accept button and the sword went to his Inventory. He wouldn't try to target Eren outside, not when there were so many people in the building.

Suddenly, A black haired girl with gray eyes passed by him, prompting Mark to look at her.

"Good afternoon," He said but the girl ignored him and kept walking, To Eren.

His right eye turned blue as he viewed her status.

[Name: Mikasa Ackerman]

[Title: None]

[Race: 30% Eldian, 70% Ackerman]

[Reputation: 20]

[Strength: 12]

[Speed: 15]

[Endurance: 9]

[Agility: 13]




[Unique Skills]

[Ackerman Bloodline Awakening [S-grade]: When faced with a perilous situation, The Ackerman genes awaken and boost every stat by 30, During this transformation, They don't experience Fatigue]

'What kind of extremely overpowered skill is this?!' Mark thought.

Why was someone so strong with someone so weak like Eren? It was doubtful that she was the accomplice of the Titan shifters.

[For Certain Reasons, The Shop now contains Items that can help you conquer Mikasa!]

First off, The screen wanted him to kill Eren and now it wanted him to steal Mikasa from him? There was too much hatred for Eren from the Screen.

'But I guess I should check these out,' Mark thought, 'Not like I have anything better to do,'

And it was true, There were new items in the shop…

[Item: Aphrodisiac Pill]

[Description: Upon swallowing this pill, the victim experiences extreme lust for you]

[Cost: 10 Gold]

[Accept / Decline]

That was just a tip of the iceberg, there were far more items available than before and not to mention there were new deals as well… Clothing.

'These clothes sure look nice,' Mark thought as he viewed a black shirt with golden sleeves.

His eyes eventually flickered back to Eren and Mikasa and a small sigh escaped from his lips, He could only hope that he would get a chance to take out Eren sooner… The more gold he had, the more stuff he could buy.


The Mess hall was filled to the brim, everyone wanted to get a filling. They would have their meeting with the Instructor Keith Shadis who would be their main instructor.

Many people were talking about what regiment they wanted to join as for Mark, he was sitting alone at the side eating his bread and drinking water slowly.

'If only the Screen sold food in exchange for gold, I won't have to be eating stuff like this,' Mark thought.

The bread wasn't too good, it was a bit on the stale side but it was the kind of food that was available to be eaten so he had to manage.

His eyes went to a blond haired girl sitting a little bit away.

'Another titan,' He thought as his eye let off that azure glow, of course he covered the glow with his eye- He didn't want to be seen by the Titan shifters.

[Name: Annie Leonheart]

[Title: The Female Titan]

[Race: Eldian]

[Reputation: 10]

[Strength: 40]

[Speed: 40]

[Endurance: 30]

[Agility: 35]



[Titan Healing [A-grade]: The user is able to heal their wounds at an alarming rate depending on the concentration applied, a white steam wraps the wound when it is activated]

[Warrior's Determination [B-grade]: The user is able to channel all their willpower into any action they want to perform, whether it be suicidal]

['Annie's Martial Arts' [C-grade]: This type of Martial arts enables the user to be able to perform quick punches, kicks and high end grapples]

[Harden [A-grade]: The user is able to concentrate their energy and create a crystallic substance around their body, It is very durable and hard to break]

[Unique Skills]

[Titan Shifting [S-grade]: The user of this skill is able to transform into one of the nine titans which gives a massive improvement to all stats]

[Titan Call [A-grade]: The user of this skill can use their voice to attract pure Titans to their voice]

Mark's eyes widened in shock, Attracting Pure titans?

'That's a really dangerous skill,' Mark thought, the aura radiating from Annie was lesser than Bertholdt but still, she had the most balanced stats out of everyone and not to mention the Harden skill.

If used properly, It could turn the tides of a battle as well as surprise the opponent but something was strange, there was no bounty.

Annie felt someone staring at her, her emotionless eyes landed on a blond haired boy sitting by himself not too far away from her.

He kept his eyes on her although he seemed to be covering one.

'That's strange,' Annie thought and looked away.

Mark let out a sigh of relief and then finished his bread, many people could talk to each other for all he cared but he had more things to do.

Annie had a type of martial arts which mainly involved grappling and since it was a skill, Mark figured he could get his own Martial Arts skill so he had to do some research on the types available in the screen.

"Umm hi," A black haired girl said as she sat at the table with her plate.

"Hey," Mark said.

He had to admit, she was beautiful and her figure was curvaceous. a slight smile of pride tugged at his lips as she had been the one to initiate a conversation with him.

"I wanted to ask why you were sitting alone, don't you have any friends?" The girl asked.

"Nope," Mark replied, "I haven't really interacted much with the people here,"

"Oh- Then can I be your friend?" She asked.

"Sure," Mark said.

"My name is Mina Carolina," She said, flashing Mark a small smile.

"That's cute, mine is Mark Brock," Mark said.


Author's Note:

There's a poll on Patreon going on right now, It's about the first R-18 chap… I'm going to let you guys decide who he should have his first time with. Head over to Patreon to join in! It'll be going on for about 2 weeks.

If you want to immerse yourself in lots of chapters ahead of my fic, head over to patreon.com/izana07 and feast on the lemons!