
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 34: Regret


As the days pass, Hange finds herself immersed in rigorous training alongside her fellow recruits.

In between training sessions, Hange can't shake the thoughts of Captain Roku from her mind.

One evening, as the recruits gather in the mess hall for dinner, Hange seizes the opportunity to approach some of the older members of the Survey Corps.

"Excuse me," she begins tentatively, addressing a group of veterans who are deep in conversation. "I was hoping to learn more about Captain Roku. What's he like?"

The veterans exchange knowing glances before one of them, a grizzled soldier with a scarred face, speaks up. "Captain Roku is a complex man. He leads with determination and unwavering resolve, but there's a depth to him that few can comprehend."

Another veteran, a woman with a steely gaze, adds, "He's seen his fair share of battles, and it shows in the way he commands respect from his subordinates. But there's a darkness to him as well, a shadow that lurks beneath the surface."

"I think that Erwin is the one who is always behind him, is the one responsible for this leadership and tactics" another veteran commented

Hange listens intently, hanging on their every word.

As the conversation continues, Hange's mind races with questions. What drives Captain Roku? What secrets does he keep hidden behind his stoic facade?

As she went back to her squad's barracks, the squad leader approached his presence commanding attention.

"Recruits, listen up," he announces, his voice cutting through the din of the mess hall. "We've received word of an upcoming expedition. Tomorrow, we'll be venturing beyond the walls once again."

A ripple of excitement courses through the room mingled with a sense of apprehension. For many of the recruits, it will be their first time facing the Titans in battle.

Hange feels a surge of adrenaline and a bit of anger, she wants to revenge her dead father.

Morning approached, and as she prepared for the expedition, Hange's mind was filled with anticipation.

The air was thick with tension as Hange's squad ventured further into titan territory during their expedition.

As they pressed forward, Hange's heart raced with adrenaline, her mind focused on the mission at hand.

"Hey I think I saw a titan passing by" Hange pointed at some trees

"Try avoiding any Titans!!" the squad leader ordered

But in her haste to push deeper into the unknown, she ignored the order and ventured toward the unknown,

But she didn't realize she made a fatal mistake.

The squad followed her to stop her madness, but suddenly chaos erupted as titans descended upon them, their monstrous forms looming menacingly.

Hange's friends screamed in terror as they fought for their lives, but it was too late. In a matter of moments, tragedy struck, and Hange found herself surrounded by the lifeless bodies of her comrades.

With despair gripping her heart, Hange's cries echoed through the air as tears streamed down her face. "Is this the end? I don't want to die," she whimpered, her voice trembling with fear.

As the titans closed in, Hange felt paralyzed by fear, trapped by the weight of her own mistakes.

A figure emerged from the chaos, slicing through the Titans with unparalleled skill and strength.

With each swift movement, the mysterious man dispatched the Titans with ease, his ODM gear glinting in the sunlight.

Hange watched in awe as he single-handedly saved her from certain death, his actions defying belief.

Killing 7 Titans in an instant, what a miracle.

Once the danger had passed, she saw the man giving orders to other recruits who came with him.

Then the man approached her, it was Roku, concern etched into his features. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice calm yet commanding.

Unable to find her voice, Hange could only lower her head in shame, overcome by guilt and remorse.

"They all died because of me. It was my fault," she confessed, her voice choked with emotion.

But before she could dwell on her mistakes, the man's firm voice cut through her despair like a blade. "Look at me," he commanded, his tone unwavering.

Raising her tear-stained face, Hange met his gaze, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

Suddenly, she felt the sting of his hand against her cheek, the shock of his action jolting her to attention.

"You think you can escape your fault by just regretting it? What can regret do?" he admonished, his words piercing through her despair.

As Hange struggled to comprehend his words, the man's voice softened, filled with wisdom and compassion. "If you truly want to repent for your mistakes, you must work to make your friends' deaths not go in vain," he urged, his gaze unwavering.

With his words echoing in her mind, Hange felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. "Make your fallen comrades proud of you and instead of mourning for their lives, carry them and move on to better and better," he encouraged, his voice filled with determination.

Grateful for his guidance, Hange nodded in silent agreement, a newfound resolve burning within her heart.

With a sense of purpose driving her forward, she vowed to honor her fallen comrades by pressing on, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

As the man turned to address the other recruits,

"round thing's up we will be going back we lost a lot of troops, carry her too she seems she can't walk," Roku told the other recruits

Hange felt a sense of gratitude wash over her., though she may have faltered, she knew that with his guidance, she could rise above her mistakes and emerge stronger than ever before.


End of the Chapter

"Make your fallen comrades proud of you and instead of mourning for their lives, carry them and move on to better and better" - Roku Ackerman

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