
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 23: Reunion and Bad News


As time passed Roku told them that he was going to the underground to visit a friend,

Erwin gave him approval, and Roku went easily into the underground as he is a member of the survey corps now.

As descended with the elevator., the familiar darkness greeted him, shrouding the place in memories of his past. It had been two long years since he left, and the detachment he felt from this place was palpable.

Navigating through the streets, Roku's presence as a Scout in the underground drew both recognition and astonishment from the residents.

Yet, he continued his journey until he reached a familiar destination – his old house. Knocking on the door yielded no response, prompting him to enter, finding it empty.

"It seems he left the place" Roku murmured to himself, it was dark and dust filled the place.

a sudden movement caught him off guard. A knife pressed against his throat in an instant, and before he could react, he observed the Knife and the hands

"Is that how you greet people Levi?"

as Levi recognized the voice "Roku?" Levi withdrew the blade, a mixture of surprise and recognition in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd pay you a visit," Roku replied calmly, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Seems like you've changed a bit, but you're still short."

"I am not short!" Levi retorted sharply, a characteristic argument between old friends unfolding.

"How have you been doing?" Roku inquired, attempting to break the tension, only to be met with Levi's cold response "It's none of your business"

Undeterred, Roku pulled Levi close, a playful smirk gracing his face. "Don't you dare talk to your elders like that, you idiot" His words dripped with sarcasm, reminiscent of their previous banter.

Levi's expression softened slightly as Roku teased him. "I missed how annoying you are, Levi," Roku remarked with a gentle smile, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart at the reunion.

"It was nice to see you again. I'll make sure to visit you more often," Roku promised. "So, where are you staying now? It seems you've abandoned this place."

"I got into some trouble, so I moved elsewhere," Levi disclosed

"I expected that," Roku quipped, the familiar dynamics of their friendship reigniting a sense of comfort within him. As Levi finished providing directions, Roku prepared to take his leave.

"I'll be leaving now. See you later," Roku bid farewell, a renewed sense of warmth enveloping him as he departed.

The encounter with Levi had sparked a sense of connection and familiarity that Roku had sorely missed since the tragic loss of his friends.

Roku entered the room, where Captain Zoe, Commander Shadis, and the rest of the team were gathered.

Captain Zoe's expression was stern as she questioned Roku about his whereabouts, to which he simply replied.

"I was paying a visit," Roku responded

"Nevermind now" the captain replied

A heavy atmosphere hung in the air as the commander took center stage, announcing the Survey Corps' predicament.

"The Survey Corps has fallen into the darkness, and the higher-ups are discontented due to the lack of progress. They're considering cutting our expenses."

The news hit everyone like a thunderbolt, and Erwin's voice cut through the tension aggressively. "Does that mean the disbandment of the Survey Corps?"

"It might," Captain Zoe responded. "But I suggested to give us six months as a chance, and they've agreed."

Miche voiced the concern on everyone's mind, "How can we achieve something significant in just six months?"

Commander Shadis then revealed their audacious plan, "Our aim is to hunt down a titan."

The room fell into stunned silence. "But is that even possible?" Erwin questioned the feasibility of such a daring venture.

Commander Shadis's gaze turned towards Roku. "We have a beast on our side."

Roku sighed deeply, his resolve unwavering.

"I will take the mission of protecting all of you, so you can depend on me" he declared firmly. Despite Shadis's initial concerns about Roku's courage due to past incidents, it was evident that he was resolute and determined.

Roku's words cut through the atmosphere, his tone serious and determined. "Let me be clear. I have no intention of giving up on the Survey Corps so easily, and neither do any of us here. We'll work tirelessly towards this goal."

The commander laid down the necessity of confidentiality. "Only those present here will know the true reason behind our pursuit of the titan. We can't afford to worry the other scouts with news of potential cancellation."

Nods of agreement rippled through the room as everyone understood the gravity of the situation. "Let me know your plan, Marc, when you're ready," the commander stated before taking his leave, leaving the group to contemplate the monumental task ahead.

After the meeting concluded, the team lingered in the room, enveloped in the weight of their newfound mission. Erwin, ever the strategist, began to lay out tentative plans, while Nanaba and Miche discussed possible tactics.

Roku observed the fervor in the room and the unwavering determination in his teammates' eyes. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on his shoulders. His past experiences had forged within him a commitment to safeguarding those around him, a commitment he held dearer than ever in this critical moment.

The six months ahead would be a test of their strength, unity, and resilience. It was a race against time, a pursuit of a goal that could potentially salvage the Survey Corps from its impending fate. And Roku was determined to do everything in his power to ensure their success.


End of the Chapter

"Let me be clear. I have no intention of giving up on the Survey Corps so easily, and neither do any of us here. We'll work tirelessly towards this goal." -Roku Ackerman

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