
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 22: Mitras The Capital


As the morning sun streamed through the windows of their barracks, Erwin, Miche, and Roku sat down for breakfast, the clatter of cutlery accompanying the occasional murmurs of conversation.

Erwin, always one for engaging in dialogue, tried to initiate a conversation with Roku, but the latter responded with terse answers. It wasn't that Roku didn't want to connect; it was a habit he'd developed over time, a defense mechanism against forming new bonds after the loss of his dear friends.

Erwin, perceptive as ever, noticed the barriers and decided to approach Roku differently. He glanced at Roku's face, an enigmatic canvas that revealed little of his inner turmoil, and then mentioned something that piqued Roku's interest—the great unknown beyond their walls.

"What do you think lies outside the walls?" Erwin asked, his eyes reflecting the same curiosity that had once burned brightly within Roku.

For a moment, Roku's gaze softened, reminiscent of a time when his dreams were filled with exploration and discovery.

But those dreams had long faded after the tragedies he'd endured. His new goal was simply to live up to the ideals of his fallen comrades.

Before Roku could articulate his thoughts, Captain Zoe's interruption cut through the conversation. "Apologies for interrupting, but we're heading to the capital with Commander Shadis," he announced, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

"Prepare yourselves; we depart in an hour."

With a nod, Erwin and Roku rose from the table, the remnants of their interrupted breakfast left behind.

As they made their way to their quarters, Erwin walked alongside Roku, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the hallway.

"So, one of the Special Squad's roles is to accompany the commander?" Roku inquired, breaking the silence as they walked.

"Yes," Erwin confirmed, his voice carrying a sense of pride. "We're tasked with protecting Commander Shadis, and our squad serves as his primary unit."

Roku absorbed this information quietly, his mind drifting briefly to the significance of their mission. Protecting the commander meant safeguarding the heart of their operations and ensuring the safety of their fellow soldiers.

As they reached their quarters, Erwin paused, turning to face Roku.

"There's a determination in your eyes, Roku," he remarked, his gaze steady. "I see it, even if you try to conceal it. You have your reasons for keeping your distance but know that we're a team. We watch each other's backs."

Roku met Erwin's gaze for a moment, a flicker of acknowledgment passing between them. It was a subtle recognition of understanding—an unspoken agreement that despite his reluctance to form new bonds, he was part of a larger collective, one that relied on trust and cooperation.

With a brief nod, Roku retreated into his quarters, thoughts swirling amidst memories of past aspirations and newfound responsibilities. As he readied himself for their imminent departure, a glimmer of determination sparked within him once more.

As they arrived in the heart of Mitras, the bustling capital, Erwin, Miche, Nanaba, and Roku found themselves amidst towering buildings and bustling streets.

Captain Zoe and Commander Shadis had headed off for an important meeting with the higher-ups, leaving the team to explore the city.

As they wandered, a familiar face approached – Nile Dock, a Military Police soldier and an old friend of Miche and Erwin from their days in the Training Corps. He exchanged greetings with the trio and then turned his gaze toward Roku, a new member of the squad introduced by Erwin.

"Nile, meet Roku Ackerman," Erwin introduced, observing Nile's suspicious demeanor. "Nice to meet you," Nile responded, a hint of recognition in his voice as if he had encountered Roku before.

Nile invited them into a grand hall designated for Military Police personnel. They settled around a table, Nile engaging Erwin in conversation.

"Are you still going after that dream of yours?" teasing about Erwin's persistent pursuit of a dream. In return, Erwin replied "Yes of course",

"How are your wife Maire and your kid?", "they are doing well although Maire can become annoying sometimes but I still love her", the camaraderie between old friends evident in their banter.

However, Nile's conversation was abruptly interrupted as he was called away, leaving the group in a temporary silence. Miche broke the quietude with a suggestion to go for a drink, an idea quickly dismissed by Nanaba.

"Let's take a stroll through the city instead," Erwin suggested, leading the group away from the Military Police headquarters.

As they meandered through the lively streets, passing a bar, Miche's persistent desire for a drink surfaced once more.

Sensing Erwin's subtle relent, they entered the establishment, drawing attention as Survey Corps members clad in their distinctive uniforms.

Erwin ordered drinks while Roku and asked Roku what would he take, unfamiliar with alcoholic beverages he answered "Anything".

As the group settled, tensions seemed to simmer between Miche and Nanaba, while Roku and Erwin sat closer, observing their comrades.

"These two seem quite close," Roku commented, attempting another sip of the drink and again grimacing at its taste.

When the drinks arrived, Roku tentatively sipped at the beverage, finding its taste repulsive and foreign.

"What the hell is this? It tastes awful!" Roku exclaimed, shooting a furious glare at Erwin.

"That's just beer; you've never tried it before?" Erwin chuckled lightly at Roku's reaction.

"No, I prefer tea," Roku retorted, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.

"It appears you're not fond of alcohol," Erwin remarked, a small smile playing on his lips.

"We didn't have such luxuries in the underground."

"You're from the underground? That's quite remarkable," Erwin remarked, trying to understand Roku's perspective.

"It's not as glamorous as it sounds," Roku replied bitterly. "It's a place filled with despair and death, and now here we are, sitting above it all."

"so Erwin what was that dream that square head was talking about",

"squared head? you mean Nile" Erwin smiled a little bit "

"it's just a dream I shared with my dear father", "Let's talk about it later if anybody hears us we will be in trouble", roku became more curios

Leaving the bar, chaos erupted in the street as a bloodied man rushed past, colliding with Roku and staining his uniform.

A Military Police soldier's urgent cry pierced the air – the man was accused of murdering a little girl.

Roku sprang into action, his training and instinct taking over. With swift agility, he chased the fleeing suspect through the labyrinthine alleys and bustling streets.

His movements were precise, his speed astounding, swiftly closing the gap between them. In a deft maneuver, Roku managed to capture the fleeing criminal, showcasing his exceptional skills.

Miche arrived a moment later, "Wow, you are sure fast although you are short" 

"haa?? what does being short have to do with speed? and I am not even that short"

swiftly taking control of the situation and reminding them of their maturity and professionalism.


End of the Chapter

"it's just a dream I shared with my dear father" -Erwin Smith

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