
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 16: Hope


The aftermath of the expedition left a bitter taste among the soldiers. The loss of lives weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, casting a shadow of despair over the Survey Corps.

Commander Keith, standing before the weary soldiers, tried to ignite a spark of determination.

His words resonated through the ranks, acknowledging the losses yet promising to honor their fallen comrades by continuing the fight against the Titans.

Among the veterans, the despair seemed ingrained, evident in their haunted expressions.

Roku observed this bleakness, a pervasive sense of hopelessness that had settled among the older recruits, clouding their spirits.

However, amid this darkness, he glimpsed something different in the eyes of the new recruits, a glimmer of hope, a flicker of determination.

Feeling the weight of this realization, Roku was resolute. He understood that the Survey Corps' expeditions hadn't borne fruit for a long time.

But he refused to succumb to the prevailing despair. Instead, he found a newfound purpose, a resolve to change the narrative, to bring a ray of hope to those weary eyes.

In the quiet moments after the commander's speech, Roku reflected on his own aspirations.

He vowed to himself that he would become a beacon of hope amidst the despair, a source of strength for his comrades.

Even if it meant risking his life, he was determined to instill belief, to kindle the flame of hope among those who had lost it.

As the soldiers dispersed, carrying the weight of recent losses, Roku's mind was set. He would dedicate himself to this cause, to make people believe in the possibility of progress, to turn their hopeless gazes into ones filled with determination.

That became his unwavering goal—the driving force behind his commitment to the Survey Corps and its challenging mission.

After the speech, both Anna and Gerrard approached Roku "Yo! Roku what you did back there was amazing, one day I will become a better soldier than you don't forget that" Gerrard said to Roku while placing his hands on Roku's shoulder.

"If you can just stop with the talk and concentrate more on actions you may be able to reach Roku," Anna said teasing Gerrard,

To their surprise, Roku displayed a faint smile, an uncommon sight that caught them off guard.

"Wooah what was that," Gerrard remarked

"What's wrong with you?" Roku replied to him

Marcel called out to them, announcing the commencement of dinner. As they gathered, "I never thought we would ever have a new recruit such as you Roku, You are amazing"

Marcel was praising Roku for his bravery.

While Dirk, who appeared to have indulged in some drinks, made random comments. Gerrard shared a bit about his aspirations, and Marcel spoke about his dream of marrying a girl named Jessy,

"She is such a beautiful girl, I joined the scouts to prove to her how courageous I am and one day I will sure marry her"

Meanwhile, Roku found himself reflecting deeply on the contrast between the joyful discussions and the recent tragic losses of their comrades.

Roku seemed busy with thinking Anna interrupted his thinking "What are you thinking about Roku?"

"Potatoes..." he pointed at the potatoes on the table, Gerrard and Marcel burst into laughing while Anna let a small smile.

"Anna, why did you join the scouts?" Roku asked her, the question came out of nowhere 

Anna was a little embarrassed to answer she then replied by saying "I just admire both of your and Gerrard's bravery so I thought it wouldn't be that bad to join both of you although I still get afraid of Titans, but I decided to work my courage up, like both of you"

"Good for you," Roku said as he continued eating.

Despite the sorrow lingering from their fallen comrades, the atmosphere that night was cheerful.


End of the Chapter

"I just admire both of  your and Gerrard's bravery" -Anna Seras

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