
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 13: One step ahead


The group succeded in their mission, and they were praised for it, except Roku who was scolded for not being helpful as a team, as Darian reported to the instructor.

Days have passed. Despite the unsettling dream he had in their mission, Roku continued with his training routine, displaying his exceptional abilities and maintaining his stoic demeanor.

During the day's training sessions, Roku focused intensely, demonstrating remarkable agility and finesse.

Despite his solitary nature, the other trainees couldn't help but acknowledge his impressive skills. However, his distant attitude persisted, creating an invisible barrier between him and the rest of the group.

As the sun began its descent behind the horizon, signaling the end of the day's training, Anna approached Roku. Her bright demeanor contrasted starkly with Roku's reserved presence. "Roku," she began, her voice tinged with concern, "I couldn't help but notice something bothering you since that night" She was referring to the night Roku had a dream, "Is everything okay?"

Roku, caught off guard by Anna's straightforward approach, hesitated for a moment before responding, "It was just a dream. Nothing to be concerned about."

Unconvinced by Roku's dismissive response, Anna persisted, "Are you sure? It seemed like more than just a typical dream. You appeared genuinely frightened."

Roku's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of gratitude flashed in his eyes for Anna's concern. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. It was just a bad dream."

Anna respected Roku's desire to keep things to himself and nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly. "Alright, if you say so. Just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," she offered before walking away.

That night, Roku lay in his bunk, unable to shake off the remnants of the unsettling dream. The images continued to haunt him, lingering like shadows in his mind. He found solace in the sound of the wind outside, the rustling leaves providing a semblance of tranquility.

Amid the night, a loud commotion erupted from a distance. Shouts echoed through the training grounds, accompanied by the clashing of metal and hurried footsteps. Roku's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly rose from his bunk. He peered outside and saw the silhouette of figures moving hurriedly in the darkness.

Without hesitation, Roku dashed out of the shelter, following the trail of noise and chaos. As he neared the source of the disturbance, he noticed several trainees frantically struggling against a group of intruders, their faces obscured in the dim moonlight.

Roku's keen observation quickly assessed the situation. Despite the chaos, his mind remained eerily calm. With precision and swiftness, he intervened, using his combat skills to neutralize the attackers and protect his fellow trainees.

As the assailants retreated, Roku ensured the safety of the others before the Garrison arrived to assess the situation. The soldiers, impressed by Roku's swift action and expertise in handling the crisis, praised his quick thinking.

However, Roku's mind was preoccupied with unanswered questions. Who were these intruders, and why did they attack the training grounds?

 A year had swiftly passed since Roku's induction into the Training Corps. His rapid advancement, fueled by unwavering determination and exceptional skill, had catapulted him ahead in his journey.

The graduation day approached sooner than expected, an achievement beyond the anticipated two years, solely attributed to Roku's remarkable performance across all aspects of training.

As the trainees gathered in the hallway, the grand wooden board displaying the rankings drew everyone's attention. Roku stood silently, scanning the list. His name sat proudly at the top, an indication of his unmatched proficiency.

Anna, standing beside him, caught his glance. "Wow, Roku, you're first. That's incredible," she commented, searching for her name. "You're sixth; that's good," Roku noted. But Anna seemed rather reserved, downplaying her achievement.

"These rankings don't mean a thing. On the battlefield, everything changes," Roku remarked, attempting to comfort her.

As night fell, jubilation filled the air amongst the trainees, celebrating their imminent graduation.

The following evening was crucial. Commanders from each branch were scheduled to arrive to recruit the new graduates.

Keith Shadis, commander of the Survey Corps, stepped onto the stage, exuding authority. His speech aimed to inspire the trainees to join the Scouts.

When the moment arrived for the trainees to indicate their choice by standing, many swiftly left, startling the commander. Only three remained, and among them were Roku and Gerrard. Roku stole a glance at Gerrard's companion, astounded to see Anna standing beside him.

The commander acknowledged the remaining recruits with a mix of surprise and determination. "Nice to have all of you with us," Keith said, offering his salute.

"Shinzou Wo Sasageyo!!"1


End of the Chapter

"Shinzou Wo Sasageyo!!" -Keith Shadis

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