
Too sweet to be True?

Have faith in the Lord AFatelessTale, gain eternal life! When the Lord AFatelessTale appears, who dares to cause strife!


Absolute true love's first kiss Poison is the Enchantment that had Jasmine been cursed with... It was so toxic that it even affects the soul and the area around the person poisoned and the people around the affected person will also get poisoned.

Even with something like the Sky Poison Pearl, one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures, it would barely be able to weaken it. For the only way to live was for someone who truly loved you to kiss you....However even with that the poison would not disappear for instead of fading the Poison would travel onto the person that kiss you and kill them instead...

So Jasmine couldn't understand why someone would try and save her...After all, all her life besides her brother, mother, and little sister no one had ever cared about her...Much less would trade their own life for hers...Yet here was someone that did...only she couldn't ask him for he was dying..Still she couldn't just let him die like that there was so much she wanted to ask him...So she choose to do the only thing she could do and kiss him...Remembering the poem..hoping that it were true.

"By Fate one way, by Destiny another

Death shall be the norm

Until true love's first kiss brings you together

Their life for yours thus sets you free...

If you choose to walk the steps of fate hand and hand with them....

Only then... shall you take love's true form.

Binding your Destinys never to Fade."

So light began to shins and Golden Chains started to form around Jasmine and Yun Che souls thus truly becoming one another soulmate never would they be able to live without one another.

Slowly the poison faded and Yun Che opened to his Jasmine kissing him. And kissed her back at first she was startled and wanted to separate yet as she felt him kiss her too she melted into his arms like and was right in the world. For she finally found the peace and love she so wanted forgetting her past and becoming one with his lips.

Until Jasmine tears started to fall for she thought this was Too sweet to be True...She was scared if she would continue, she'll truly fall for him..Worry he could hurt like no one had ever been able to...For how deeply he was reaching into her heart...Worry he'll not like her if he were to find out the real her. All the people she had killed and would kill. That they would not be able to be together for they were not strong enough...

After all his profound veins were crippled...and could never be fixed. So this was just a Fairytale never meant to be.

Yun Che knowing what she was thinking just hugged her and asked her what's wrong.

Under Yun Che's startled gaze, Jasmine lifted her face as her expression in her eyes became deep and mysterious, as if she had finally made a decision her voice suddenly became softer: "A set of profound veins with the strength of a god!"

Yun Che just laughed smiling at her and kissed her once again whispering into her ear "You are now my wife don't worry even with Profound Vein

I'll protect you for in a few hours my power will be back."

Jasmine at first didn't understand and thought he didn't know what she was talking about yet when she saw the look in his eyes she felt like she could trust him. And chose to ask him what he meant but first took out a blood drop and asked him to take it...Saying it was for saving her life not telling him what it was.

Yun Che knew what she was thinking and couldn't help but think she was so cute. Using the blood he got the Evil God veins while mixing them with the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins. Making something far stronger.


Thus they just sat there talking asking about each other life. Who they were, where they came from. And stuff they liked and disliked.

At first jasmine felt hurt when she found out he already had some woman like 8 and would still have more...But slowly came around to the idea but said she didn't care for she would be his First wife and all the others would just be concubines... Yun Che hearing what she said could only laugh and kiss her once again.

Finally when Yun Che power was back he showed her his control over the laws and Ki / Godly Ki and Shikai powers.

Thus he now Looked like Mugetsu, But with his hair staying the same, While a bluish-gray, bandage-like carapace forms around the torso, right arm, and neck but not mouth.

And a Red, flame-like markings spread across the chest and wrap around the left arm, and the remains of a tattered White cloak covers the lower body. In this form, a smoky White w/ Red Outline Reiatsu are constantly being emitted, most of which is focused around the right arm.

However even though Jasmine loved her man was so strong she wanted to meet the other women..Saying she wanted them to know who was on top...But before that Yun Che told her he said a surprise for he. And showed her he was able to save her body...Hoping with that she wouldn't be too angry when she met everyone else.....But first made out with Jasmine after how happy she was about having her body back.


Ash: Hah funny she can kissed that dream about being top wife goodbye for that place is taken...However I'm more than happy to beat her if she can't handle being 2nd..

Yun Che was going to say something but....Saw the look in Ash eye and decided to say nothing and live a little longer....Whispering under his breath I love you to Ash.....

Jasmine is love, Jasmine is life.

Here's to hoping Jasmine becomes a Disney Princess. Hope you guys liked the poem...Spend hours coming up with it......

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts