

in the world of makomegalos , seraphine dawnshadow 16 years old girl go on a journey to find the frog hermit A man filled with mystery, she is moved towards him by her grandmother's stories and her grandfather's manuscripts about him, and for that, Seraphine Dawnshadow will do whatever it takes to meet him.

bruriah_calfurai · Fantasy
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9 Chs

amnesia forest

As the moon cast its pale glow upon the ancient trees of the Forest of Amnesia, Seraphine Dawnshadow stepped cautiously into its depths. Each step was deliberate, her senses alert to every rustle and whisper that echoed through the dense foliage. Shadows danced eerily around her, their shifting forms adding to the mystique of the forest.

The air hung heavy with a palpable sense of magic, weaving its tendrils through the tangled branches above. Seraphine, a sorceress of unparalleled prowess, felt the arcane energies pulsating in the very air she breathed. With each inhalation, she drew upon the latent power surrounding her, a power that whispered secrets of forgotten lore and ancient wisdom.

As she ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, the trees seemed to lean in closer, their gnarled branches reaching out as if to ensnare her. Yet, Seraphine moved with grace and determination, her emerald eyes ablaze with a fierce resolve.

Amidst the canopy of leaves, the stars peeked through, their twinkling light guiding her path like celestial beacons in the night sky. Seraphine's footsteps echoed softly against the forest floor, each one a testament to her courage and strength of will.

But within the depths of the Forest of Amnesia, danger lurked in every shadow, and ancient secrets lay buried beneath the layers of time. Seraphine knew that she treaded upon a precipice between light and darkness, between the known and the unknown.

With a steady hand and a heart filled with determination, Seraphine Dawnshadow ventured forth into the unknown, ready to uncover the mysteries that awaited her in the depths of the forest. For she was not merely a sorceress, but a seeker of truth and a guardian of the ancient magics that pulsed within the very heart of the world.

She walks with a black cloak that covers her completely, and only her piercing silver eyes and thick silver eyelashes are visible, as if they were fluffy snow on her eyes.

While Seraphine was walking, she saw two large red wolves, each with two heads, and their size was as big as the trees around them.

Seraphine said sarcastically: A hunting date?  The two wolves attacked her, and before she could raise her  wand towards them, a shadow quickly jumped towards one of the wolves and stabbed him with a sword. They quickly left Seraphine's line of sight, leaving her and only one wolf alone. 

Seraphine raised her wand towards the wolf, which returned to attack position, and cast her spell  With a beautiful melodious voice  *motépsithira* Hundreds of butterflies of different colors emerged from the head of the stick and flew towards the wolf, who began running towards Seraphine, and as soon as the butterflies landed on him, they caused a huge explosion that shattered the area around them, and also blew the wolf into pieces. 

Seraphine then looked to her starboard, where she saw the shadow that quickly passed and stabbed the previous wolf. She saw a man covering himself with nothing visible, carrying a sword with which he cut the wolf into two halves, and he was looking at her also .

Seraphine: Who are you?  

The person replied in a deep voice: It doesn't matter who I am, that wolf over there was my swag  and you stole it give it back and I will not harm you.

Seraphine: harm me? You are rude, young man. Anyway, I will repeat my question, what is your name? 

The man remained standing in his place without changing his position, looking at her, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped towards her and tried to hit her with his sword. Seraphine was amazed at his speed, and she only had enough time to block his sword with her stick, which caused her to fly ten meters back, but she landed safely using magic, but the man did not stop attacking, blow after blow. Until Seraphine exploited a loophole and cast her spell  *manetz* After Seraphine cast her spell on all the trees in the area, she hit the man with hard wooden hands at a high speed, causing him to fly and crash into a solid rock. While he was trying to stand, Seraphine cast another spell *reshet qismet* In the blink of an eye, a thousand threads bound the man, forming a spider web around him. The man tried to free himself from it, but he could not 

Seraphine: It is no use. My spider web is getting more Solid  as much as you want to be freed from it and as much as the force applied to it, in addition to its original solidity   ,These thousand threads carry a thousand desires and fates that I can apply to you 

Seraphine touches one of those threads

Serafin: This thread, for example, carries the fate of pain of being exposed to a first-degree burn  

Seraphine said while she cut the thread. The man trembled in pain, and after a second he regained his composure while the pain went away. 

Seraphine: I don't want to hurt you. Answer my questions and I will answer yours in turn so what is your name ?

The man : my name is ash

Seraphine uncovered her head covering, her bright white skin, her silver eyes and silky silver hair all shining under the moonlight. Her lips were blood red and plump, and as she smiled at Ash, her six long fangs appeared. All Ash could think of at the time was that she looked like a snake.

Seraphine : my name is seraphine you may call me sera

Sera said as she cut a thread and Ash was terrified, but nothing happened and the other threads began to separate from his body without being cut.  

Sera: The thread i cut was a shackle thread, meaning that if you violated the restriction, you would receive punishment. If you attacked me, lied to me, or agreed with someone to fight me, kill me, or have any intention of harming me, you would receive punishment by being subjected to the pain of what you intended towards me, without dying.

   Ash: Well, it is understandable for you to do this, as I have already concluded that you are physically weak. Your ability to block me was undoubtedly magic that you cast on the wand. If an emergency happens and you exhaust your magic reserve, you will be unable to defend yourself. 

Sera: Your eyes are piercing. Well, you're half right 

I want to ask you why you are in the Amnesia Forest, but you will not answer me if I do not tell you my reason in advance. I am here to search for the Thousand-Year Sorcerer, the Frog Hermit. 

Ash was silent in astonishment, then said : I am also here for the same reason 

Sera: How did you get the information that he would be here?

Ash: I met a Sethian soothsayer named Sisyphus, and I paid him a lot of money for one piece of information about the sorcerer of a thousand years, and he told me that he would be here with a thirteen percent probability, or perhaps more or less. 

Sera laughs hard and then says: The fortune-tellers who follow the path of Seth, the evil demon, will only be as whoever they name related to. Don't you know that Sheth loves to mislead those who are desperate to find out information or obtain a need? He is a damned sadist.

Ash: Shh, he might hear you 

Sera laughs as she helps him up  

Sera: I have revealed my face to you. Don't you want to reveal your face?

Ash hesitates a little, then removes the hood from his head. He is a white-skinned boy with wide green eyes and a round face. The hair on his eyelids is few and long, and the hair on his lower eyelids is long.

Sera: That's a nice tattoo on your collarbone 

Serra points out a tattoo of a split sword on the right side of his collarbone 

Ash: Your earrings are beautiful too 

Ash points to Sera's right earring, which is in the shape of a purple moon, and the left one, which is in the shape of a red sun 

Sera smiled and then said: Do you want to join me in searching for him? 

Ash :Isn't he here?

Sera : no

Ash : How can you be so sure of that?  

Sera : I was able to reach this place because of manuscripts containing prophecies in the form of visions

The vision says  :

In the depths of Amnesia's veiled domain,

Where time unravels and memories wane,

To find the Frog Hermit, seeker brave,

Three trials await, your soul to save.

If in dreams you glimpse my form,

Amidst the forest's shadows warm,

Follow the path where moonbeams gleam,

For there, my presence shall be seen.

Seek out a grove, where leaves abound,

Inscribed with words, a message found.

If my name graces nature's art,

Beneath its boughs, we shall depart.

But should you stumble upon a waterfall's might,

Where silence reigns, and darkness blights,

Know that my presence eludes your sight,

For fate decrees our paths must part.

I did not find his name in any leaf. This means that he left here 

Ash : I have many questions running through my head. How did you find this prophecy? First, why do you believe it? Second, why are you searching for the sorcerer of a thousand years? Third, why do you search for the sorcerer of a thousand years? 

Sera: Well let's say this is a secret 

Sera said smiling

Then she start to seem serious

Sera: "Alright, Ash, let me explain how the prophecies and manuscripts have mapped out the possible locations of the Frog Hermit across the four continents."

Sera gestures towards a map spread out before them, pointing to different regions as she speaks.

Sera: "Firstly, on the continent of Avora, we have the Kingdom of bhupi, with its capital, Eldor. The prophecy speaks of a hidden grove deep within the Whispering Woods, rumored to be a sanctuary for the Hermit."

She moves her finger to another continent.

Sera: "Moving to the continent of Teranor, we find the Kingdom of Surreal . Its capital, Serath, holds a secret cave behind its tallest waterfall, where the Hermit may seek solitude."

She shifts her focus to the next continent.

Sera: "Over on the continent of Caladon, lies the Kingdom of kadosiodis, ruled from the city of Thalor. Ancient ruins dot the landscape, one of which is said to hold clues to the Hermit's whereabouts."

Finally, she points to the last continent.

Sera: "And on the continent of Drakmor, within the Kingdom of Aridia and its capital, Aridum, lies a forgotten temple nestled amidst the Desert of Lost Sands. It is whispered that the Hermit's presence may be felt within its hallowed halls."

Sera looks up at Ash, her expression determined.

Sera: "These are the places we must explore, following the clues laid out by the prophecies, in our quest to find the Thousand-Year Sorcerer, the Frog Hermit."

Ash :Since we are in the Amnesia Forest, which is located on the border between the Kingdom of Viheria and the Kingdom of Surreial, I think we should head towards the cave behind the tallest watterfall

Sera : Do we even need to say this, you are really cold-minded, Ash, even though you seem like the smart type

Ash : Well, Lady of Prophecies, would you please explain to us what is meant by the tallest waterfall? 

Sera : I think it means the fourth Bohemian tear waterfall   

Ash :Do you mean the waterfall located on the lands of the Luneras clan?

Sera : yes

Ash : why

Sera : Of course, because it is the tallest waterfall   

Aah : Are you taking the prophecy literally? Aren't there supposed to be puzzles to solve?

Sera : How might I know that? Do you think I am being inspired by a fortune teller?  Also, the literal meaning is the safe option 

Ash : Tsk whatever, let's just go 

They led the way towards the edge of the forest. It was night and darkness prevailed in the forest, and their path was illuminated only by a little moonlight penetrating through the gaps between the tops of the tall trees and a few large fireflies. Both Sera and Ash walked until they reached a hill and descended it. They found a snowy village, the village of Flos Nevis