

in the world of makomegalos , seraphine dawnshadow 16 years old girl go on a journey to find the frog hermit A man filled with mystery, she is moved towards him by her grandmother's stories and her grandfather's manuscripts about him, and for that, Seraphine Dawnshadow will do whatever it takes to meet him.

bruriah_calfurai · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Flos Nevis village

Both Sera and Ash walked until they reached a hill and descended it. They found a snowy village, the village of Flos Nevis. 

Sera : Flos Nevis Hero zaharik's Village

Ash : zaharik killer of brontzur 190 years ago?

Sera : yes

They both entered the village and noticed several buildings with various symbols, a building with a three-eyed owl painted on it, a bar with a symbol of a cloud pouring milk from it, and a sword studded with rubies hanging on the village mayor's house. 

Ash: These symbols are  

Sera : Yes, the Bohemian sect, the three-eyed owl, the white sword studded with rubies, and the milk spilled from the clouds are all symbols dating back to 235 years ago in the first Bohemian era. 

Ash : How ironic that Bohemians live in village where Zaharik was born 

Sera: Anyway, we won't stay here long. We'll stay for a day or two at most 

While Sera was speaking, she noticed a symbol of a purple moon on a small shop in an alley 

Sera: Or maybe not, come with me

Sera said as she pulled Ash with her and they headed towards the small shop. They opened the door and found an old man and woman. The old man was sitting on a chair opposite the door while smoking tobacco, and the old woman was at the front of the customers. Both Ash and Sera entered, and as soon as the woman saw them, she held out her thumb with pinky 

Sera: Silent welcome then, are we annoying guests perhaps? 

Ash remained contemplating a hanging painting depicting a woman with red hair and blue eyes holding a sword and giving it to a guarded man with nothing visible except his armor.

Old man : If you are not a customer, leave

Sera: You're from the Lunaris clan, right? 

The old woman raised her eyes to Sera while the old man remained silent. The atmosphere was stifling. Then Ash said: Lunaris Clan? Isn't their home in the Surreal lands, and this painting, the red-haired woman, is the Surreal Eve, which means that the man in the painting is a soldier from the Surreal Snake Battalion. You are really from the Lunaris clan.

The old woman spoke, saying: This was not the reason  you knew that we are from the Lunaris clan, young lady, was it?  

Sera said with a smile: In addition to the painting of the Surrealist Banner, which I think symbolizes the battle of Holy John and Surrealism, the purple moon that decorated the painting of your bar is the symbol of your clan. The type of tobacco that your husband smokes is tobacco extracted from the Ares Surrealism plant, and finally the main reason I knew that was your holding your thumb And your pinky when you felt a man enter here  

It's a symbol of "purity or chastity from any men other than your husband" of the monks of Stella Maris, and I assume from your headdress and the black drape covering your forehead and the red star symbol on your wand that you are a mimosa  monk

The old woman laughed while her husband sighed. Then the old woman said: What is your name, young lady?

Sera: My name is Seraphine Dawnshadow  you may call me sera

Old woman : dawnshadow? This explains a lot   You are Amphiron's granddaughter, aren't you?

Sera: Yes, I am his granddaughter

Ash looked at Sera suspiciously, as if he didn't know what to do, but decided to remain silent while listening to the conversation 

Old woman: My name is  hastagnos luniras

Then the old man followed her, saying: And my name is ohevkad luniras

Hastagnos : you may call me hasta But anyway, I want to ask you something important  How is kafoteinós doing?

Sera : My grandmother passed away 6 years ago15 years after my grandfather died. Her last traces are *Sera moves her hair from her right ear* This earring *Sera points to the purple moon earring*

Hasta : I see

The woman lowered her head and her voice cracked as she said in a voice as if she was about to cry 

Hasta : kafo and I were best friends. How much we played in the hills of the Gacrox nuns, how much we tired the farmers by stealing their chickens and hiding them, and how beautiful kafo was, her long silky violet hair, her big violet eyes and her bright white skin, the thick violet hair on her eyelids that looked like a cluster of stars gathered in her eyelids, her soft voice. Delicate, everything around her was beautiful and thinking about it, you really looked like her even with her short height   In fact, it seems that kafo is even taller than you, except that you look like Amphiron too

When Amphiron first came to our clan's lands, he had not yet established a reputation as a traveler and had not yet acquired the title of Hunter of Light.   

Ash's eyes widened in astonishment as he exclaimed in astonishment: The Light Hunter is your grandfather sera? !!

Hasta : Hey, brat, don't interrupt the adults, keep your mouth shut

Ash was silent after that and was upset, but he did not say anything and continued listening to Hasta 

Hasta : When Amphiron came to our clan's lands in the Kingdom of Surreal, seventy years ago, Kafo and I were sixteen years old, and we were two best friends. I wanted to leave the Kingdom of Surreal, and I wanted to abandon all the clan traditions. I wanted to live on a farm alone with Kafo for the rest of our lives.

I did not take life seriously at the time. I was a bold, loud girl, and Kafo was no different from me in that except that she was like a snake, biting silently. I remember that it was a beautiful moonlit night, I met Ohevkad, who had returned from his tour in the Surreal Snake Battalion for the first time after twelve years.   He was still young and I fell in love with him at first sight, and I was thinking about how to open the matter to Kafo to tell her that I was determined to sabotage our plan to live alone on a farm forever by bringing a man, and above all a traditional man, who was ambitious to join the Surreal Snakes.

My thoughts did not last long until I heard a knock on a door, followed by my mother's voice telling me to open for the guest. I walked towards the door and opened it, and it was Kafo . I let her in, then she told me that she had seen a strange man near the border of the clan's lands and apparently, he was a sorcerer.

My facial features changed, and I did not feel like myself until I felt my father's presence behind me. My father was a warrior named Oren, and he was the only man who was able to retire from being a surreal snake without dying during his twelve years of service.  

Oren : Kafo, what did you just say?

Kafo : uh uhm uncle oren I saw a strange man casting magic on trees then they sang to him near the border of the our lands

Oren: Where exactly?

Kafo: near the border of olive trees at Lake Rafael   

Oren took a large ax and walked while the two girls followed him until Oren reached the navy and saw the man and the two girls hiding in a pile of bushes.

  Oren : stranger who are you

The sorcerer raised his eyes to Oren, who was standing on a hill that was not very high. The man smiled as his silver eyes and silver hair shone under the moonlight. Then he said: I am Amphiron, sir  amphiron dawnshadow