
Assassin Transmigrates Into A Novel As A Side Character

[This is an entry for the DECEMBER - JANUARY WPC. Please support the novel by adding to the collections and voting for it.] Mike Morganson was a young assassin. He lost his father before he was born and his mother died after giving birth to him. He was left to live alone at the orphanage. He watched as the other children were being adopted and each time he felt alone. One day though, a man in his thirties came to the orphanage and then adopted him. This man was not an ordinary person - he was an assassin. Mike became an assassin at the young age of twelve. But on his fiftieth birthday, he was poisoned - at his own birthday party no less ! But this was not the end for the young Mike as he transmigrated into the novel he had finished reading as a mere side character. But luckily for Mike, he was rewarded with the [Devourer System] which helps him to devour other people's stats and skills. Join Mike as he tries to survive in the novel were peace does not reside. ******* WARNING !! - Mature content present. Read at your own discretion ! #No Yuri #No NTR #Overpowered MC #Harem #Anti-Hero ******* For every 100 power stones 1 bonus chapter will be released. For every 50 golden tickets 1 bonus chapter will be released.

Frosty_Cupcakes · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 27: Aftermath

As they stood over Azrok's defeated form, Keith and Evelyn shared a moment of triumphant exhaustion.

Their chests heaved in unison, their eyes locked on the sorcerer's staff, now lying harmlessly on the ground.

With a simultaneous nod, they approached the staff, their movements cautious, as if fearful of triggering a hidden trap.

Keith reached out a trembling hand, his fingers closing around the staff's dark wood.

A surge of energy pulsed through him, and he felt the staff's power coursing through his veins.

"It is over," Evelyn whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of their hearts. "The darkness has been vanquished."

Keith turned to her, his eyes shining with a mix of relief and awe. "We did it, Evelyn. We saved the realm."

As they embraced, the staff's power began to fade, its darkness dissipating like a receding tide.

The air around them cleared, and the earth ceased its trembling.

The battle was truly over.

With a final glance at Azrok's motionless form, they turned to face the gathering elves, who cheered and wept in equal measure.

The Elf King approached them, his eyes shining with pride and gratitude.

"Keith, Evelyn, you have saved our realm from the brink of destruction. Your names will be etched in our history forever."

As the elves celebrated, Keith and Evelyn stood together, their bond stronger than ever.

They knew that their friendship was the true source of their strength, and that together, they could overcome even the darkest of evils.

The sun rose over the battered landscape, casting a warm glow over the devastation.

The once-lush fields were now scarred by the dark magic that had ravaged the land.

The air was heavy with the stench of smoke and ash, and the silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the distant cries of the wounded.

Keith and Evelyn walked through the ruins, their footsteps echoing off the crumbling buildings.

They moved slowly, surveying the damage, their faces grim and weary.

The Elf King and his generals followed closely behind, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of remaining darkness.

As they approached the city center, the destruction became more pronounced.

Buildings lay in ruins, their walls cracked and crumbling.

The streets were littered with debris, and the once-proud trees were now nothing more than charred and blackened skeletons.

The elves moved through the wreckage, their faces etched with grief and sorrow.

They had lost many of their own in the battle, and the weight of their grief hung heavy in the air.

Keith and Evelyn walked among them, offering what comfort they could, their own sorrow and exhaustion evident on their faces.

As they reached the city square, a massive stone statue of the Elf King stood tall, its surface scarred by dark magic.

The elves gathered around it, their eyes fixed on the symbol of their kingdom's strength and resilience.

The Elf King raised his hands, and a faint glow began to emanate from the statue.

The light grew brighter, filling the square, and slowly, the darkness that had ravaged the land began to recede.

The air cleared, and the earth began to heal.

Eryndor and Emily watched in awe as the land began to transform before their eyes.

The buildings began to repair themselves, their walls knitting back together.

The trees began to regrow, their branches reaching towards the sky once more.

The elves cheered, their voices hoarse from exhaustion, but filled with hope and renewal.

Keith and Evelyn embraced, their eyes shining with tears of joy and relief.

The war was truly over, and the realm was at peace once more.

As the land continued to heal, the elves set about rebuilding their city.

Keith and Evelyn walked through the streets, watching as buildings rose from the rubble and trees regained their vibrancy.

They passed by the city square, where the Elf King's statue now shone with a radiant light, a symbol of hope and resilience.

The elves worked tirelessly, their hands moving with a newfound sense of purpose.

They laughed and sang as they labored, their spirits lifted by the sight of their city's rebirth.

Keith and Evelyn joined in, their hands side by side as they helped to rebuild a damaged wall.

As the sun began to set, the elves gathered in the city square once more.

The Elf King stood before them, his eyes shining with pride.

"We have faced darkness and emerged victorious," he declared. "Our realm is at peace, and our future is bright."

The elves cheered, their voices echoing through the city.

Keith and Evelyn embraced, their hearts full of joy and gratitude.

They knew that their friendship had been the key to their victory, and they vowed to always stand together against any darkness that might threaten their realm.

As the celebration continued, a faint glow began to emanate from the Elf King's statue.

The light grew brighter, filling the square, and Keith and Evelyn felt themselves being drawn towards it.

They stepped forward, their hands still clasped together, and as they reached the statue, they felt a surge of energy envelop them.

When the light faded, they found themselves standing in a beautiful garden, filled with flowers that shone like stars.

A figure approached them, tall and graceful, with eyes that shone like the Elf King's.

"Welcome, Keith and Evelyn," she said. "You have been chosen to receive a special gift, one that will allow you to always stand together against any darkness that may threaten your realm."

And with that, she reached out and placed a small crystal in each of their hands.

The crystals shone with a brilliant light, and Keith and Evelyn knew that their friendship was now unbreakable, a bond that would last for all eternity.

The figure, who introduced herself as the [Guardian of the Realm], led them through the garden, pointing out various flowers and trees that shone with a soft, ethereal light.

"These are the [Blooms of Light]," she explained. "They hold the power of the realm's magic, and will forever be a symbol of your bond and your victory over darkness."

As they walked, the Guardian told them the story of the realm's creation, and how the Elf King's ancestors had used their magic to build a land of peace and prosperity.

She showed them a great tree, its branches reaching towards the sky, and its trunk glowing with a soft, pulsing light.

"This is the [Tree of Life]," she said. "It is the source of all magic in the realm, and will always be a reminder of your friendship and your bravery."

Keith and Evelyn listened in awe, their hearts filled with wonder and gratitude.

They knew that they had been given a great gift, and that their bond would forever be a source of strength and inspiration for the realm.

As they reached the end of the garden, the Guardian led them to a great crystal pool, its surface reflecting the stars in the sky above.

"This is the [Pool of Wisdom]," she said. "It holds the knowledge and secrets of the realm, and will always be a source of guidance and wisdom for you both."

And with that, she vanished, leaving Keith and Evelyn alone in the garden, surrounded by the [Blooms of Light], the [Tree of Life], and the [Pool of Wisdom].

They knew that their adventure was far from over, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that their friendship and their bond would always be the source of their strength.

As they stood alone in the garden, Evelyn turned to Keith with a look of deep emotion in her eyes.

"Keith, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were special," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Your bravery, your kindness, your unwavering dedication to our quest... it all drew me to you in ways I never thought possible."

Keith's heart skipped a beat as he gazed into her eyes, his own emotions stirring in response.

"Evelyn, you are an incredible warrior and an even more amazing friend," he replied, his voice soft and sincere. "I do not know what I would have done without you by my side throughout this journey."

Evelyn's face drew closer, her eyes locked on his.

"I want to be more than just a friend, Keith," she whispered, her breath caressing his skin. "I want to be the one you turn to for comfort, for support, for love."

Keith's heart raced as he gazed into her eyes, his own feelings swirling in chaos.

He cared deeply for Evelyn, but he was not sure if he was ready to reciprocate her romantic feelings.

He took a step back, his hands gently grasping her shoulders. "Evelyn, I... I need time to think," he stammered, his voice barely audible.

Evelyn's face fell, but she nodded understandingly. "I know, Keith. I just needed to tell you how I feel. Take all the time you need. I will be here, waiting for your answer."

As they stood there, the tension between them palpable, the [Blooms of Light] began to glow brighter, as if sensing the depth of their emotions.

The [Tree of Life's] branches rustled softly, and the [Pool of Wisdom's] surface rippled with a gentle wave, as if urging Keith to listen to his heart.

But for now, he could only offer a gentle smile and a promise to consider his feelings, leaving Evelyn's confession hanging in the balance.

So, how was the chapter guys. leave your comments in the comment section. It has also come to my attention that I don't have enough reviews, so after reading please kindly leave a review.

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