
Assassin Transmigrates Into A Novel As A Side Character

[This is an entry for the DECEMBER - JANUARY WPC. Please support the novel by adding to the collections and voting for it.] Mike Morganson was a young assassin. He lost his father before he was born and his mother died after giving birth to him. He was left to live alone at the orphanage. He watched as the other children were being adopted and each time he felt alone. One day though, a man in his thirties came to the orphanage and then adopted him. This man was not an ordinary person - he was an assassin. Mike became an assassin at the young age of twelve. But on his fiftieth birthday, he was poisoned - at his own birthday party no less ! But this was not the end for the young Mike as he transmigrated into the novel he had finished reading as a mere side character. But luckily for Mike, he was rewarded with the [Devourer System] which helps him to devour other people's stats and skills. Join Mike as he tries to survive in the novel were peace does not reside. ******* WARNING !! - Mature content present. Read at your own discretion ! #No Yuri #No NTR #Overpowered MC #Harem #Anti-Hero ******* For every 100 power stones 1 bonus chapter will be released. For every 50 golden tickets 1 bonus chapter will be released.

Frosty_Cupcakes · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: War

The day of the grand ceremony arrived, and the elves gathered at the sacred [Temple of El'goroth].

The temple's marble halls shone with a soft, ethereal light, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of elven incense.

The Elf Queen, resplendent in her golden armor and carrying the sacred [Scepter of Light], led the procession.

Keith, Evelyn, and the elven generals followed closely behind, their weapons and armor gleaming in the temple's soft light.

As they reached the altar, the Elf Queen raised her scepter, and a brilliant light burst forth, filling the temple.

The elves bowed their heads, and the Queen began the ancient ritual of blessing.

"By the power of El'goroth, we call upon the ancient magic that flows through our veins," she declared. "May our weapons be swift and true, our armor be strong and unyielding, and our hearts be filled with courage and honor."

The elves echoed her words, their voices rising in a chant that shook the temple's foundations.

The light grew brighter, and Keith felt the [Elemental Scepter] pulsing with energy in his hand.

As the ritual reached its climax, the Elf Queen touched the scepter to Keith's forehead.

A surge of energy coursed through him, and he felt his connection to the elements grow stronger still.

The ceremony concluded, the elves gathered in the temple's great hall for a final feast before the war.

The tables groaned under the weight of delicacies, and the elves ate and drank with gusto, their spirits high and their hearts full of hope.

Keith sat at the head table, flanked by Evelyn and the Elf King, and gazed out at the sea of elven faces.

He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but he also knew that the elves were ready.

They had prepared for this moment, and they would face the darkness together, as one.

As the night wore on, the elves sang and danced, their music and laughter echoing through the halls.

Keith watched, a sense of pride and belonging swelling in his chest.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Evelyn smiling up at him.

"Shall we take a walk in the gardens?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Keith nodded, and they slipped out into the moonlit gardens.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of fountains splashing in the distance.

As they strolled along the winding paths, Evelyn turned to him with a serious expression. "Keith, I want you to know how proud I am of you. You have come so far, and you are ready for this war."

Keith smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her. "I could not have done it without you, Evelyn. You have been my rock throughout this journey."

Evelyn's eyes shone with tears, and she reached out to take his hand. "We are in this together, always."

As they walked, the gardens grew quieter, the only sound being the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hum of elven magic.

Keith felt a sense of peace settle over him, knowing that he had found a true friend in Evelyn.

Their walk ended at a tranquil pond, where they sat on a bench, watching the stars reflected in the water.

The night was filled with a sense of hope and promise, and Keith knew that no matter what lay ahead, he would face it with Evelyn by his side.

As they sat on the bench, the sound of gentle lapping of the water against the shore created a soothing melody.

The stars above twinkled like diamonds in the sky, and the moon cast a silver glow across the garden.

Keith felt a sense of tranquility wash over him, and he turned to Evelyn with a smile.

"Evelyn, from the moment I met you, I knew you were special," he said, his voice low and sincere. "You have been my guiding light, my confidante, and my friend. I do not know what I would do without you."

Evelyn's eyes sparkled with tears, and she squeezed his hand. "You will never have to find out, Keith," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I will always be here for you, no matter what lies ahead."

As they sat in comfortable silence, the sound of footsteps echoed through the garden, growing louder with each passing moment.

Keith and Evelyn turned to see the Elf King approaching them, a look of solemnity on his face.

"Keith, the time has come," he said, his voice grave. "The scouts have reported Azrok's army is on the move. We must prepare for battle."

Keith nodded, his heart pounding in his chest.

He knew this moment was inevitable, and he was ready.

He stood up, his hand still clasped with Evelyn's, and faced the Elf King.

"I am ready, Your Majesty," he said, his voice firm. "Let us march into battle together, and may the light of the elves guide us."

The Elf King nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Then let us go, Keith. The fate of our realm awaits."

As the Elf King spoke, the sound of drums echoed through the garden, growing louder with each beat.

The elves gathered around Keith and Evelyn, their faces set with determination.

The air was electric with anticipation, and Keith could feel the weight of the moment settling upon him.

With a nod, the Elf King led the procession out of the garden, through the temple, and into the heart of the elven city.

The streets were lined with elves, all bearing weapons and armor, their eyes shining with a fierce light.

As they marched, the drums grew louder, and the sound of trumpets joined in, blaring a fierce melody that seemed to stir the very soul.

Keith felt his heart pounding in time with the drums, his senses heightened as he gazed out at the sea of elven faces.

They reached the city gates, which swung open with a mighty creak, revealing the dark landscape beyond.

The army of Azrok stretched out before them, a seemingly endless horde of twisted creatures and dark magic.

Keith drew the [Elemental Scepter], its power surging through him like a river of fire.

He raised it high, and the elves roared in response, their voices shaking the very foundations of the earth.

With a wave of his hand, Keith led the charge, the elves surging forward like a tidal wave of steel and magic.

The battle was joined, and the fate of the realm hung in the balance.

As the armies clashed, Keith and Azrok finally faced off in a duel of magic and willpower.

The air around them crackled with energy as they unleashed their most powerful spells.

Azrok hurled a bolt of dark magic, but Keith deflected it with his scepter, channeling the elemental forces to strike back with a blast of fire.

Azrok countered with a wave of ice, but Keith dodged and weaved, his agility and quick reflexes allowing him to avoid the attack.

The battle raged on, each sorcerer exchanging blows and neither gaining the upper hand.

Keith summoned a whirlwind, but Azrok conjured a dark vortex to neutralize it.

Azrok unleashed a torrent of shadowy tendrils, but Keith conjured a brilliant light to repel them.

As the fight prolonged, both sorcerers began to tire.

Keith's scepter glowed dimmer, and Azrok's dark magic faltered.

But neither would yield. With a fierce cry, Keith mustered his last reserves of energy and unleashed a final, desperate blast of magic.

Azrok attempted to deflect it, but Keith's spell was too powerful.

It struck the sorcerer with incredible force, sending him crashing to the ground.

The darkness dissipated, and Azrok lay motionless, defeated.

Keith stood panting, his scepter dim and his body exhausted.

But he knew the battle was far from over.

He turned to face the remaining dark creatures, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the darkness dissipated, Keith approached Azrok's motionless form, his scepter still humming with residual energy.

He stood over the sorcerer, his chest heaving with exhaustion, and gazed down at the face that had haunted his dreams for so long.

Azrok's eyes, once blazing with malevolent intent, now stared blankly into the distance, their darkness extinguished.

His pale skin seemed almost translucent in the fading light of day, and his lips were parted in a silent scream.

Keith felt a surge of triumph and relief wash over him, but it was short-lived.

As he reached out to claim the sorcerer's staff, a sudden jolt of energy shot through Azrok's body, and his eyes snapped back into focus.

With a snarl, Azrok lunged at Keith, his fingers clawing at the air like talons.

Keith stumbled back, caught off guard, and barely raised his scepter in time to deflect a blast of dark magic.

The two sorcerers engaged in a fierce and frantic duel, their spells clashing in a spectacular display of light and sound.

The air was filled with the acrid smell of ozone and the earth trembled beneath their feet.

As the fight raged on, Keith began to tire.

Azrok's magic seemed to grow stronger, fueled by his desperation and rage.

Keith stumbled, his vision blurring, and Azrok sensed his chance.

With a cackle, the sorcerer unleashed a devastating blast of energy that sent Keith crashing to the ground.

As the young sorcerer struggled to rise, Azrok raised his staff, ready to deliver the final blow.

But just as all hope seemed lost, Evelyn appeared out of nowhere, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she struck Azrok down.

The sorcerer crumpled, his staff slipping from his grasp, and Keith finally found the strength to rise, his scepter shining with renewed power.

Together, Keith and Evelyn stood victorious over the vanquished sorcerer, their bond and determination having saved the day once more.

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