
Who Is The Inspector?

Inspector: How about you all introduce yourselves? lets start with you, pyramid head.

Gin: Hey, just because my head is shaped like that and has a yellow color to it doesn't make me a pyramid head!

Inspector: Yea yea whatever just introduce yourself.

Gin: My name is Gin-Taro!

Inspector: Oh, so you are that Gin-Taro mister Hans told me about!

Gin: You know mister Hans?

Inspector: Of course! after all, I'm the virtue master.

Gin: I can see...

Inspector: He told me about how you snuck into the middle class and saw Shinra's sword technique!

Gin: Oh he did?

Inspector: Yeah, anyways. Moving onto to you, orange haired kid.

Carpet: My name is Carpet Swayer, I worked in the middle class as a business man until the day I joined the authority and began serving the army.

Inspector: Amazing, I'd love to know what business is like, but those Sinhearts aren't giving me a chance... moving on!

Zion: My name Zaiyon! nice to meet'cha! 

Inspector: Oh, an energetic one, nice to meet'cha too, and for the final guy.

As the Inspector's gaze falls upon Razor, he senses an ominous familiarity emanating from him, a sensation that sets his senses on edge.

Inspector: You, introduce yourself.

Razor: My name is Razor Shogun, of the Shogun clan.

The Inspector's facade remains unyielding as a pang of recognition shoots through him, though he conceals any outward sign of discomfort. His eyes widen imperceptibly, a silent acknowledgment dawning upon him: Razor is of the notorious Shogun clan.

Inspector: What's your father's name?

Razor: Why must you know that?

Inspector: Trust me, it'll do you good in the future.

Razor: My father's name is Shyoko.

Inspector: Shyoko... what's your grandfather's name?

Razor: What is all this questioning for?

Inspector: If you do not want to answer, you don't have to, but its just so I can keep my ease, I'd really love to get an answer from you.

Razor: I... I don't really remember it well, I remember my father talking about my grand father, I believe his name was, Asura.

Inspector: Brain. Asura has a grandkid??

Inspector: May I see your blade, Razor?

Razor: Sure.

As Razor tosses his blade to the Inspector, the Virtue Master catches it with practiced ease. With a subtle motion, he draws the blade slightly, his gaze fixating on a distinct marking etched at its beginning: "Asura".

Inspector: Asura you bastard, why didn't you tell me you had a grand kid...

Razor: Y-You know my grandfather?

Inspector: Used to know him.

Razor: W-Where is he now? c-can I meet him?

Inspector: Nope, sorry kid, he's long gone, some idiot killed him, I witnessed it myself.

Razor: H-He's dead? oh...

With a flick of his wrist, the Inspector tosses Razor's blade back to him. Razor catches it deftly, swiftly sheathing the sword back into its scabbard with a fluid motion.

Inspector: Don't worry, I just had something personal to check, anyways, now that everyone has introduced themselves, lets get into the main show, the special training...

Carpet: Wait, before we begin... I think everyone here can agree with me. I don't really feel comfortable about you training me without knowing you even more. Virtue master, don't get me wrong, I'd be delighted to be trained by one of the most powerful people, but I must gain trust and information before that happens, and I ask you to comply.

The Inspector is stunned, but began giggling.

Inspector: If that's what you want, then sure.

The Inspector takes off glasses, and his scarf, showing a simple face, but there are many stitches around his neck.

Inspector: My real name, is Ento Nagari.

Carpet: Ento Nagari... got it, so may I refer to you as Ento from now on?

Inspector: I'd still prefer to be called as Inspector, since I need to hide my name in order to protect the people closest to me.

Carpet: I see.

Inspector: Anyways, anyone has questions?

Gin: Mister Inspector, what are those stitches around your neck?

Inspector: Oh, those? it was from a battle against the strongest opponent I've ever faced.

Gin: He, gave you scars on your neck?

Inspector: I'd, rather not go into any details...

Gin: Oh, alright then.

Inspector: Anyone else, wants to ask any questions before we begin?

Everyone stays quiet, letting the Inspector know that they have nothing to ask.

Inspector: Great, lets begin our training.

The Inspector began backing away, giving distance between him and his students.

Zion: So, are you going to teach us tall man?

Inspector: Not really, you see, I don't like teaching people some nonsense, if you have anything you want to learn, just ask me.

Gin: Arcane Release!

Inspector: That, I can't do...

Carpet: Why not? I also seek interest in that transformation.

Inspector: Its not that I don't want to, its that I can't teach arcane release, its something that happens throughout the development of your arcane, I found that out later in life, and what I've seen in other people.

Carpet: Alright then...

Razor: Is there anyway we can enhance our virtue?

Inspector: Virtue can be increased, but it can't be enhanced, stronger virtue comes from more usage, there is no sure way you enhance your virtue.

Razor: Hm.

Zion: Inspector! I challenge you to a battle!

Inspector: Oh? what is this proposal?

Zion: I want to see how strong I am! and the only way I can see that is through fighting you!

Inspector: Are you sure? you can always fight someone else.

Zion: But if I fight someone else, I can't measure my strength, I need to fight the strongest!

Inspector: I can see where you are coming from, alright then, don't take too long.

Carpet: Zion, are you sure about this?

Zion: Hey, don't doubt the power of Zion alright business man?

Carpet: Hm, I guess I can't change your mind.

Zion rises, assuming a fighting stance, while the Inspector casually slips his hands into his pockets, remaining still as he observes Zion's preparations, his gaze unwavering as Zion stretches and moves about in readiness for the impending clash.

Gin is taken aback by Zion's audacity in challenging the Inspector, while Razor registers surprise as well but quickly shifts his focus to contemplating the potential dynamics of the upcoming confrontation, unfazed by the unexpected turn of events.