
The Special Cases.

In the grand halls of the Authority's central edifice, a proclamation echoes forth, heralding the cessation of sector-specific trainings. Instead, the attention of all is directed towards the imminent conquest on the Dark Entity. Henceforth, preparations shall pivot towards readiness, with preparatory trainings taking precedence.

Olivia: S-Sector trainings are still delayed??

Gin: Don't worry, we can train by ourselves!

Olivia: I'd rather have someone professional help me, not some fifteen year old kid.

Gin: You can't deny it, I'm pretty strong!

Razor: What are you two babbling about?

Gin: Razor, am I physically strong or not?

Razor: You are physically strong, yes. But in terms of virtue control, arcane control, and usage of arcane techniques, you are pretty pathetic.

Olivia bursts into laughter, having heard several of Gin's weaknesses.

Razor: Olivia, you aren't exempt in this situation too, you might have brains, but you certainly don't have brawns, your virtue control is average, so is your usage of arcane techniques, and your physical strength isn't comparable enough to anyone here, you are probably more pathetic than Gin is.

Olivia: H-Hey! since we are so weak in your eyes, what about your weaknesses?

Razor: I'm perfect.

Olivia finds herself on the brink of a scream, only to be interrupted by the sudden creak of her dormitory door. In its frame stands an official, casting a shadow of uncertainty over her tumultuous thoughts.

Official: H-Hello! sorry to interrupt, b-but may I have uhhh... Gin-Taro, a-and Razor Shogun?

Gin: Hm? for what?

Official: You are going to personally meet the virtue master!

Gin's excitement radiates from every pore, his eyes sparkling with anticipation at the unexpected visit from someone of such authority. Meanwhile, Razor's shock is palpable, his widened eyes betraying a mix of surprise and disbelief that they have garnered the attention of such a revered figure.

Gin: T-The virtue master??

Olivia: W-Wait, i-is my name in there?

Official: What is your name my dear?

Olivia: O-Olivia Sinheart!

Official: No, no, no... I don't see an Olivia Sinheart here, sorry but I'm kind of in a rush, my boss told me that anyone left in any dorm room should go home, as there are going to prepare some stuff for the trainings.

Olivia: S-So I should just, g-go home?

Gin: Ha, looks like I was strong enough after all, the virtue master himself wants to meet me!

Olivia: W-Wait b-but I don't want to...~

Left standing alone in the midst of the room's solemn stillness, Olivia's initial flurry of emotions subsides into a mixture of neutrality and sadness. As the air thickens with the weight of the moment, she finds herself grappling with the abrupt departure of her comrades, their absence leaving an echoing void in the space they once inhabited.

Olivia: Be alone...

With a heavy heart, Olivia retrieves her sword from its place by her bedside, the familiar weight offering a small comfort in the midst of her turmoil. As she steps out of the dorm room, her path forward shrouded in uncertainty yet tinged with a determined purpose.

Gin and Razor follow the official into a mysterious chamber. Suddenly, a slide materializes, sending them tumbling down into an unknown tunnel.

Razor: W-What's going on?

Gin: We are sliding!

Razor: N-No! I mean where is it leading us to?

Gin: The virtue master!

Suddenly, the tunnel takes them to a room, they fall down and hit themselves, but slowly get back up, looking at the room, it looks like a normal room in the authority building, as Razor and Gin look to their left, they see two people standing there, one of which they noticed is Carpet.

Gin: Carpet!

Carpet: Gin? Razor?

Razor: You were also selected to meet the virtue master?

Carpet: I guess so...

Gin: Where is Wicker?

Carpet: He wasn't selected, I think the same happened for Olivia as well?

Gin: Yes, I don't know why we out of all the batches were chosen.

Razor: Who is the other guy?

Carpet: Oh, I didn't introduce him, did I? he is with me and Wicker's batch, he's name is Zaiyon.

Zion: Nice to meet yo!

A dark-skin toned man with a deep complexion sports a distinctive look: a vibrant purple headband secures his voluminous afro-style hair, while his muscular frame fills out a sleeveless white shirt, neatly tucked into audaciously black pants. Completing his ensemble are sneakers equipped with sleek air jets, underscoring his blend of style and athleticism.

Extending his hand for a shake, Zaiyon exudes confidence. Gin, taken aback by the intricacy of the man's attire, gazes in awe, captivated by the unexpected complexity of his outfit.

Gin: Do you always dress like this?

Zion: Yeah bro! why does it matter?

Razor: I-It just seems...

Zion: Awesome, am I right bro's?

Gin: Y-Yeah... awesome... Carpet, how do you deal with such a guy in your batch?

Carpet: He's not much trouble for me, and he's pretty awesome.

Zion: Mister Carpet here is my best friend you see?

Gin: I-Is he being for real?

Carpet: J-Just ignore it...

Mid-conversation, Razor's senses prick up as he detects an immersive presence drawing near the room.

Gin: But why does he dress like this? i-it's completely-

Razor: Quiet! something is approaching!

With swift precision, Razor readies his weapon, poised to strike at the incoming target with unwavering focus.

As the tension mounts, Gin mirrors Razor's actions, preparing himself for whatever threat looms ahead. Zaiyon maintains a firm stance, his hands crossed in a display of steadfast resolve, while Carpet adopts a more casual posture, hands nonchalantly resting in his blazer pockets.

Carpet: Everyone, stop... its him.

From the concealed depths of the ceiling, a pair of legs emerge, heralding the arrival of an enigmatic figure. With a sudden descent, the mysterious body reveals itself to be none other than the esteemed Virtue Master, known simply as The Inspector. His graceful slide down from the ceiling, camouflaged by a deceptive facade of bricks, commands attention and instills an aura of intrigue.

Gin: W-What... h-how?

Inspector: Rocket science.

Razor: Y-You are... the all mighty virtue master...

Inspector: Precisely!

Zaiyon: Such strength... I wish to be like him some day...

In a seamless motion, the Virtue Master transitions from his descent to a graceful standing position, maintaining an air of poise and authority as he continues his approach toward the group. With each measured step, he draws closer until finally reaching the floor, his presence casting a palpable aura of significance over the room.

Inspector: The four of you are probably wondering why you've been called, well... you've all been called because, it has recently been known to me that the four of you... are special cases.

Razor: Special cases?

Inspector: Exactly, and that is why, I will be your teacher from now on, as typically for special cases, a virtue master is required to draw out their full potential.

Gin: S-So what you are trying to say is that, you are going to be our teacher from now on?

Inspector: Yep, so brace yourselves, my training ain't easy.

Razor, Gin, Carpet, and Zaiyon steel themselves, ready to embark on the special training session under the guidance of the Virtue Master himself.