
The Three Sectors.

As Olivia is about to clash with Gin and Ansu, Both parties are suddenly stopped by Razor, who flings Olivia sword away, and drills his sword on the floor in front of Gin and Ansu.

Razor: Is this really the best place to do this? Olivia, if you are caught doing this, you will most likely be removed from this batch, and you barely passed, didn't you Olivia? besides, this will hurt your reputation.

Olivia: Y-You do have a point...

Razor: As for you, Gin and Ansu, if you were to fight, Gin-Taro. You would've probably been deported at this point, and Ansu would get kicked out of the Authority, and sent to the third class.

Gin: I-I don't want to get deported.

Ansu: The third class haunts me...

The official comes back with Olivia's results.

Official: A-Alright Miss Olivia, I-I was able to pull some strings and barely pass you by changing your records...

Olivia: Really? thank you so much! you didn't have to!

Gin and Ansu look at each other, raising an eyebrow at each other.

Official: I-I really had to... b-because then this batch would be shut dow-

Olivia: Ugh! spare me the details!

Razor: Olivia, show some gratefulness...

Olivia: F-Fine, I-I don't know what I would've done if you didn't pass me...

Official: N-No need to show formalities at this point of time! you need to get back to your rooms, as tomorrow is the sector selections.

Gin: Sector selections?

Official: The sector selections require you to select one of three sectors, within each sector is an excellent teacher that teaches you what you are looking for, but to get a chance of being taught, you have beat the sector exams, which each sector has a unique form of exam so that the teacher can see your value.

Gin: Who are the three-

Official: S-Sorry I don't have time for this, I really need to finish my work...

The official leaves, leaving Gin with a bunch of questions, but Gin thinks of the moment instead of the questions.

Ansu: Lets go back to our dorm, follow me.

Ansu takes Gin and the others to the dorm where they will be staying until further notice.

Gin recognizes this room as the same room he wake up in after he talked to Manager Hans in that dark room, he spots a bunch of water bottles and quickly begins drinking.

Razor: We didn't realize you were this thirsty... are the food conditions that bad down at the third class?

Gin: No, they aren't bad, I just haven't had drinking water the entire day.

Olivia: You are able to survive that long without water? what an animal.

Ansu closes the door and sits down on his bed, as he does this, Gin puts down a water bottle and walks up to Olivia.

Gin: Hey, ever since I came here, I've noticed one single trait about you, are you annoying, petty and spoiled, you do everything you can to get your way, I don't like people like you.

Razor and Ansu look at Gin in awe, as he is able to speak in such a way to a first class, this would normally be a death sentence.

Olivia: H-Hey! don't speak to me in such a way peasant, or I'll have you deported!

Gin: Go ahead.

Olivia is shocked by the amount of confidence Gin has, Ansu's eyes widen, Gin doesn't look fazed at all.

Olivia: I-I..

Gin: Exactly, no words. I hope you realize your weaknesses, I'm going to bed.

Gin takes the top part of the bunk bed above Ansu and goes to sleep, while Razor takes the other bunk bed, so does Olivia. Gin has left Olivia shaken and powerless that night.

The next morning, everyone is awaken by the official.

Official: Good morning everyone! wake up wake up! get ready! you are going to the sector selections as soon as possible!

Everyone gets up and begins getting prepared, Gin turns to Ansu and asks a question.

Gin: Last night, the official told us about the sector selections, but who are the 3 people who will be training us?

Ansu: I have no idea to be honest.

Everyone is done getting ready and began heading out of their dorm, following up with the Official into the giant corridor.

Olivia: Its better to know when we get to the sector selections.

Everyone follows the official to the sector selections, they reach a huge double door and the official opens it for them.

Official: Just go inside! I'll be right outside when you are done!

The 4 of them use all their strength to open the door, when they open the door, they see a giant auditorium, with a lot of rookie's standing straight, waiting for the sector selections, Gin, Razor, Ansu and Olivia find their reserved spots and stand in a square position.

Gin: So we just have to wait?

Olivia: Shh! don't talk!

Gin: A-Alright...

Gin stays quiet, suddenly the auditorium's light's began flashing, and there are three seats elevated in front of everyone.

Official: Everyone! give it up for the three captains!

The man with yellow glasses, bald and wearing a black uniform sits down on the left chair, a man with a blade on his waist, black uniform and cape sits on the middle chair, and finally, a woman with white long hair, wearing a black uniform as well sits on the right chair.

Gin: T-The three captains?

Official: Now rookies! you may select which sector you want! but let the captains explain why you should choose them, lets start with our left man, Kon!

Every looks happy but contain their composure, Kon stands up from his chair, and takes his glasses off.

Kon: Now, why you should choose me? I'm excellent at improving your martial arts and combat techniques, with these. You can easily increase your damage output and land powerful hits, I do not teach anything regarding virtue control, since I don't have any. But my sector exam isn't easy.

Kon rests his case and sits down, putting his glasses back on, next. The middle chair man stands up.

Tameo: My name is Tameo, the god of lightning. now, why should you choose me? I can help you refine your arcane, and I have only one simple rule, be on the offensive side of a fight, all times. I want you to be as aggressive as you can. Do not hold back during my sector exam.

Gin: What is arcane, a-and what is virtue?

Olivia: Shhh! stop asking so many questions!! I already know who I'm picking, I like to be aggressive...

Tameo sits down, while the last on the right chair, stands up.

Helen: Hello my dear rookies! my name is Helen, The Queen Of Ice. Now, you are probably wondering why you should choose me, I can teach you how to use your virtue properly, at the same time I can teach you virtue control, I can also teach aspects on how to control your arcane properly, and how to use it, and to add to it, I'm on the roll to become the up and coming Virtue Master.

Gin: I-I'm still confused... V-Virtue Master?

Helen rested her case and sat down.

Official: Now! its time to select who you want as your master!

Everyone quickly began taking spots, once they take a spot they are assigned badges, for Kon its yellow, for Tameo its purple, and for Helen its white.

Gin: U-Uh, I-I don't know what to choose...

Razor: I need to refine my sword skills, and how to control this cursed blade... so I have no choice but to take Tameo as my master.

Olivia: Wise choice Razor! I'm going with you as well!

Ansu: Since I have arcane, I'm going with Helen, I need to refine it and make it stronger.

Gin: I-I don't even know if I have arcane, o-or virtue... I-I don't know what any of that means...

Ansu: You can probably find out more about your virtue if you take on Helen's sector.

Gin: Fine... but don't make me regret this...

Ansu and Gin began moving towards Helen's side, while Razor and Olivia moved towards Tameo's side, same batch but different sectors.