
The Sector Exams, Olivia's Resolve.

Razor and Olivia look very cautious, Tameo turns to them and claps his hands.

Tameo: So, you two are just waiting here while I'm beating everyone? where is the sense of teamwork, explain yourselves...

Olivia: W-We.. W-We...

Razor: The amount of people would lead to bad coordination and team work if there is no respect to the plan within the team, not everyone can be trusted, we do whatever we can to pass.

Tameo: Great explanation, but I don't want to hear you ramble for too long, come at me!

Olivia increased her grip on her sword, keeping her guard up, Razor finally drew his blade, and began walking towards Tameo, Tameo sees this and smirks.

Tameo: Are you acting bold? or confident? I can't tell...

Razor: Charm Technique, 32. Swiftness.

Tameo: He can use charm techniques?

Razor's speed and agility suddenly sky rocketed, Olivia can feel his speed increase to a high level.

Razor: If I can't break your guard, then I'll beat it with speed.

Razor suddenly disappeared, Olivia's eyes widen, this speed is not normal and she thinks about the draw backs of such speed.

Olivia: Is this what he has been training this entire time?

Tameo: I'm having difficulty sensing him... whenever I look, he disappears

Razor moves like a gust of wind, closing in on Tameo with incredible speed. As Tameo retreats, Razor's blade descends, only for Tameo to counter with a forceful slam. But Razor vanishes, leaving Tameo grasping at air, his cloak the only evidence of his near miss.

Razor: He almost got me...

Tameo: Nice cloak, barely saved you though.

Razor lunges at Tameo, sword poised for a deadly strike, but Tameo sidesteps with ease. As Tameo's fist flies towards him, Razor's quick reflexes allow him to evade, but Razor disappears once more, leaving Tameo surrounded by bewildering afterimages.

Intrigued by Razor's tactics, Tameo realizes he's facing a formidable opponent. Razor's elusive movements make it nearly impossible to predict his next strike. When Razor attempts a surprise attack from behind, Tameo dodges and seizes the opportunity to throw Razor against a wall.

Though Razor staggers to his feet, Tameo isn't finished. He delivers a relentless barrage of blows, refusing to let Razor escape. The clash intensifies as Tameo's determination meets Razor's resilience in a battle of wits and skill.

Tameo: Come on! you are pretty quick aren't you! how are you going to get out of this situation!

Olivia charges at Tameo with fury, her sword aimed for a lethal strike. But Tameo anticipates her move, delivering a devastating blow to her stomach before she can react. Olivia crumples to the ground, coughing up blood, while Tameo, now focused on her vulnerability, leaves Razor behind, who collapses, exhausted and bleeding heavily.

Tameo: Oh look who we have here? a weakling? is this your resolve? because if it is then it looks pretty pathetic!

Olivia's mind echoes with the same words Ansu once spoke during their training sessions. Anger surges within her, fueling her determination. With a swift motion, she retrieves her sword and rises to her feet, assuming a defensive stance, her resolve as sharp as the blade she wields.

Olivia: I'm not a weakling, and I'm not pathetic!

Olivia charges at Tameo once more, her blade slicing through the air with determination. Tameo, expecting a straightforward attack, prepares to strike back with full force. However, he's caught off guard as Olivia's movements become erratic and unpredictable. Confusion clouds Tameo's mind as he tries to anticipate her next move, but Olivia's unorthodox dodges keep him guessing, turning their duel into a chaotic dance.

Olivia: I've set this technique up for really long, you have no idea how long I've trained this, this technique shall bring you down! Thin blade!

With a sudden shift in technique, Olivia unleashes a horizontal slash towards Tameo, her sword transforming into a slender blade without sacrificing any power. The unexpected change in her weapon's form grants her unprecedented speed, and she launches herself at Tameo with renewed determination. 

However, despite the anticipation and buildup, Olivia's efforts are in vain as Tameo swiftly delivers a powerful uppercut, sending her reeling backwards. The force of the blow propels her across the room, her body crashing into the corner with a resounding thud, leaving her incapacitated.

Olivia: I-I've... tried...

Tameo: That's some great determination you have there, you have shown me that you aren't just some scared weakling, but you are strong from the inside. Maybe next time you'll pass.

As Tameo momentarily credits Olivia for her valiant efforts, his attention shifts back to Razor, who has mysteriously vanished from the floor. A smirk plays on Tameo's lips, but before he can react, a sudden presence looms behind him. 

Turning just in time, Tameo finds himself face to face with Razor, hovering in the air, his sword raised high. Dark purple light emanates from Razor's eyes, mirroring the ominous glow of his blade. 

In a voice tinged with darkness, Razor speaks the chilling words...

Razor: Cursed King.

Razor unleashes a devastating slash at Tameo, who frantically attempts to block the attack, but to no avail. The force of the blow sends Tameo hurtling across the room, crashing into a corner with a resounding impact. 

Despite the overwhelming force of the strike, Tameo swiftly rises to his feet, his determination unyielding. As the dust settles, it becomes clear that Razor has emerged victorious, his skill proven by the successful landing of the decisive blow, marking his passage of the Sector Exams.

Tameo: Cursed King huh? what a technique, it went through my block, seems like you pass.

As Tameo recovers from the devastating blow, a blade hurtles towards him from the side. With lightning reflexes, he dodges the projectile effortlessly, only to find Olivia standing there, her determination evident despite her worsening condition. 

Realizing that Olivia has thrown the blade as a desperate bid for a chance to pass the test, Tameo's expression softens with respect. Despite her injuries and bleeding intensifying, Olivia refuses to back down. With slow, determined steps, she begins to approach Tameo, her unwavering resolve shining through the pain.

Olivia: I-I have to pass...

With a burst of determination, Olivia's slow movement transforms into a desperate run, her goal clear despite her weakened state. However, her fatigue betrays her, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. Undeterred, she refuses to surrender, and with sheer willpower, she begins to crawl towards Tameo, every inch a testament to her unwavering resolve and determination to succeed.

Olivia: I-I have to... I have to, p-pass...

Tameo watches Olivia's relentless determination with a stoic expression, unmoved by her desperate attempts. As Olivia grasps his leg and begins hitting it in a futile attempt to make him yield, Tameo remains resolute, his composure unshaken. Though her efforts may seem futile, he recognizes the strength of her spirit, a testament to her unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

Olivia: I have to pass... I just... have to!

Tameo: You may rest now, little one.

As Olivia's strength finally gives way, she collapses, her consciousness fading into the darkness of unconsciousness. With her fate hanging in the balance, the outcome of her exam remains uncertain. Despite her valiant efforts, whether Olivia will emerge victorious or face defeat remains to be seen, leaving a lingering tension in the air as the exam hangs in limbo.