
Shinjo's end.

Ranger raised the barrier, noticing Ansu's evasion tactics, signaling the need for vigilance in their battle.

Ranger: He... he dug down underground?

Shinjo: H-He might be coming over to me!

Ranger: I can't sense his virtue anywhere, you are safe, Shinjo...

Shinjo: Oh, thank god.

Ranger: We need to get you to medical care.

Ranger opens the barrier and swiftly carries Shinjo to the Authority's building.

Ranger lays Shinjo on a bed for medical attention before hurrying to Helen's room, swiftly opening the door.

Helen: Ranger? you can't just-

Ranger: We have a problem!

As they sat down, Ranger recounted the events to Helen, detailing Ansu's relentless pursuit and cunning tactics. Helen listened intently, her surprise evident at Ansu's determination to escalate the conflict to such extremes.

Helen: And you say, Shinjo killed Ansu's brother?

Ranger: That's what Ansu told me.

Helen: Take me to Shinjo please.

Ranger: Right away!

As Ranger took Helen to the medical emergancy room, Helen looked at Shinjo's body, crippled in despair.

Helen: Stop healing him.

Urgent care lady: Why?

Helen: Just stop, we need to question him.

Urgent care lady: Alright then, I'm not even able to heal him, those wounds at too big and damaged.

Helen: Really? then leave him to us.

Shinjo: W-What are you going to do to me?

Helen pressed her finger onto Shinjo's knee, eliciting a scream of agony from him as the pain shot through his body.

Shinjo: A-Agh! w-what are you doing! T-That! T-That hurts!

Helen: Oh, it works then.

Helen removed her finger from Shinjo's knee, the brief respite from pressure offering a momentary relief from his pain.

Helen: You are going to tell me the truth, top to bottom, and if you leave out any details, I'll make sure to place pressure on your knee.

Shinjo: A-Alright!

Helen: Did you kill Ansu's little brother?

Shinjo: N-No!

Helen applied pressure to Shinjo's knee, prompting him to cry out in agony, sweat beading on his brow as he endured the intense pain.

Shinjo: Y-Yes yes! I-I killed him! I killed Ansu's little brother!

Helen: Reason?

Shinjo: T-Too much potential, I couldn't have that taken away from me, if they meet, it means my demise, I won't have anyone to serve me when I get older, nor protect me! my training will be in vain, he will leave me, and go to his brother.

Helen: I've heard enough.

As Helen's finger made contact with Shinjo's knee, a chilling sensation swept over him as ice began to form, spreading rapidly across his body. Panic surged through Shinjo as he felt the icy tendrils encase him, trapping him in a frozen prison of fear and despair.

Helen: Death freeze.

Shinjo: W-Wait! N-No! I've said the truth! please! No!

Helen: Such a scum.

Shinjo's body is frozen solid, but Helen shows no hesitation. She moves in swiftly, directing a powerful blow at his icy chest, causing it to splinter into a multitude of fragments, ultimately bringing his demise.

Helen: Ranger, where is Ansu.

Ranger: He ran off, escaping somewhere, I don't know his whereabouts, I was protecting Shinjo as I didn't know the full story or context, it was a dire situation...

Helen: I can't imagine what Ansu is going through right now...

Ranger: I probably have to apologize to him... once I meet him again, I feel really bad for holding him back...

Helen: I understand your situation, he was a veteran and could be more trusted...

Ranger: I'm sorry for not understanding the situation...

Helen: I'm not the person you need to apologize to.

Ranger: I know...

Ranger strides out of the urgency room, determination etched on his face as he heads towards batch four's dormitory. The weight of the news he bears hangs heavy in the air, driving him forward with a sense of duty to ensure they are informed.

As Ranger pushes open the door, he enters to find Razor seated on his bed, skillfully twirling a shuriken in his hand with practiced ease. Meanwhile, Olivia stands before the mirror, focused on arranging her hair with meticulous care. The scene is momentarily serene, a stark contrast to the gravity of the news Ranger is about to deliver.

Olivia: Razor, did you see my hair gel?

Razor: Gin flushed it down the toilet.

Olivia: He did what?

Razor: He said he wanted to know if it'll flood the bathroom, because he thinks soap and water makes some type of water explosion.

Olivia: Ugh, when I see him, I'll beat him to a pulp!

Ranger: Batch four! I have some news to inform you of!

Olivia: It better be a new hair gel!

Ranger: N-No... its not that, something happened to Ansu-

Just as Ranger steps into the room, Gin appears behind him, his breath ragged and sweat glistening on his brow from the exertion of the eight frantic runs he made around the authority. With trembling arms, he manages to keep the door from slamming shut, his body teetering on the brink of collapse from the exhausting endeavor.

Ranger: Gin? what happened to you?

Gin: O-Oh... n-nothing, I-I just had to... d-do some exercise...

Razor: He got a punishment for arriving late during the battle for the Authority.

Olivia's sudden approach catches Gin off guard, and his already exhausted body tenses with fear as he sees the blade in her hand. His breath catches in his throat, and panic flashes in his eyes, realizing he's in no condition to handle this unexpected confrontation.

Olivia: Hey! I know what you did with my hair gel, Gin.... I'm going to kill you!

Gin: S-Shit!

Olivia began chasing Gin around the room, screaming at him as Gin ran around, Ranger is astonished by how stupid this group is.

Ranger: Everyone! stop! Ansu has left the Authority island!

Everyone stops in their place, hearing the news about Ansu, they look at Ranger in astonishment.

Razor: A-Ansu, left?

Olivia: I haven't been treating him that badly...

Gin: Ansu left!?! for what reason?

Ranger: His brother was killed in front of him...

Everyone's eyes widen, feeling speechless in such a situation, hearing about Ansu's struggle, and understanding why he left the Authority island.

Olivia: He's brother was killed in front of him?

Razor: How do you know he left the island?

Ranger: I haven't found any traces of his virtue around the island, it seems that he has disappeared...

Gin: He must be going through a lot right now.

Razor: We should probably give him some space.

Ranger: Helen told me so... we haven't started searching for him yet. Right now, you are a three member batch, a batch usually consists of four members, but we are keeping you all together, since we have hope in finding Ansu.

Ranger's reassuring smile breaks through the tension, radiating hope and conviction. His silent assurance that Ansu will be found and returned safely to the authority fills the room with a sense of unity and resolve. Each member understands the gravity of the situation and the importance of staying focused and determined in their search for their missing comrade.