
The Dark Entity.

"The Dark Entity," a mysterious island, stands as a sanctuary for Yokai and various other beasts, far removed from the turmoil of the outside world. Here, these enigmatic creatures dwell, each fending for survival in their own way, their existence seemingly irrational to those beyond the island's boundaries. In this secluded realm, ancient secrets and untold dangers lurk, shaping the lives of its inhabitants in ways unknown to the outside world.

Within the Dark Entity lies the lower level, where every inhabitant is treated with equal regard, regardless of their stature or lineage. However, atop a grand staircase, nestled within the heart of the king's castle, a scene unfolds that hints at a struggle for power and authority.

At the pinnacle of the castle's throne room, the Conqueror reigns from the imposing seat of power, his presence commanding respect and fear alike. Nearby, the Dark King, having stumbled in his bid for dominance, rises determinedly from the floor, grasping his fallen crown with unwavering resolve. Yet, his ascent to reclaim his rightful place on the throne is not unopposed.

Seated upon the steps leading to the throne, cloaked in darkness, is a woman draped in attire as black as midnight. Her presence exudes an aura of mystery and intrigue, hinting at her pivotal role in the unfolding drama of power and ambition within the Dark Entity.

Conqueror: Oh, how desperate you are to take your throne back, realize it, you aren't fit to rule a country yet, Dark.

Dark King: Its Dark King, not Dark.

Conqueror: Dark King? but you aren't a king, are you?

Dark King: I'm the king of the Dark Entity, I'll take my place back in anyway I can!

Aki, Zashi, and Yahiro watch from the sidelines, intrigued by the Dark King's attempt to reclaim his throne and curious about the cloaked lady's role in the unfolding drama.

Aki: What business does that cloaked lady have with the Dark Entity?

Cloaked Lady: I heard that.

Aki is stunned by her hearing ability, but quickly dismisses it.

Zashi: You heard it, then answer the question.

Cloaked Lady: Oh it just amazes me that a bed time story has come to life, right Conqueror?

Conqueror: I'm a bed time story? what utter nonsense, is there no respect for my power in this timeline?

Cloaked Lady: Its been forty thousand years, most people have forgotten about the great Conqueror Of The Sun.

Conqueror: Hey, I feel something beating in me...

Cloaked Lady: And what might that be?

Conqueror: I-It still exists? Aspect is still awake? no one has their hands on Aspect yet?

Cloaked Lady: Nope, Aspect is still being sought by other nations.

Conqueror: S-So it still exists! I wasn't able to achieve Aspect back forty thousand years ago... but now... now that I'm brought back to life, I can finally continue my journey towards Aspect...

Dark King: I won't allow you to do so, I'll be attaining Aspect!

Conqueror: You are far too weak to attain Aspect, boy. I could just destroy you now, but I love competition.

Dark King: Don't underestimate me!

The Conqueror steps down from the throne, his presence looming over the Dark King who stands before him. Without hesitation, the Dark King lunges forward with a slash, but the Conqueror swiftly counters, delivering a fatal blow to the Dark King's face. With a forceful impact, the Dark King is thrown back towards the door of the throne room. As the Dark King crumbles, the Conqueror remains standing, gazing at his hands with a mix of awe and determination.

Conqueror: Tch, my power level is really low...

Cloaked Lady: The Conqueror strikes again!

Conqueror: Shut up woman, your next.

Cloaked Lady: Me? I would never engage in combat with the Conqueror! it's simply a stupid idea.

Conqueror: Glad someone here knows their place.

Dark King: A-Agh...

The Dark King rises, blood streaming from his wounded face, his breath ragged and heavy. His gaze meets the unwavering stare of the Conqueror, who regards him with a solemn intensity, conveying the weight of the moment and the gravity of their confrontation.

Conqueror: Leave my room, all of you, I need time to think.

Cloaked Lady: Aww, me too?

Conqueror: Leave, I will not repeat my words again.

The cloaked lady let out a weary sigh, rising from her seat and gesturing for Yahiro, Zashi, and Aki to follow. As they departed, the Dark King stormed out of the room in a frenzy. His departure marked by a cacophony of screams and furious blows as he unleashed his rage upon the unsuspecting walls and floor, consumed by his inner turmoil.

Cloaked Lady: Wow, someone is angry.

Dark King: Don't taunt me.

Aki: You should calm down.

Dark King: How can I calm down! the person I brought back to life has taken my throne If I could, I'd kill him!

Cloaked Lady: King, don't get any ideas, this is not a fight you can win.

Dark King: How do you know? have you tried?

Cloaked Lady: It'd be stupid to try.

Dark King: You won't understand your limits, unless you try!

Cloaked Lady: I know my limits, and I know he's way beyond my league in various levels.

Dark King: He's not in complete power yet, m-maybe, maybe if we all attack him at once, w-we can win!

Zashi: What are you thinking?

Dark King: I'm thinking that, if we all go at once, we won't see where we are coming from! I'm a genuis!

Cloaked Lady: That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard, but sure! I'll entertain it!

Dark King: So this is the plan.

The Dark King huddles with Aki, Zashi, and Yahiro, his voice low as he outlines the plan. The Cloaked Lady, a silent observer, listens intently as the details unfold. Though the plan appears vague and straightforward on the surface, there's a glimmer of determination in the Dark King's eyes, hinting at the conviction burning within him. Despite its simplicity, he believes in its potential to turn the tide in their favor.

Aki: A-Are you sure this will work? because if it doesn't, we'll be dead meat.

Dark King: I'm sure of it.

Zashi: I don't have a problem with it.

Cloaked Lady: This will be pretty interesting...