
Olivia's Family.

The Inspector, along with Zion, Gin, Carpet and Razor. Appear in the head official's office.

Inspector: Head official, how's it going?

Head official: What are you doing here? you know you aren't suppose to be in my office.

Inspector: Well I just got a disturbance call from our allied islands, and they want me to investigate what's been happening to their island, crops disappearing, acid rain, livestock death, people disappearing, all that.

Head official: I think we should send one of the captains for this situation, you leaving this island leaves us vulnerable.

Inspector: What? Come on... at least let me be free! I've been trapped in this island for god knows how long!

Head official: four years, ever since you became the virtue master.

Inspector: Even you have been keeping track, look, lets say this trip to another island is for education purposes, I'm planning on taking these four brats along with me, since these are the four special cases.

Head official: Hm...

Inspector: And look, I won't even take that long!

Head official: Your job is to stay here and protect the nation and the king, it will be most unlikely for you to just, leave the nation like that...

Inspector: I said its for educational purposes, and look on the brighter side, these students might take my place once day!

Head official: Hm...

Inspector: these students might learn a lot, and don't you care about my freedom and well being-

Head official: Fine! you can leave the island! for just one day! only a single day! anything more than that and you'll be facing consequences!

The Inspector smirks, his tactics have worked.

Inspector: That's more like it! I'll be returning soon then, ciao!

Gin: Is this guy for real?

Inspector: Come on, we have a road trip to take.

The Inspector leaves, having Gin, Razor, Carpet and Zion follow him.

Head official: I might've made a crucial mistake...

The head official, face palming himself in thinking he made a mistake.


In the opulence of the first-class cabin, Olivia makes her way towards the esteemed royal household of the Sinheart clan. Upon her entrance, she's enveloped by the grandeur of a colossal mansion, complete with an array of attentive butlers and tastefully adorned furnishings. Ascending the staircase, crafted with regal precision from the most exquisite materials, Olivia is guided to her quarters by a courteous butler. Along her ascent, she catches sight of a gentleman leisurely reclining against a balustrade, savoring a glass of the finest wine.

Leaning casually against the balustrade, he lifts a glass of fine wine in acknowledgment of Olivia's arrival

???: Oh, look who came crawling back, did that army work not suit you after all?

Olivia: Shut it, Frank.

Frank: Well, I'm just being honest, you should've stuck with commerce, its what our family thrives on.

Olivia: I want to do what I want for once, I enjoy the thrill for fighting! and I want to prove to you that our family isn't all about business!

Frank Sinheart. At 24 years old, Frank stands as the newly appointed heir to the family business, his presence exuding a blend of confidence and responsibility befitting his position as the eldest son, he has grey hair, black shaded glasses, and an intelligent smirk.

Frank: What do you mean our family isn't built on business? the whole reason we run this house is because of business! do you know what father would say if he heard you say that?

Olivia: I couldn't care less of what father thinks...

Roger: What is that I hear?

Roger Sinheart, patriarch of the esteemed Sinheart clan and father to Olivia, is a distinguished figure at 65 years old. With a prominent brown mustache and a physique that speaks of strength, he often sports a monocle, adding an air of sophistication to his appearance. However, his imposing presence is challenged when he overhears Olivia declaring her indifference to his opinions.

Olivia: F-Father? I-I didn't-

Olivia reels from the sudden impact of Roger's massive hand across her face, shock evident in her expression. Roger's anger blazes as he glares at her, his disappointment palpable. Olivia is suddenly slapped in the face by Roger's huge hand, he looks at her in anger.

Roger: How could you! I've raised you to be a perfect lady! not whatever this nonsense is! its clear that the authority has corrupted you!

Olivia: N-No! its not like that! I like my time in the auth-

Roger: Not another word!

Frank chuckles as he watches this unfold, giving off a smile of happiness.

Frank: Father, Olivia is clearly not behaving well, shall we send her to the pit?

Olivia's eyes widen in horror as she hears mention of the pit, a place of unspeakable dread where punishment is meted out. The thought of being cast into that dark abyss, deprived of sustenance and hope, sends shivers down her spine. Tears well in her eyes, and her body trembles with fear at the mere prospect of such a fate.

Olivia: N-No... n-not the pit! I'm too old for that!

Roger: Great idea my son! no wonder you're going to be the head of the clan one day!

As Olivia turns to flee up the stairs, her escape is abruptly halted as Roger Sinheart's strong grip clamps down on her arm. She freezes, her heart pounding in her chest, realizing she cannot evade his grasp. The tension in the air is thick with uncertainty as she stares up at him.

Roger: We have already decided, you can't run now!

Olivia: L-Let me go! let me go!

Tears stream down Olivia's cheeks as she struggles against Roger's firm grip, her sobs growing more desperate. With trembling hands, she beats against his solid hold, but her efforts are futile against his strength. She feels trapped, overwhelmed by a mixture of fear and frustration.

Frank: Its time to get a good feeling of home, Olivia!

Olivia attempts to get off his grip, but her stamina is depleted, unable to do anything, she stopped squirming and accepted her fate, Roger drags her to a mysterious room, filled with a lot of torture devices.

Frank: Shall we torture? or shall we go to the pit?

Roger: Hm, I think we shall let her decide!

Olivia: P-Please... j-just let me-

Olivia's words are abruptly silenced as Roger's hand violently slams her head onto the unforgiving floor. The sickening thud resonates through the room as pain flares across her skull. As Roger cruelly lifts her head once more, the blood and bruises on Olivia's face begin to darken, a painful testament to the violence she has endured. With tears welling in her eyes and her body trembling with both agony and fear, Olivia stares up at Roger, a silent plea for mercy in her gaze.

Roger: What's with that look on your face? you know why we do this! you've been a disrespect to our clan ever since you were born! I don't even know why I had you! you are a failure!

Olivia: Y-You don't know-

Olivia's head is suddenly smashed into the floor once more, cutting her words short again, as he lifts her head up, two teeth fall off her mouth, as blood continues to drop.

Roger: Since you can't speak now, I guess we need you to gesture which one you will choose.

Frank: Wait father! I have an idea!

Roger: What is my son?

Frank: Olivia, breathe if you want torture, but if you want the pit, say your full name!

As Olivia gasps for breath, unable to speak, she realizes her brother's intentions. With only her breathing as a means of communication, she watches anxiously as he leans in, feeling the rhythm of her chest. In that silent exchange, Olivia's eyes plead for understanding, hoping he'll see her fear and pain, and choose compassion over violence.

Frank: Oh, so you want torture? oh well you should've said so!

Tears stream down Olivia's cheeks as she faces an agonizing choice between two harrowing fates. Despite the horrors of the pit, she finds herself unable to bear the thought of enduring further torture. With her heart wrenching in indecision, she violently shakes her head, her silent plea for mercy and release.

Frank: Oh don't worry! it won't take too long!

With a firm grip, Roger seizes Olivia's head, guiding her toward the ominous torture machine looming in the dimly lit room. Olivia's heart races with dread as she is led closer to her uncertain fate, her mind clouded with fear and desperation. Each step feels like a descent into an abyss of agony, her future hanging precariously in the balance as she braces herself for what horrors may come next.