
Kon and Gabe's teamwork.

Kon notices Helen's fight with the Dark King, as she is winning, he decides to join the fight, jumping in, a man suddenly jumps towards Kon, landing a punch with his boxing gloves on Kon's face, sending him staggering back, Kon quickly regained composure and got back on his feet, seeing the individual with boxing gloves, shorts and is bald.

Kon: Who are you?

Yahiro: My name is Yahiro! I'm a professional boxer, come on! show me your resolve!

Kon: Hm, alright then.

As Kon assumed his martial artist stance, Gabe swiftly joined him, With a fluid motion, he flicked his cigarette away, his focus now fully on the impending battle. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Kon, Gabe's presence offered both support and determination.

Gabe: Yahiro, was it? what's the first 50 digits of Pi.

Yahiro: Pi?

Gabe: Pi, ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Yahiro: How do you expect me to know that? you know what, since you asked me that question, I'm gonna beat you two times harder!

Gabe: You don't know? well that just angers me... I'M GOING TO TORTURE YOU FOR NOT KNOWING PI!

With a swift motion, Gabe unsheathed his long blade, the steel gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield. As he did, a palpable aura of danger seemed to emanate from him, enveloping him in a shroud of lethal intent. In the heat of the moment, Gabe's trademark baseball cap tumbled from his head, forgotten amidst the intensity of the impending clash.

Gabe charged at Yahiro, his blade aimed with deadly precision. Landing his giant blade on the floor, Despite Yahiro's quick reflexes, the ground cracked under the pressure of Gabe's attack, destabilizing him. Before he could recover, Kon struck Yahiro's side with a powerful blow. Yahiro staggered, blood staining his lips. Despite the onslaught, Yahiro remained resolute, refusing to yield to his adversaries.

Yahrio: A two v one?

Kon: Precise Combo's.

With determination burning in his eyes, Kon delivered a swift uppercut to Yahiro's chin, the force snapping his head back. Before Yahiro could fully recover, Kon followed up with a gut punch and a devastating kick to the face, each blow landing with calculated precision. 

Seizing the advantage, Kon grabbed Yahiro's shoulders, driving his knee into Yahiro's stomach with relentless ferocity. The cycle continued unabated, Kon's fists raining down upon Yahiro in a flurry of strikes. Overwhelmed by Kon's speed and power, Yahiro began to falter, his vision blurring as he teetered on the edge of consciousness. Despite his valiant efforts, Yahiro found himself unable to keep up with Kon's relentless assault, the darkness closing in as he struggled to maintain his grasp on the fleeting reality of the battlefield.

Yahiro's reflexes kicked in just in time to block one of Kon's fists, but the force of the impact sent him staggering backward. As he struggled to regain his balance, a sense of impending doom washed over him as he sensed Gabe's presence behind him.

With no time to react, Yahiro braced himself for the inevitable, accepting his fate as Gabe's giant blade came crashing down towards him. The ground shattered upon impact, engulfing everything in a cloud of dust and debris as cracks spiderwebbed outwards in all directions.

In that moment of destruction, Yahiro found himself enveloped in chaos, his fate uncertain amidst the devastation wrought by Gabe's colossal blade.

Gabe: Looks like we are done with this shit head.

Kon: Amazing teamwork.

Back where all the troops defeated the Yokai's, they were all resting, tired from the relentless battle.

Razor: Olivia, are you alright?

Olivia: I'm a little scared... b-but I'm fine!

Ansu: Just thinking that Gin is sound asleep while we are all here suffering, is making me really pissed.

Olivia: Me too, when I see him I'm going to knock him out!

Razor: We should be thinking of the present at the moment.

Olivia: Razor, Why do you always keep covering up for Gin?

Razor fell silent, the tension thick in the air, when suddenly a gunshot shattered the stillness, followed by the sound of a soldier dropping.

Olivia: W-What was that?

Ansu: Someone was shot...

Gunfire erupted, each shot claiming another soldier. The battlefield echoed with the sound of bodies hitting the ground, a grim reminder of the harsh realities of war. Despite the losses, the remaining soldiers stood firm, their resolve unbroken as they pressed on in the face of adversity.

Ranger: Its a sniper of their ship!

A figure clad in a fedora and adorned with a sniper rifle perched on the Dark King's ship, swiftly taking aim and firing with deadly accuracy. With practiced precision, the figure reloaded their weapon in a seamless motion, wasting no time between shots. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, the figure remained calm, the faint glow of a cigarette in hand contrasting with the intensity of their focus. Clad in an unadorned uniform, they exuded an air of silent determination as they continued to rain down precise shots from their vantage point, Aki, the sniper of the Dark Entity.

Aki: Six down, more to go.

Petra: Everyone! Duck down!

As everyone took cover, Aki's smile widened slightly as he calmly reloaded his sniper rifle and set it aside. Amidst the tension, a woman from the Authority glanced up, her expression unreadable as she assessed the situation.

Woman: Is the shooting over?

A sudden gunshot shattered the moment, the woman from the Authority collapsing as she was struck in the head. Like the soldiers before her, she fell lifeless to the ground, the harsh reality of battle claiming yet another victim.

Petra: Don't look up! he'll shoot you!

Ranger sprang into action, his movements fluid as he began forming intricate hand signs and weaving them together in a rapid sequence. With each gesture, a faint aura began to emanate from his hands, crackling with latent energy as he focused his concentration on the task at hand.

Ranger: Arcane! Limited Barrier!

Ranger's swift actions culminated in the creation of a vibrant rainbow barrier, enveloping everyone within its protective embrace. As the shimmering barrier materialized, shielding them from harm, Aki's irritation became palpable. The thrill of the fight drained away in the face of Ranger's powerful defense, leaving Aki disillusioned and disheartened.

Aki: Shit head, I'm out.

With a resigned sigh, Aki lowered his sniper rifle, his desire for excitement dampened by the sudden shift in circumstances. Recognizing that the tide of battle had turned, he reluctantly called off his shooting, acknowledging that the thrill of combat had been sucked out by Ranger's impenetrable barrier.

Ranger: Is everyone safe?

The applause for Ranger's quick thinking filled the air, Petra's sigh of relief echoing the sentiment. However, their respite was short-lived as the barrier shattered, and Helen's body came hurtling through the breach, crashing onto Ranger. Despite his initial blush, Ranger swiftly regained his composure, understanding the gravity of the situation. With a sense of urgency, he carefully moved Helen's unconscious form aside, his expression now tense with concern as he observed her injuries.

The shock among the onlookers was palpable as they took in the sight of Helen, battered and bleeding from the impact. Before they could fully process what had happened, a sudden chill filled the air as the Dark King made his presence known. Fear and disbelief washed over the group as they realized the magnitude of the threat they now faced—the defeat of Helen at the hands of the Dark King.